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Kansas City

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    Kansas City

    This program sounds great! How do I find an MD that has "bought-in" in a specific community? I am in the Kansas City area and would love to find a doctor that will work with me on this. Thanks, I appreciate any help.

    Kansas City

    Hi kchelp
    Welcome. This program is great and fantastic that you are going to work with your Dr on it. A lot of us dont. I am not sure what the exact story is in the US but from other's posting I don't think the program is terribly well know by MD's in general although I believe there has been some media attention to the use of topomax for AL addiction in the US. I am sure someone else will come on later and let you know. People have posted that they have printed out various parts of the book and taken it to their MD's so they know what they are talking about. If you post questions in just starting out section you will get lots of replies.


      Kansas City

      Good advice, BH. You could also PM (send a private message to) RJ (Roberta Jewell), the founder of the MWO programme and the monitor of the boards. She is usually very helpful. Good Luck!
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Kansas City

        Hi KC,

        I went to my GP and explained to him that I had used alcohol to relieve my stress, but felt that I had let it get out of control and wanted his help. I printed a copy of RJ's story - you will find it on the home page by clicking on "My Story". I had a copy of the book. As well as printed material from the medical dr. that is quoted here. Also, copy of clinical trials. I did my home work concerning the usual beginning dosage for topamax, etc. I told him that I could order the topamax off of the internet but would rather take the medication under his medical supervision. Would he be willing to help me? He was totally agreeable.

        If I were to do it over, I am not sure that I would go that route, because I now have this information on my medical records. I realize these are confidential, but when this type of information goes to the insurance company for payment there is a diagnostic code used. Would have probably bought the meds. privately if I had thought it through.

        In a perfect world, if I were to do it over I would do 30 days AF, read and understand the book. Use suppliments & exercise. Read and post alot. See how you feel. There are many other suppliments available, kudzu, etc. The holisitic section has alot of information. It really does come down to old fashioned will power. Topamax is a tool, just like everything else. The real stregnth lies within us...

        Glad you have joined us! Welcome!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

