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AF ARMY September 14 2008

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    AF ARMY September 14 2008

    That's a nice age to really things together instead of you just having to care for her. Do you cook with her?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      AF ARMY September 14 2008

      Hi Troops,
      Cy, I got chills reading your post about going 2 weeks AF; you can hear the pride you have in yourself! It is wonderful to start feeling hope, isn't it? Have a good time with counselor tomorrow!!
      I can't address everyone right now as I am on a mission to find a hobby today - my goal is to hand make some Christmas gifts this year so I'm off to the local craft store to have a look-see. I'll be back to report to O2M; she's on a hunt too. Actually, I think she already figured out a great project for herself; I'll let her spill that one. Talk to you later.
      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


        AF ARMY September 14 2008

        Aw, Cy.. its good that you and your little girl's mum can come to a good arrangement where you both get to see and spend time with her. So many relationships end on a sour note, but its the welfare of the kids that is th emost important thing.
        Sounds like you really dote on her too
        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


          AF ARMY September 14 2008

          Thanks Krig. I am feeling good, just very tired and craving a job, cause ill of been out of work for 6 weeks on wed and thats the longest ive been outta work since i was 18. Hopefully hear about my interview tmr.
          LTG..When were in the kitchen cooking i have to call her 'chef' and she has the apron and the hat! Likes her lamb and steaks cooked 'pinky' Always feel proud when were in a restaurant and she asks for her meat cooked like that. Shes learning, though id rather she didnt get into the trade, as im sure that alcoholism is passed on from generation to generation and i worry about her working with alcohol.
          Chelle..we had our issues to start, alot to do with my drinking, but its a good relationship now. Her mum has another little girl who is 4, and shes around my house quite a bit too, and calls my mum and dad 'nain' and 'taid' (gran and grandad in welsh)
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            AF ARMY September 14 2008

            Sweet, Chef, really sweet! :wings:
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              AF ARMY September 14 2008

              I cook alot of playdough and pasta with our GD. He is almost 4
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                AF ARMY September 14 2008

                Its good to get them started early. I see so many kids who live off fast food and chicken nuggets and crap like that. They all think fruit is 'yuk' and if i put a piece of brocolli infront of them wouldnt have a clue what it was. Dont get me wrong, a Mc D is ok from time to time, but for the price you pay for a big mac meal you could buy something fresh and twice as tasty. When Erin was a baby, and she was good i gave her 'sweets' which were actually raspberrys and strawberrys. She knew no diff and now would prefer fruit over sweets anyday. Coke is also a no no!
                Now were talking about food, what are we all having tnt? Im having king prawns cooked in garlic, ginger, olives and chilli with rice.
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF ARMY September 14 2008

                  That's a nice supper! When my husbo gets home from work we're having football junk food...LOL!!
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    AF ARMY September 14 2008

                    Dont get me wrong, junk food has its place!! I had burger and chips before i went bowling last night(?9 for a crap burger mind).
                    Interesting that were talking about this and i just read this in the paper:

                    Parents are making there kids fat because they dont know how to cook fresh veg, a government investigation has revealed.
                    Mums and dads admitted they lack confidence in the kitchen so stick to ready meals and chips.
                    The survey of family meal-times by the department of health also found many children eat what they like, because parents no longer have control of the kitchen.
                    Some 32 % of under 15's are obese and families are desperate for advive. So the government is launching Change4life- a ?372 million bid to set up cooking clubs and run tv ads on healthy eating.
                    Health secetary alan johnson said 'Obesity is the most significant health challenge we face today'
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      AF ARMY September 14 2008

                      I fully agree with that. I love what Jamie Oliver is doing for kids and nutrition in the schools. Wish we had programs like that here.
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        AF ARMY September 14 2008

                        I make homemade dinners nearly every night, but its so time consuming... still love it though.
                        On a sunday I have a day off and my other half cooks dinner

                        Tonight we had mince, with chili, onions and peppers and creamed potato
                        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                          AF ARMY September 14 2008

                          When my kids were little,we lived far out from town on a horse farm.i had a big garden and fruit Orchard.They thought that fruit was a treat.the only candy they got was on the occasion that I would make Goat Milk Fudge or Goat Milk Ice cream.When they started school they got chips and candy bars from the other kids.Then they started with the teasing for me to buy them those things.Once they started Jr.High there was a McDonald's and Wendy's within walking distance to their school..I finally gave up and stopped trying to get them to eat healthy.Now that they are parents I see that they are following the teachings of their childhood and caring about what their kids eat...ALL WAS NOT LOST..
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            AF ARMY September 14 2008

                            all kids are diff o2m. My daughters sister is 1 and a half stone heavier than Erin yet she 4 years younger!! Erin didnt like veg, esp broc and cauliflower, so i lied to her, hid it in stuff waited till she ate it and said it was lush and then told her! Same with onions. Shes very picky and picks apart her meals bit by bit, but it takes time. Little white lies help.
                            And o2m, from the weeks ive known you i can see that you are a brill, proud mum.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              AF ARMY September 14 2008

                              Another good way is when your serving dinner, cook some veg and say 'do the grown ups want some carrots with there dinner' When they say yes make a fuss of how its grown up food and not for babies, and it may make her want to be 'grown up' like everyone else
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                AF ARMY September 14 2008

                                Awwwwwww Sooooooooo cute
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

