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    I've read that drinking lots green tea helps lose belly fat. Also, you need cardio, situps alone WILL NOT help.
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



      arnica pills

      I cannot find Arnica pills! I am so mad! But I am applyingthe gel 2x's daily-so far. It's a pain though cause I have to wait for it to dry before I can put lotion on. But, if it makes these hideous bruises go away, I'll suck it up.
      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



        I too get lots of bruises! I just noticed this summer that I have multiple bruises on my body. My husband would ask me how they happened and I can't remember. Go figure. I have been drinking for many years and this is a new development. I guess I must be deplete of B-vitamins. I recently began B-Complex supplements. I have arnica montana supplements on hand because I cannot take aspirin products. It's supposed to help with muscle soreness and I have to say that I do not notice any difference what-so-ever when I take them.



          More great things about not getting drunk and blacking out: No burns, bruises, knots on my head, broken bones. Awesome! One other thing, if any of you are on blood pressure medication, I have heard that it can cause you to bruise easily, too. Kay



            My mom found arnica montana pellets for me!! Hurray! They are so tiny! I have to take five 3x's a day. They kinda taste good too...

            It was funny cause she went this wellness store to get these beeswax cones that pull ear wax out of your ears when you burn them and she found the pills. She came home and handed a tube of what looked like chapstip to me and I was like, um, ok, thanks? What is putting arnica chapstick on my lips going to do for bruises on my legs?? LOL
            (The bees wax cones are really cool, you take the hollow cones-you need someone to help you-and a paper plate. You poke a hole thru the plate and stick the narrow end thru. Then you lay your head down on your helper's lap and they stick the narrow end into your ear and them they light the fat end on fire and as it burns down, it somehow pulls wax buildup out of your ears! The plate, obviously, catches the ashes. A greatr way to prevent earaches due to wax buildup.)
            It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



              What are arnica montana pellets, Rach?? You sound so much better than you did a couple of weeks ago; I'm glad for you, hun. And is your relationship with your parents is getting better? It sounds like your life is taking a little turn for the better. Kriger
              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu



                I called them pellets cause that's what they looked like, little tinnie round white balls. I guess they're really just pills.

                My parents are great as long as I am AF, so AF I am! My skin is clearing up, I went out and got a daily vitamin box Sunday-Monday so I don't have to constantly fool with 10 different bottles, I got a manicure and a pedicure today and next week I'm getting a hair cut. Plus I'm eating grapes like crazy. And going to AA most days. Not liking that part, but it's the only way my parents will continue to provide the support I need, so I suck it up and go.

                I feel so much better. I've been to the store twice by myself and not bought any alcohol. Can't say I don't think about it-nights are the hardest-but I am going to be AF for one week at 4am! I could not tell you the last time I went this long without a drink. I'm actually sleeping, really sleeping! It's awesome!

                Still waiting for the bruises to fade... No antabuse yet, but got an appointment.
                It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



                  What are the pills for or are they just candy like tic tacs? I have never heard of them? Kriger
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu



                    Below is what greeneyes suggested to me, so I went out and found Arnica gel, but not the pills/pellets, whatever you call them. So my mom went to a different health store and found them. Arnica is a flowering plant that has been used for a long time to ease aches and bruises. Here is are a couple of links you can read to learn more about it. It is supposed to work best as soon as you are bruised or sprained, whatheveyou.
                    Arnica montana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    greeneyes;415336 wrote: Vitamin C with citrus biflavonoids is good for people who bruise easily. You can use arnica gel and it is very helpful. Arnica montana homeopathic pills under the tongue helps too. Traumeel is a good topical remedy for bruises. Also, ice the area right away when you think the "ouch" word.
                    I have been taking what my particular arnica bottle says, five pills disolved three times a day, but my pills are tiny round balls. They are about 1/8 the size of a tictac, no joke. I can't even think of anything to compare them to, sizewise. I'm sure they come in other sizes and shapes, but that's what mine look like.
                    I hope this helps.
                    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



                      Rachelita, You mentioned you are going to AA. How is it for you ? I found an all womens group in my area and just love it. Good for your pampering yourself, I am way overdue for a pedicure.



                        KAT20;420503 wrote: Rachelita, You mentioned you are going to AA. How is it for you ? I found an all womens group in my area and just love it. Good for your pampering yourself, I am way overdue for a pedicure.
                        Weellllllllllll, every AA meeting is different and it really depends on where you are. It's sad but true to say that it's all about education, socioeconomics, gender, religious beliefs and sexual orientation (to name a few biggies). The hardest part about going to AA is the shopping around you have to do to find meetings where you feel you belong/fit in. What I find really discouraging is when I find one that I really like, it only meets once a week. When you are just starting out you need at least one a day!

                        Right now I am temporarily staying with my parents. They helped me through the storm and detox. (We literally had a huge storm here! We had a violent winds in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana on the 14th; remnants of Hurricane Ike that hit Texas! We lost power for about 3 days, some people still don't have power. Trees were down everywhere, some are still down. My parents had a huge tree fall on their "out building" where my dad keeps his tractor. Lots of people lost siding and shingles. People dying, it's awful...)

                        Anyway, because I am staying with my parents right now, the AA meetings I am going to are not going to be the ones I will stay with. I will have to shop around again when I return to my apartment in another city.
                        I've been to meetings where the people are rough, section 8, welfare, maybe homeless. I have been to meetings where I'm the only female. I have been to biker meetings. I have been to middle classs meetings. I've been in meetings with lawyers and bankers. Most of the meetings I go to, I am the youngest there. I am 28, but I look like I'm 21 or 22. I'm white 5'5" and about 120lbs. I feel totally out of place at most of the meetings I go to. Trying to find a good meeting is really really hard to do. But you have to keep going or you will never find the right meetings.
                        I have to be honest when I say I hate that the first 15-20 minutes of every meeting is spent reading the same principles, mission statements, etc. every time. I also am not religious so the Lord's prayer at the end makes me uncomfortable as well. I have left some meetings feeling great and motivated and have left others wanting a drink even more than I did before I attended- go figure!

                        Basically, it depends on the meeting. Almost everyone hates AA in the begining and most people think it's a total joke. Maybe it is?? They don't have a very good success rating. I think it's something like 95% of people fail the program. But maybe they aren't working it. I personally don't have a sponsor yet and have really only completed part of step one: admitting that I am an alcoholic. I have trouble with the powerlessness part. Being a control freak makes that part extremely difficult for a lot of people.

                        Another part of the 12 steps I don't get is, what do atheists do? I mean, I know they say the higher power doesn't have to be God, but I've been to only one meeting where the higher power wasn't called God. And what about Muslims? I mean, I know they aren't supposed to drink in the first place but my ex husband is Muslim and he was drinking when we met. He quit after we got married, but come on! You can't tell me that the fastest growing religion in the world doesn't have alcoholics/alcohol abusers! AA will expect them to say the Our Father?? Maybe Islam has its own version of AA...
                        I'm on a tangent, sorry.

                        Anyway, obviously AA isn't for everyone because MWO wouldn't exisit otherwise. I am currently doing both and I have to be honest whe I say this website helps me more
                        MWO is an amazing place. I just wish I would have found it sooner. Love you guys!
                        It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



                          Evi, I just came across something today that may help you loose that belly fat besides tea and cardio. It's supposed to be the "new" (it's nowhere near new) superfood/antioxidant. It's called the Acai berry. Apparently it's found in the Amazon in Brazil. Brazilians make juice out of it and, of course, they eat it as well. We've all seen the bodies of Brazilians! It comes in supplement form too.
                          Go to this site for a free trial, you pay about $4 S/H, but I figure it's worth a shot. I just ordered my free trial.
                          Check it out!

                          evielou;417745 wrote: Truncal Obesity ??? I am no where near Obese but my abdomen is rounder than it was before this last few years of being back on the bottle.I am exercising on an Abe lounger and thought it would be gone by now,but NO.Does anyone else have that problem or know how long it takes to go away??
                          It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



                            Oh yeah, here's the site!

                            It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.



                              Rachelita, Thanks for sharing your AA experiences with me. I have been at this for over a year, try to moderate or stop. I had two therapists and my doctor suggest I try AA but I was too nervous. I'm a bit of a social phobic. I guess I am really lucky to have found the women I did. I am probably the youngest as well but I like that. My mother wasn't and still isn't the most mothering. Right now it feels good with mwo and my therapist. Not entirely sure where I fit as I am a problem drinker, probably an alcoholic, but some of these folks have been through so much more. I think it's important I hear their stories as I do not want to know what my rock bottom is. Very best to you in your journey.




                                When using the homeopathic arnica, be sure to pour the pellets into the cap and then tip the cap directly under your tongue. It is said that they are more effective if you do not touch them with your skin. Also, don't chew, allow them to dissolve.

                                For more information, here is the website to Washington Homeopathic. I like this company's products.

                                Washington Homeopathic Products >
                                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

