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Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

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    Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

    This is so exciting! Can't wait to see you on the tube!!! You'll do great!!!


      Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

      Good luck, Evie!! You will be FABULOUS!!!
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..


        You have to let us know how it goes. You will be fabulous! Gabby.
        Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


          Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

          The Test Shoot went good,I got lots of info and some names and dates for them to research.Afterwords we went to a Mexican restaurant.While hubby and I ate,the Crew got plastered on Sangria and Corona Beer.Then they started making remarks about how we need to SENSATIONALIZE the show and how I should act dramatic when expressing myself.Red Flags went up for me.I am not gonna be involved in a SIDESHOW !!! They are going to bring me an offer in writing,so I will continue to proceed but very cautiously.Thanks for all of your support.It means so much to me.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

            Gia,I am proceeding with caution...They have yet to put their terms in writing,so we will see.I am nervous about it all...Was up most of the night THINKING...Maybe I am trying to talk myself out of it???
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

              Evie, follow your heart and that inner voice that tells you what you need to do (or already know). Good idea to proceed with care.
              I've enjoyed watching shows like this, but yes, some can get downright ridiculous when they try to sensationalize it, as you say. I think they lose credibility that way. Sometimes a simple story is better. Best of luck to you, sending prayers your way for guidance.
              Oh - my daughter "sees"people, like a Native American man standing in our living room, or a prairie period lady walking through our house. I think it's so fascinating!
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

                Dear river,Encourage her gift.Have you heard of Indigo children.They are here to guide the next generation to a world of peace and spirituality..Natives often act as guides because of their strong connect to the Earth...What a blessing she must be
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

                  Evie, Glad for you that everything went well. You are wise and will make the decision that is not only right for you, but for everyone and everything. I am so proud of you! :h
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    Got Offered TV Show.I am Scared..

                    Evielou, she's mostly a blessing - LOL! Fifteen - need I say more...
                    This used to really scare her when she was 4 or 5, but she is quite used to it now. I have not heard of Indigo children, will search that now. Also need to go to library, my copy of the Course in Miracles book is in
                    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha

