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The Nine Types of Drinker

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    The Nine Types of Drinker

    Hip !!!!
    I reead each and every word thinking it was written from the health channel or something....
    I see myself in a couple LOL

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      The Nine Types of Drinker

      I'm a depressed drinker, but darn that was 11 years ago. I was depressed for a period of time after my divorce, but now I'm totally happy, but the drinking is still lingering.


        The Nine Types of Drinker

        I don't seem to fit any of these. Very interesting though.

        I am a "Like the Buzz" drinker. I just really love the buzz. Love the way it makes me not care so much about the stress. Love the way it lets me state my mind more freely. Love the way it relaxes me. Love the way it makes me feel happier. Love the way it helps me fall asleep faster. Love the way it tastes. Love the way it looks it the pretty bottles and glasses. Love the fancy places to go to drink it. Love the character of the low-life places you go to drink it. Love the food-pairings. Love the sports-pairings. Love the social-pairings. Love the smell, the color, the temperature and the bubbles. Love the sexiness of it. Love the sex while buzzed by it. Love the freedom of sex while buzzed by it. Love sipping it in the garden on Saturday afternoon. Love it drinking it at a hockey game on Tuesday night. Love toasting with it to almost any occasion I can think of. Love dancing with a bottle of it in my hand on Saturday night. Love joking about it with my girlfriends while ordering it after work on Thursday night.

        Damn it anyway.


          The Nine Types of Drinker

          wow crofty alot of love there love love and nothing wrong with that ..
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            The Nine Types of Drinker

            Boredom drinker/ Typically single mums or recent divorcees with restricted social life Drinking is company, making up for an absence of people./ Drinking marks the end of the day, perhaps following the completion of chores

            This is me.....first was the social drinker then moved onto the stress drinker, that passed into the above!!
            AF July 6 2014


              The Nine Types of Drinker

              I started as the Macho Drinker. The guy who can drink everyone under the table and party all night.

              Then I moved to the De-stress drinker as I took on more responsibility in my life.

              Now, I am a depressed drinker because the AL has F'ed up my mind so much, every little thing is a problem. I believe most people move into the depressed drinker. I've been AF for 5 days now and feel great. Monday I want to quit smoking. If I can kick the 2 habits, I will be a much better person.

              I'm hoping that by setting a good example for my wife, she will follow a healthier lifestyle. She does not drink. She is addicted to food and cigarettes. I sometimes think we enable each other.
              Starting over again 09/06/11

              "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                The Nine Types of Drinker

                change your post really struck me. particularly that last paragraph.

                I think though we allow ourselves to fuck every problem up because we make a bad situation worse because of our drinking in the first place. If we took a step back every now and again from those 'problems' and really cross-examined them we would find we were making mountains out of mole-hills at the best of times.

                Thanks for yours and everyone's input.

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009

