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AF ARMY September 14 2008

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    AF ARMY September 14 2008

    Good morning/afternoon everyone!

    WIP, will be thinking of you all day :wings:

    Chelle, hope you get the care that you need uch:

    Hoping everyone has a blessed Sunday :h
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      AF ARMY September 14 2008

      Afternoon all. Hows everyone day. Market was busy, but didnt buy anything. Found a pound though!
      Going to put the freeview box in now. Ive had some strange urges this afternoon. Dont know why, they just came on while in the market. That reminds me, gotta take my campral!
      Hope everything goes o.k for you wip
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        AF ARMY September 14 2008

        Good day to you all...Hope its a joyful Sunday for everyone...I am a bundle of nerves this morning.I have been asked to speak at the Spiritual Center of Light this evening...I have given this talk Dozens of times but without AL by my side I am having self doubts.I want Hubby to tape it so i can hear myself...Either that will help me see that I CAN STILL DO THIS,or I will not like what I hear,and rethink iit..Wish me LUCK..
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          AF ARMY September 14 2008

          Good luck evie. Bet you'll be ten times better without the booze.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            AF ARMY September 14 2008

            Best of luck Evielou! :wings:
            Let us know tomorrow how it went.
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              AF ARMY September 14 2008

              Hello Troops,

              Having a fantastic weekend. Went to the pub yesterday to watch some rugby - haven't done that in a while. And then hubby took us out for dinner and the demon managed to get out - but I managed to put him back in his box, so another sucessfull weekend AF!

              My sister and I have been pampering ourselves all day and I am now pooped!

              LTG, I've been thinking about you and everyone else in the Texas area - How are you holding up? Has anyone heard from Ziggy?

              K, off to catch up with the posts....
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                AF ARMY September 14 2008

                Hey DeeBee! What a successful weekend you've had. Very proud of you :wings:
                All is well in my neck of the woods but a horrible mess in south Texas and parts of east Texas. They could be weeks without power. Trying to decide what I can do to help.
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  AF ARMY September 14 2008

                  Hi Everyone.. bac from docs... she gave me antiobiotics and advised that id need root canal treatment cos its a big tooth to extract...
                  Now, Ive had root canal before and was in agony for a week afterwards.. came out in a rash all over through the pain and had to get antibiotics to stop the rash.
                  Will be phoning for an appointment at my dentists first thing in the morning.. to see what he suggests.

                  If I DO have to go through another root canal, then I hope to God they knock me out first... wont be able to go through it otherwise

                  Oh, and the doc today said i could double my dose of ibruprofen and take 800mg rather than the max of 400mg...
                  Did so, and now feel like Im flaming well 'floating'...

                  Hey.. who need the booze... get a pack of ibuprofen and take 2... so much cheaper...!

                  Just joking people... before I get slated on that comment(!)

                  Going for a nap and to see what's on the box.... hopefully not "marathon man" LOL
                  ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                    AF ARMY September 14 2008

                    :bangI am now officially stressed. Tried the freeview box and it didnt find any channels, went to the shops and bought an areial and the bloody thing still doesnt work. i am in a BAD BAD mood now!
                    Chelle...root canal treatment is horrible, but they will knock you out or make you numb.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      AF ARMY September 14 2008

                      Hello again. Managed to open up to yet another church friend today, it felt good - especially because he opened up about his drinking as well.

                      Chelle - I know that toothache, it's most unbearable. Last time I had it, I was on day 38 of a 40 day abstaination. I'd taken the maximum dosage of painkillers that was safe. My mother said, 'Don't do this to yourself, have a drink!' But I'm stubborn and I stood my ground. I've had root canal done many times.
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        AF ARMY September 14 2008

                        thanks o2m, ill have a look. Did you see the taff wars post? I was in stitches!
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          AF ARMY September 14 2008

                          I made it through a Friday and Saurday without drinking! First time in a while. I was tempted last night. Hubby's glass of Chardannay looked so refreshing. But then I looked at it differently. I saw all the ugly things it does to me and all the things it takes away. It did not look so great then. I also have to credit whoever recommended the book "Mother's Ruin" (I think it was DeeBee). I started it yesterday and it has really made me change the way I look at alcohol. For the first time I realized that if I did not start taking this seriously that would be me in a very short time. I do not want my daughter having to fish me out of a bathtub. I shudder to think about it.

                          Have a great day everyone!


                            AF ARMY September 14 2008

                            Dearest Chelle,So sorry about your root canal...just went thru hell myself.Root canal failed had a retreat then tooth broke and had to have it pulled(after several thousands spent to save it)..Then got a dry said keep washing out with Salt water..What he doesn't know is that i am an ICE CHEWER..Salt plus Ice equals frostbite of the tongue..Couldn't figure it out so the worst it got the more salt water I used...If you want to see what salt nd ice can go they have a clip on U TUBE of people burning then selves on purpose..BE CAREFUL..
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              AF ARMY September 14 2008

                              That was me Shelb! I read that book in about 2 days. So easy to read and a real eye opener isnt it. Glad youve had a good weekend and well done on coping with the temptation. Im having bad urges tdy, i think due to stress and tirdness.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                AF ARMY September 14 2008

                                There's a book in our church called 'Breaking Glass - Finding Freedom from Alcoholism' by Eric Lennon. I've read bits of it - anyone else read this book?
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

