Fat free or low fat ricotta cheese
fresh or frozen blueberries
toaster corn cake
1 teaspoon whole fruit jam
1 3/4 cups Multigrain Cheerios
Sauteed Scallops
steamed fresh or frozen broccoli
21 Caramel Corn Quaker Quakes rice snacks
Pad Thai Salad (recipe in book)
steamed mixed vegetables
1 cup fat free instant hot chocolate with 2 marshmallows
1 cup herbal tea with 2 teaspoons honey and 1 fat free fig newton.
But basically you can (I believe) eat what you want- it is just a case of eating 3 meals with protein, low carbs and fairly low fat, followed a few hours later by a high carb snack, so crisps, biscuits and such are allowed as snacks- then dinner could be a burger with salad but probably without the chips, but you could have the chips later as a snack.
The only problem is most people report weight loss, so it might not be what you are looking for.