It doesnt take long to get lost once this thread starts going sea. Sometimes while im writing there are about 5 posts!
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AF Army September 19 08
AF Army September 19 08
Hi my Friends,
O2M, Sorry for your wankiness and for poor baby Mia! Did the vicks work with the steam?
Cym, Are you having fun watching the games?
Hippie, What were those things you went shopping for this am Baaka? and.......? What is that?
Sea, How is the thing going with your ex? Did he stop bothering you?
Marbs- 5 Beers isn't THAT bad....I know you are disappointed in yourself, but you are already back on track so try not to dwell... we're just happy to have you back.
I am still furious at hubby. If he wasn't the sweetest, kindest man on earth I would be really hating him right now. He still doesn't know what happened??? No chance he hit a person; there are scrape on side of car with black rubber and I think he hit the rear view mirror with a wine bottle. The head lamp is cracked but at a position that might have been a post or something like that. The wine smell inside the car sucks and missing a head light is the worst. I don't like the casual nature he has about this; that is my biggest peeve. Sometime over the weekend I will talk to him, maybe go somewhere for coffee to be alone.
On CSI last night they were talking about how alcoholics have such thin blood that when they get cut they never stop bleeding. Hubby cut arm and hand and bled for an hour- it just wouldn't stop. My blood is so thick that when I give blood it takes twice as long because it comes out really slow (that was even when I was actively drinking). I guess I never got to the thin blood stage of alcoholism.
I worry about hubby's state of health; he looks like death warmed over. He's 6' tall and weighs 140 I bet; he is a waif. He's probably your size O2m, only taller and no jabbers!
Sorry to vent again; it really helps me to talk to you guys. Thanks for listening.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! We're going to get some fall weather here which I look forward to. Love you all, Kriger"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu
AF Army September 19 08
Hello everyone.. I am already in tomorrowland... I think you are mostly asleep journeying towards Saturday morning.. it is already saturday here.. I am going well.. just super busy... kids birthday party to organise today.. don't have much to read & catch up.. will try tonight... see you in the next thread!!
AF Army September 19 08
Does anyone know how to report a problem to monkey whatever? I tried to go invisible but now I just show up with an * by my name-not invisible at all? It's not all that important, but I don't want to be stuck in limbo, if you know what I mean. If anyone knows the answer, thanks in advance. Kriger"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu
AF Army September 19 08
Krigs..I dont know if enjoying it is the right! Its amazing golf, but i feel like im taking every shot and putt with them!! Sorry to hear that hubby hasnt come out. Im sure he feels awfull inside. I explained what i thought on another thread, but as i said at the time, our lives are different, and you know what is best. Deep down you know what to take care and enjoy the weather.
Fickle..Glad to hear your well. Stay happy and positive and enjoy the good weather.To Infinity And Beyond!!
AF Army September 19 08
When i first saw it fickle, i thought, 'Why has she got a dead cat as her avatar? Thats a bit weird. But then i realised the cat was just pissed and had K.O'd after leaving the pub and hitting fresh air!!!To Infinity And Beyond!!
AF Army September 19 08
Hi Kriger
I hope things are getting better for you. The Ex boyfriend has not called since I told him last Sunday that it was not a good time for me to start seeing anyone. It is a big relief. I have enough S__t going on."Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
AF Army September 19 08
Yeah I was getting worried CYMRU!! Trying to find you on the threads etc. Make sure you haven't gone all CHEFFIE again and started tasting wine!! You doing OK tonight because TBH I ain't!! Ooh yes had an invertation tonight to a party earlier on!!! Oh fuck me FREE PILLS and everything.........Guess what I have my daughter tomorrow again so guess what the answer was???? Guess what the answer was even if I didn't have my daughter. If people wanna live like that then who am I do discourage thier hedonsm. I would end up 'trying; to look the straight dad etc . It's what she wants..... I am happy/myabe sad that i made the right desicion tonight. Yes i would of loved to of gone out and pilled my ead off. Got up tomorrow and thoght SHIT my daughter is arriving in 10 mins!! Quick jump in the shower, have a shave (not that i do that anyway!!)............Where's the chewing gum so it hides my breath!!!.
Man I've done this all before and it doesnt' wash anymore with my ex. She can tell me 'pissed' at 3000 meteres !!!! She can smell me!!!
Anyway Cym you're a good bloke and I'm glad I'm getting to know you. Believe me man you have such wisdom in that head of yours (apart from all that cook'n n golf shite!!) Oh yeah those really bad tunes you put on before!!!
Hey man be strong tonight and I'm signing out!! I'll fucking get there one of these mornings OK?
One Hope you're feeling better hun! Today has been YOUR day. Sorry forget Birthdays etc you have been a fkn star and achieved your goals and that counts universes.
See you on another plane as I will EVIE!
Love and Happiness and have a good night Hippie xxxxxxxxxxxx"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
AF Army September 19 08
Cheers hipps. You have fun with your daughter tmr and enjoy it. Its been great getting to know you.
No drink for me. Just lots of tea and biscuits. Ive got my daughter for a couple of hours too. It gives us parents the strengh to say noTo Infinity And Beyond!!
AF Army September 19 08
You say who??
I should have told ya!
Its ya girl,
A missing soldier.
Been out getting drunk
one would never have thunk
shed be so lame
but I could have told ya
see Limers aint worth shit
she aint livin like it
but it aint all that bad
she got your shoulder!
AF Army September 19 08
Hey Limers
Now cut that crap out. You are worth very much. You know we all beat ourselves up when we fall, but you are here. That is important. Just jump right back on that horse when you are ready. We love ya and are here for you."Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)