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Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

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    Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

    I have been working on a Treasure Map and thought some of you may find it helpful,as well.Treasure mapping is making a collage of pictures and words that represent a goal that you want to obtain.I collect pictures from Magazines and such.I then us a scrap booking technique with different pages being focused on different goals.Health is one of the most important for me so I have pictures of me in good health.I also have pictures of activities that i can do and will be able to do,once i am healthier.You can make a relationship goal page,finance,vacations even a new car what ever..etc. etc.The more you work on it,the more it will work on you and it's FUN..
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

    Evielou thanks for starting this! I make scrapbooks for the kids and grandkids so I consider myself a scrapper...LOL!! I am changing my ways andupgrading to a Treasurer Hunter...LOL!! I will post what I am starting with in just abit. This is great theraphy that doesn't cost a fortune...LOL!!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

      Great one2,Lets share pictures of our maps,if it's not too personal.I just saw that today is sept.10 and I remember that exactly 2yrs. ago today I was on a plane on the way to Shannon Airport to celebrate my Birthday.Maybe next time,we can have a meet up???
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

        Evie - this is much like a "vision board", right? I have one and I swear it works. I meditate and pray on what it is I want in my life. Right now I have a picture of a glass of wine with a strike through it (like a no parking sign) - apparentlly that one needs work, sigh, a picture of a really healthy, fit woman, a picture of my kids smiling and happy etc. All the things I want for myself and my family. I spend at least 10 minutes a day concentrating on it, praying about it, etc. It is great.
        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


          Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

          What a great idea. Thats a brill way to keep your mind off the grape!
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

            KBCE ,It is exactly like a Vision board.And I know that it works...Wanted a special car,years ago.I got pictures,words,color choice Etc.even went for a test drive and had my picture taken in one.Next thing you know,I owned a Porsche.A client sold his too me CHEAP.I did have to have it painted Purple(my map color choice).Looking ... has experience so hers is bound to be a masterpiece.Let's all create Masterpieces...
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..


              When I move in a few weeks, we are going to have a craft area where we can leave out our messes. Our sewing machine, our Sculpy, our paints, our calligraphy pens...ahhhh!! So I can start my treasure map. I love this idea!! I feel like it is time for me to start to dream again, and imagine possibilities.

              Thank you for this inspiring thread.



                Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                evie you always amase me u come up with great ideas,But im the worst mapper in the WORLD,my wifee did tht, but its still a great idean gyco


                  Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..



                    Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                    Gyco my friend...No excluses allowed.It is the gathering of symbols of things that you want in your life and using your point of focus to deliberatly create it..No artistic ablities needed,just intent to create a positive future.Come on,join us...I dare ya...
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                      Okay, we are all upgrading from scrappers to Treasure Hunters, agreed? And every map will be a unique masterpiece that we can share pictures of. O2M, you asked about what to use earlier. To get yourself started, get whatever your can find and afford. You can always upgrade later. I try to use products that are acid and lignin free. But when I do pages with Hanna (GD), it's anything goes. The one thing I strongly suggest is that you use page protectors and NOT magnetic photo covers. The turn icky over time.
                      Evielou, I bet you have some ideas for journaling words of inspiration
                      All of us are creative so anyone can do this - think back to how creative we were with AL use and abuse.
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                        I just went on E BAY and they have fancy punches ,rubber stamps and all kinds of other stuff..I love old magazines for the way they help me DREAM outside the box..My favorite word that I include in my maps is BELIEVE...
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                          AWSOME! I haven't made a real "stick the pictures on the page" scrap book since I was a freshman in highschool! A "Dream Book"! I'm ready! Keep posting you guys. All ideas. Oh soooooo fun! Can't wait to start!
                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                            Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                            Yes, Evielou, that is a great word! O2M, you don't need to ask for anything special at the shops, just read the packaging. Have I complicated things? Sorry if I have - just trying to keep it simple. Let me know if I can word things differently. Sometimes I get to technical. I'm sorry
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Teasure Mapping towards your GOALS..

                              My book is titled "Things That Define Me." I will post some photos tomorrow. This is from a kit that I picked apart but may serve as a template to start with. It will include:
                              Embarrassing moments - so I don't forget
                              Heartaches that taught me a lesson
                              Friends from childhood
                              Fashion fads
                              Things that scare me
                              Ways I have changed over time
                              Pictures I love
                              Things I want to achieve
                              Things I miss about childhood
                              Now, my map is expandable so suggestions are welcome! I like Evielou's idea of magazine photos.
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011

