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AF Army September 13 08

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    AF Army September 13 08

    Good morning/evening troops.
    Beautifull morning here in Wales which has brought a smile to my face, as i was feeling a bit shitty by the time i went to bed last night. Must be the lack of sleep!
    Fickle..welcome to the army. Good to have more troops for the battle ahead.
    WIP...glad things are better tdy. Hope the weekend is a peacefull one
    Zep...good evening yo animal lover you. I used to have a donkey that retired about 10 years ago!
    o2m....hope your feeling better tdy. Was a bit worried about you last night, as i could tell something wasnt quite right as you didnt seem your usual happy talkative self. We'll try and bring that smile back tdy.
    limers..hope your feeling better tdy and your headache has gone.
    Not as good as Krigs at remebering everyone(!), so have a happy positve day.
    Here in Britain the front page of one of the big papers has a story about footballer Paul Gascgoine. He has been in freefall for the last 5 years or so, and seems to be killing himself with booze at a rapid rate. He was one of the most naturally gifted footballers i have had the pleasure to watch, and its so sad to see him fall like this. Fame isnt all what its cracked up to be huh? Another George Best i think unfortunatley. My thoughts are with his family.
    Have a good one.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!

    AF Army September 13 08

    Morning Chef!

    I have been sitting here waiting for this thread to start- too blooming lazy to start it myself!

    O2M- I expect you will be on soon, I hope things are well with you today and that husband of yours has got a shitty hangover. I am so so lucky there- my BF doesn't drink at all- he never has done. Don't quite know how I'd deal with him rolling in pissed at the moment.

    It's a lovely day here, and I am going to be busy busy painting my shop

    I am also going to get the Antabuse back out- I stopped because I was getting headaches, but the last few days have been very dodgy- I had some errands to do yesterday evening and couldn't do them- I knew I would've drank, so I had to come home. Felt really annoyed with myself, I have no willpower at all, so it is back to Antabuse and reading all labels for alcohol content.

    I actually don't know how the rest of you manage without it.

    Well hope you all have a lovely day!


      AF Army September 13 08

      Yes, and my thoughts too are with Paul G and his family.


        AF Army September 13 08

        Booze effects use all in diff ways Marbs. Its the nature of the beast. Bit like depression. So many diff tablets and pills. I remember someone asking me once why there were so many. 'depression is depression though. Surely they need just 1 pill for all' Tit!!
        Youve got the willpower marbs, cause you came home and didnt drink. If you had none you would of done the errands as an excuse to get pissed, so dont beat yourself up about it.
        Have a good day Marbs.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          AF Army September 13 08

          Morning everyone, it's damp and cold up north and i have a terrible sorethroat and head cold and toothache.. although i think its more 'neuralgia' cos its all on one side of my mouth.
          Going to take some painkillers.
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            AF Army September 13 08

            Good morning - oops drink tracker! Back in a min...
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              AF Army September 13 08

              OK. A bit of history about The Designersaurs.

              How it all began...
              The Designersaurs were kind of an accident:

              1. I am a designer.
              2. I was having a conversation about dinosaurs.
              3. I got tongue-tied.

              I'd actually been drinking as well.

              This is the first ever Designersaurs comic strip that I did... it's not very funny.

              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                AF Army September 13 08

                There brill Vlad! Ill be looking forward to them in the morning!
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF Army September 13 08

                  Oh yes - welcome to new recruit Fickle.
                  And I bet O2M's hubby feels like s**t today!
                  We don't! We're the AF Army!!!
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    AF Army September 13 08

                    Was thinking this morning about last time when I went 40 days AF. I'd found it really hard. On day 41 I drank again (just 2 drinks) but I remember how disappointed I was. It was like, 'Oh, was that it??? - That's what I was bothered about???'
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      AF Army September 13 08

                      Im on 2 weeks today, and its getting easier for me. The cravings arnt so frequent, and im thinking alot about how i was in a negative way and looking at the positives that are happening in my life now(better health, appetite, better relationaship with G/F family, less depression). Still have the urge to down a pint of wine from time to time(shouldnt of thought about that!), but on the whole things are deff better. Looking forward to seeing my counceller on monday and saying i havent drunk a drop since i last saw her, which will be a first!
                      Its quiet here this morning.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        AF Army September 13 08

                        Hello all, just got home from work at the pub, we had a group of young lads in who were sitting around the bar, man talk about a bunch of gossips. What an eye opener.
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          AF Army September 13 08

                          Do you find it difficult working in a bar Zep? I had to leave my job cause i was around booze all the time and it was too easy to drop my defences and drink
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            AF Army September 13 08

                            cymru;409073 wrote: (shouldnt of thought about that!)
                            Know what you mean.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              AF Army September 13 08

                              cymru;409075 wrote: I had to leave my job cause i was around booze all the time and it was too easy to drop my defences and drink
                              My last job was a little like that. On St Patrick's day they handed everyone a can of guiness at 9.30am and encouraged them to drink it. I was AF at the time and was furious! I was ordered not to be AF and to take part. Needless to say I stood my ground. It was hard though.

                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

