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one addiction to the next...?

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    one addiction to the next...?

    Hey guys.. My alcoholism has gotten worse over the years obviousally, as the disease does. first i began with the somewhat normal drinking, goin gout on weekends and getting drunk around the age of 21.. then i began the cocaine addiction, but stopped that after about two years. i mainly did it on weekends, but alcohol then was not an issue, because the cocaine way overpowered it. i then stopped cocaine by the help of a new bf who was very against it however, he drank everyday! yay. so my alcoholism got worse, and now i have that issue.. ive stopped now for six days.. af, and i notice im wanting to buy everything. i want to go to the store and buy things right now but im saying to myself, "hello, you have been shopping way to much." i feel as if i go from on addiction to the other maybe. i guess this must mean an unhappiness with life and wanting to do things subconsially to make yourself feel happy... right? i know im not happy, i know im mildly depressed and bored right now trying not to drink. i also know its only day 6, not day 30, so the alcoholi is still in my system.

    one addiction to the next...?

    If you give up something that has had some value in your life, even if it is a very mixed bag, you will of course want some sort of compensation. Whether we call that "conscious" or "unconscious" doesn't matter. And whether the compensatory behavior gets out of control, or not, is up to us! A good strategy is simply to give yourself permission to have some sort of rewards, or treats, on a scheduled basis, while you are getting over the loss of something that has become a very important (although destructive) part of your life.

    best wishes,



      one addiction to the next...?

      I just read a book that talked about finding out what it is that drives our addictions. It is the Alcoholism and Addiction cure by Chris Prentiss. I found it really helpful. It made me understand myself a little better. Hope that helps...
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        one addiction to the next...?

        I think it is just the nature of our personalities - the fact that we are wired a little differently. I find that I now want cigars much more often then I ever done - to the point that there are times where I wonder if I could stop easily or not.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          one addiction to the next...?

          stay strong and think positive and stay busy .. read and read more
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            one addiction to the next...?

            Heres your sister! When im off drink I shop like mad! Last week I spent a bloody fortune on stuff(!!) and were in credit card debt to the tune of 10,000! (not from last weeks spending now) I should be paying off bloody debts instead of making them worse , if only I could get addicted to saving money!


              one addiction to the next...?

              Diff. Have you seen your Doctor about getting on a anti depressent. It helps. plus kuduza can help with your cravings. On a lighter note, choosing one poison over another..........I would go to AA Meetings and see all these people smoking like thier's no tomorrow.....So you don't die from booze, the smokeing will get ya !
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                one addiction to the next...?

                Retail therapy has comforted me many many times.I take a cart, fill it up.Try things on and then leave them behind.Sometimes I have taken them home and returned them the next time I needed a shopping fix.I really haven't hurt anyone.I figure that it is the better alternative to me being drunk and running someone over.In these early days you must find things that make you feel GOOD.Your favorite movie,food,Cologne,music etc. etc.Your mood will even out,in time.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  one addiction to the next...?

                  Welcome Diff,

                  Perhaps you can try going to your local library and checking out a couple of books on addiction. Many of us who have gone from one to another enjoy "getting into" our heads and trying to gain some insight. Then, as Evielou suggested, give yourself a shopping treat - but set a pre-determined, reasonable limit so that 24 hours later you don't have a credit card hangover! One of the side effects of going to almost no drinking (I'm a modder) is I have lost 10 pounds. That's just enough to make the pants I bought last spring (one size larger) too big, so had to go out this past week and shop! Now that's a reward!

                  Another idea is to come here. Many of us think we have a new addiction to the MWO site we're here so often. I use it to spill my guts and keep my right hand from reaching for something other than my lemon water. Exercise is another one that can easily become a huge part of your life, but you won't have anyone complaining about that. My sister in law works out 2 hours a day and cannot function without it. If that is your biggest addiction, I think you've got it made. Looking forward to hearing from you!



                    one addiction to the next...?

                    [ame= ]YouTube - Smoke Smoke Smoke That Cigarette[/ame] Here is one for the smokers......IAD
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      one addiction to the next...?

                      That's not a bad suggestion: Become addicted to saving money.

                      I'm serious.

                      I'm like that. I use tea bags twice (and even 3-4 times; if you put 4 twice-tapped tea bags in a cup, and Micro it, you can get the LAST nip out of the suckers). I walk to the store as often as I drive. I work to cut the energy usage in the house. I water down the shampoo, body wash, laundry soap, and dish soap, to cut down on my spouse's waste of those products. (Not the Gin. -Never- water down the gin! Haha).

                      Sum total cost savings for me, maybe $10 per month, and we spend $140 just in cable TVs (about 700 tea bags)... But the $10 makes me feel better, and the TV is for the spouse.

                      Just a lark, but it may be something to think about.


                        one addiction to the next...?

                        hummm....sounds like Alot of planning and hard work.


                          one addiction to the next...?

                          Diff , have you ever read the shopaholic books, they are a hoot!


                            one addiction to the next...?

                            hey guys! yeah i know these new shopping feelings and others are just a lil strong because its my first week AF so im just really trying unconsciousally and consciousally to fill the void. its ok though, it wont become a problem. but excersize, true, im gonna start doing. in fact im going for a walk right now! =)


                              one addiction to the next...?

                              Hey Diff... Whenever Im AF (and that aint a lot) I find Im smoking more.. so yes, I agree with the 'compensation' part of it.
                              I wish I could get addicted to something healthy!
                              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

