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Child Left On Street

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    Child Left On Street

    In today's paper:

    A drunk couple let an 18 month old toddler wander the streets alone while they went boozing.
    Glenn Ellidge, 38, had let the girl fall head first out of a buggy when he pushed it into a kerb.
    Lisa Kykowski, 29, then left her with a fellow drunk at a rail station. She was 'cold and wet' after people phoned 999.
    Ellidge and mum to be Zykowski had lived in manchester but are now homeless.
    They got rehabilitation orders at the city's crown court after addmitting child cruelty.
    Outside, DC Jackie Kerr said 'The levels of neglect are alarming'

    What a terrible story. Why oh why?
    To Infinity And Beyond!!

    Child Left On Street

    OMG. This is awful. Poor little baby- where is she now?


      Child Left On Street

      These stories break my heart why innocent kids. We recently had a goverment that encouraged people to have a child by giving them a $4000 up front payment of course kids born into life with severley drugged affected parents are on the increase and i read these stories of kids left starving while there parents are out looking for drugs or have od'ed somewhere. There was a movie I remember by Ron Howard called "Parenthood" where a teenager said they make you get a license for everthing including driving and fishing yet any one is permitted to bring a child into the world. I know this is quite extreme but why should kids suffer. I know Im not perfect but I do fully understand the responsibility and committment i have made to my daughter. She shall never be left alone and i wish to out live her hence my being here and getting healthy and sober. I believe these people need help but who looks after the kids?


        Child Left On Street

        There was another post on here, but its dissapeared. Does that happen alot? Is it the user or a glitch?
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Child Left On Street

          Subscribers have the ability to remove their own posts and threads - could be that.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Child Left On Street

            There were 2 when i first checked, and it was a good post. Cant remember who posted it. When i checked again it had gone, and i was just wondering why. If it was the user or the forum. Was a good post too.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Child Left On Street


              How sad. Poor baby. Nothing else to say..

              AF April 9, 2016


                Child Left On Street

                This story breaks my heart.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Child Left On Street

                  It was me sorry this is a subject that really upsets me sorry.


                    Child Left On Street

                    Agree. No need for sorry capt. It was just the first time id seen it happen and wondered why! Im sorry if i upset you with the post.
                    Its also very very worrying that the girl is expecting again.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Child Left On Street

                      Mr C you didnt upset me with your post...Its just that something inside me dies when i see kids suffering needlessly at the hands of parents that bring them into this world and dont care enough about them and as you say she is expecting again that breaks my fucking heart. It breaks my heart to see kids at the park playing while mummy nodds off after her hit> I never want my daughter to be left alone like that. I will be there for her I will never abandon her . I want to out live her hence...... why I am here striving to be healthy and sober. I support services for these parents I hope they get better and look after there kids and give them the endless love they need


                        Child Left On Street

                        I have an 8 yr old daughter aswell capt. Im here for the same reasons. Dont want her to see her dad grow up a drunk and throw everything away and die early. Cheers
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Child Left On Street

                          There will be a special place in Hell for people who abuse and neglect children.


                            Child Left On Street

                            These people are sick. I have two wonderful, beautiful children and at my most weak point I was a terrible mom too. NOT to this extreme, but neglect is neglect. I am sure I have been to drunk had the house caught on fire to get them out. Sad thing is this behavior happens every day all around us. When these people sober up and see what they have done, I can assure you they will feel nothing but utter they should. If we spent half as much time as a society helping people, as we do crucifying them, perhaps this would never happen. I am not excusing their is implorable. Our society is just backwards....instead of all the beer adds, booze campaigns, how about an add on loving and caring for your family. No one notices the mom or dad that attends every event, goes above and beyond to help in school, etc...but you act up drunk and you are known around the world. We spend so much time and effort MAGNIFYING the bad that we forget all the good. Just makes me very sad.
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              Child Left On Street

                              I agree brittzak. I used to know a girl who was heavily into drugs and her house was always a tip, the children dirty and there was a diff man every night.
                              She is now happily married with another child and her own business. She says that she is making up for lost time and wants even now to show her kids that she is a good person. Socirty doesnt do enough to reward the genuine 'good' people
                              But, i also think that some people have been brought up in such a way that when they become parents they really dont care. Whether drunk or not, they are just nasty people.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

