RIGHT also tomorrow is MONDAY!!! ARGH how we all used to hate MONDAY!!
RIGHT troops remember this and remember it well.....Tomorrow is the day on average in this country most people die from heart attacks.........So Right we are not getting all fundamental here OK......But tomorrow before coming onto the AF thread you are gonna send out some well wishes to a newbie OK? Someone who may be struggling tonight etc..you are going to say good morning to that person and make them feel good about themselves OK? Maybe even someone you haven't pm'd in a long while or thought you had forgotten about. But tomorrow we spread our wings OK?
Someone had this idea of pming on a Monday morning a while back and I tried to revive it a while back when she came back on the boards looking for help. Well I'm FUCK'N REVIVING IT PROPERLY!!... I don't wanna come across all 'Jesus Army' (I think the UK members will now what i mean!!!!) but let's do this hey?
Send your messages OK? Tomorrow is the day to be sending hugs into the unknown. Be loved and be loving .
Love and Happiness
