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    I just guess that I am not THE ARMY TYPE.I enjoy having a group to share the journey to Sobriety with so if ANYONE one is interested come join the Peace Corp. with me.ALL ARE WELCOME.Lets share what makes us Happy and walk together on the road to recovery??
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



    I've been reading some of the posts here and there, and I THINK I know where you are coming from. Sometimes a few of the posts seem a little stern and unforgiving if one is not perfect being AF. Am I correct? I felt that, but just chose to ignore those posts. I don't think most people are that way. Anyway, I am with you. A very imperfect person, striving to get better, but I am sure a lot of people would find me failing. I even don't get why I don't have more will power. I don't know the answers, but just keep striving. I know each of us has to reach a point where it is more of an "I have to do this", than "I want to do this, but...." And that has been my issue so far. I will keep working!!! Thanks.



      I think you have expressed unhappiness about use of coarse language, especially the F*** word. I agree with you. Do you wish to discourage use of coarse language on this thread?

      I have put in significant AF time, and am trying moderation. I hope to become just an occasional social drinker, consuming less each month in comparison with August 2008. Do you wish to include me?

      It's your thread, you get to make the rules!
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



        I called this thread the peace corp because I try to live my life, coming from a place of peace.I want to talk about the joys in our lives and the struggles.Everyone is welcome whether they are AF or Mod.We are trying to figure out how to live a happy life by not being controlled by ALCOHOL.I judge no one.I have managed to get many months sober now but because i know that i am an Alkie,for life,I want a safe place to land,if I fall.I very much want to offer a safe place for others to land,as well.I have dedicated my life to the service of my fellow man.THAT'S WHO I AM..I hope to create a place of upliftment to those who feel discouraged.You are welcome to come along for the journey...ALL OF YOU.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



          You are always welcoming and offer a peacefull hand extended.

          Evie upliftment Lou, you are an encouragement in your sincerity and I thank you.

          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales



            Your probably right GIA,I am overly moody.Menopause hasn't been easy and my emotions are right on the surface.I break into tears for no reason and poor Hubby is beside himself on what to do.I just think the words AF ARMY turns me off.When a member was struggling she felt that she had to leave.It didn't feel like a place that you can be honest.I never would criticize anyone for telling their truth.I know that it is a battle to beat AL and I have had times that an army would have been welcome.I would hope that a Peace corp wouldn't have those AF rules.I am not angry with anyone,HONEST.I just don't feel that I fit in.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



              OK, WISE WOMAN,your right,it has been a few overwhelming days for me.Not knowing if I will be happy signed on to that show...Sleepless nights thinking about how they could turn it into a sideshow.Indecision about all the travel and not being here to do my share...I am not feeling like myself,that's for sure...I think it is the show that i want to walk away from.To many things that could go wrong..Thanks for caring.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                EvieLou, your new thread sounds as if it could be a good contribution to MWO!

                However, I do hope you don't continue to feel the need to be separated, in some way, from people who care about you. Nobody criticized anybody on the AF Army thread yesterday. It's a very upbeat, positive thread for those who are working on getting and staying AF. Those who are not in a place where they want (or feel able) to do that are NOT criticized in any way! Nor is anyone ever criticized on that thread if they have a "slip."

                best wishes, and peace be with you.



                  PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                  OMG Evielou, I so feel for you with the menopause. I'm going through it too. It's so hard, isn't it?

                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                    Is MWO still a place for those of us who want to learn to moderate? I've been away for awhile.



                      PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                      Hi Evie

                      I hope it doesn't matter too much on what thread we post as long as we all stick around!

                      If I decided to try and mod I don't think I would continue to post on the AF Army thread simply because I know the other folk there are striving to be AF- and I wouldn't want to be a threat to their goals- we all know we only need the slightest excuse to take a drink (Well, she seems to be OK modding- I will try it today- type of thing).

                      I am just glad we are all here whatever thread we decide to post on.



                        PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                        Hi Evie,

                        I love the title of your thread.

                        I have found that certain threads make me feel comfortable and others don't... it's got nothing to do with the thread or the people that post there, it's about where I feel a connection or my goals are echoed.

                        I enjoy reading your posts, even if I don't always reply to them, they do get me thinking.

                        Have a wonderful Monday!! :-)
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                          Hey... I finally found a thread where I belong
                          Thanks Evie
                          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                            PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                            I spent yesterday reading a book. Started it in the morning and finished it by evening
                            Was only a small book, but really enjoyed the fact that it took my mind of the AL.
                            It's being made into a film I think.. it was "The boy in striped pyjamas".
                            Very very good book... I would recommend it... makes you sit and THINK about it for ages afterwards.
                            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                              PEACE CORPS...ALL ARE WELCOME

                              Happy Monday,I love Mondays.They used to be the day of the week that I felt my worse.I would wake up and wonder what I had done and said for the last 2 days...How ashamed of myself I was.I would swear that I would not drink(every Monday,like clock work).I remember the nasty taste in my mouth and headaches!!!They seem like a slowly fading nightmare,now.Today I am excited to be alive.Small things,like the smell of coffee and my kitten sitting in my lap are priceless gifts.As I took a walk,this morning, I noticed that even the air smells better.These things were taken away from me by that BEAST AL.I need to remember just how easy it would be to be back in his grip and trapped again.I know that it will only take 1 drink for my new life of freedom to be gone.With the help of you guys,I will try not to let that ever happen...Find a way to reconnect to yourself,today.I haven't painted in years.Today i am going do a sketch for a future painting,subject PEACE...
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

