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To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

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    To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

    Principles before Personality .... everyone has an opinion. Fogged or Forgotten we are still human. :H


      To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

      Been away for a while with work just saw this!!!! to every one who had to witness this mindless violence paticulary you New Yorkers i am deeply sorry We in Australia feel for you we lost beautiful souls in the Bali bombings they targeted Australians too !!!! These mindless Killers have waged a religious war on all of us !!!!! but what did we do!! Any way my heart and prayers go out to those Americans that lost there lives. I think every one needs to understand these people have waged war on western civilisation we may be wrong but we dont choose violence and murder to make a point. America as a Australian i am right behind you i shall never forget the loss of 9/11 my heart goes out to the families that lost love ones that day you shall not be forgotten


        To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

        It's ok......what I was hoping to express was thanks to the people and families who have given all or some.
        Freedom is not free. If it were not for the people who serve everyday 24/7 then we would not even be here having the right to say anything. We ,like Gyko would be afraid that someone would show up if we said what we think.

        This video is kinda long but it says alot and you can't describe what it is like to live here in one minute.
        Thank you all.
        Soldiers, firemen ,prayers warriors, and all others who are on call day and night


        [ame= ]YouTube - Why you can say "I Am Proud To Be An American"[/ame]
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

          Thank you Nancy for the post, as someone who lives in Washington and three miles from the Pentagon, I know what was real. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN AND I WILL NEVER FORGET!

          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

            Me too...a wee bit further away but having lost a very good friend, Jeep Fisher.
            Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


              To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

              I will never forget, thanks Belle.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                9/11 was the day America died. It died not because we got attacked. It died because too many Americans were willing to sacrifice our Constitutional freedoms and principals, to an Administration who's only goals were to feed corporate interest and eliminate dissent.

                And BTW, the Administration did a pretty poor job in sending soldiers on the right missions, dealing with the price of oil and gas, with the jobs and the economy, and our banking security. You might sum it up in a few words. When 9/11 happened, Americans got played for saps, and gave up every thread of security that we had on that day. Now, we don't even have personal freedom or individual security, we don't know if our money is safe in a bank. We don't know if our children will be sent to endless war. We don't know if our phone is tapped.


                  To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                  Politics or not -- respect please!

                  I think it's ok to discuss politics on this site if people want to. If you don't like it, ignore it, or go to another thread. If you think it's interesting, and you want to participate, or contribute, then go ahead -- as long as it's all done with respect for each other.

                  As far as I can see, the person who first overtly politicized this thread did not step over this line of respect. His comment was fairly offered and not meant to personally injure anyone in any way.

                  I think saying "it's a shame you're back", however, is clearly an intended personal insult and THAT is going over the line of respect. I will ignore it after saying that there is no place for that sort of thing here.

                  Everyone, including, and perhaps especially, the member who made that intentionally personal insult, has used their freedom to express themselves and their opinions. We are all created equal here. Being self-righteous does not give you more rights.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                    More2. Yeah I was banned for posting drunk and my dissent was clear and plain for all to see! I'm not ashamed of that, I made a huge error and I paid the price. As I said in my post though I meant no disrespect but I am still entitled to a sober opinion on this forum like any other member. AND SOBER I WAS and still am. There is always gonna a be a clash of personalities though when you talk about politics or religion on ANY forum out there.

                    Love and Happiness
                    Hippie the lurker
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                      Hippie, The problem here is that thread was to be a memorial tribute to those who died not a political fourm. Save those comments for another thread. ( to many people, it would be like telling jokes at a funeral. ) IAD.
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                        Thank you one wanted a debate...we just wanted to remember those lost. Is a very sad day when you arent even allowed to mourn in peace.
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                          The top of this thread was 100% political. It stated:

                          "BIN LADEN SEEKS A NUCLEAR 9/11"

                          That's simply not true. It is part of the political language of our day, to place all blame on Bin Laden, or whatever scapegoat, while completely trashing the American Constitution, our rule of law, and basically destroying everything that made America great for 225 years.

                          As long as people portray the Neocon lies as "A day of mourning" they seek to promigulate the lies. As Sinclair Lewis said, "When Fascism comes to America it will be wearing a flag and carrying a cross", and so that day has come to pass.

                          I'm hoping the next administration will restore the Balance of Power, and US Constitutional law to our country. Unfortunately, Democrats are not known for these priorities, and certainly the Republcans aren't going to turn the course they've charted.

                          So most likely we'll see the continuing decline of freedom and justice in our country.

                          I think all Americans in the future will 9/11 as the end of American Freedom and Justice, not because we were attacked, but because Americans voluntarily gave up their freedom to corporate and political interests.


                            To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                            First let me say, I am always skeptical when I hear conspiracy theories and there were some crazy ones out there right after 9/11. I am not sure which ones Hippie is referring to.

                            There is much room to criticize Bush on all of this though.

                            And I am with, the thread did not strike me as a tribute but as a political thread.


                              To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                              I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!! The thread is about those LOST not anyones political I SAID before is very sad we can not MOURN in peace without being attacked.
                              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                                To Americans ..Never Forget. Never get Fogged.

                                Sometimes telling a joke at a funeral can be highly appropriate and relevant.

                                In fact, it might help you mourn in peace.

                                I believe personal insults might be deemed more inappropriate and disturbing to peaceful mourning.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

