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how do you manage after bad drinking night?

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    how do you manage after bad drinking night?

    I am one more time in this situation. I am always doing some shit. I do not feel I am drunk then all af sudden I am completle drunk and blackout. The days after are terrible. Check the bank to see were I was. Imaging that meet this and this people and imaging the worst thing.
    I feel terrible and are shame of my self.
    Take care

    how do you manage after bad drinking night?


    Hon beating yourself up will just cause you to want to drink again. You are human and all humans make mistakes. If you want to stop drinking you need to start be kinder to yourself. Here's a :l from me to you.


      how do you manage after bad drinking night?

      Hello Ylfa
      Denial was my solution and that did not involve taking a trip to Egypt. There is no point in torturing yourself thinking about it so dont. Pretend it didnt happen. Just for a few days anyway so you can mend. You can dwell on it later if you have to. I was the same binge and blackout would still be standing but would not remember any of it. It gets you quicker and quicker each time. Have you gotten any of the program tools? Kudzu is apparently good for a hangover but the best thing is to do is sleep it off if you can a hangover day counts as an AF day so tomorrow will be day 2 etc. You need to figure out your triggers and avoid them.
      There are lots of people here to help.


        how do you manage after bad drinking night?

        We know how it feels and it feels like CRAP...Spicey tomato juice and salty foods were my savoir...Tomorrow is another day and we can try,try again..
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          how do you manage after bad drinking night?

          Ylfa, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. Right now, today. Put the past behind you - cause you can't do a damn thing about it anymore. As hard as it is, living in regret and remorse will only make things worse; so put a plan together and move forward just one day at a time...
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            how do you manage after bad drinking night?

            Its horrible to binge and then wake up the next day with the guilt and paranoia cause you dont remember the last 2-3 hours of your night. Did i go out....did i seak to my neighbours...did i speak to my girlfriend. Its horrible. You must try to forget about what you HAVE done and try to look forward to what your going to do. Keep posting and read. Your in a good place Ylfa
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              how do you manage after bad drinking night?

              definitely with you all on forgetting what you have done.. Its done and dusted and in the past. Chewing over it will not help at all and wont solve anything.
              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                how do you manage after bad drinking night?

                just stik around here ,lots of knowledge,you have a choice,offell when you wake with a H A N G O V E R and yes those are large letters on purpose cause we care hav a great day the giyco

