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AF ARMY September 22 2008

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    AF ARMY September 22 2008

    Good morning All-

    Just a reminder to everyone of Hippie's great idea that we give some support to a newbie before posting here

    Well, busy busy day for me, getting my shop ready plus a whole bunch of other stuff- I am very very happy AL will NOT be in my life today- no room for him at all.

    I am sorry some people didn't have a great day yesterday, well here we are a new week and a new start, and a chance to put everything right- (Hope you are feeling OK today Hippie, kick that feckin Al into touch today- you know he is not gonna help you AT ALL).

    Well have a great day everybody, I will catch up later.

    AF ARMY September 22 2008

    Oh O2M- We are sorry! :upset:

    Please get something from the chemist if you can or better still call a feckin' doctor to come to you and Adam.

    I do hope you get a few chances to hop into bed during the day.



      AF ARMY September 22 2008

      Hello Mar and One
      One - sorry you are still feeling grotty
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        AF ARMY September 22 2008

        Morning Zeppie- or is that wrong? What time is it there?


          AF ARMY September 22 2008

          Hi Marbella it's 8.30pm
          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


            AF ARMY September 22 2008

            Sorry your felling bad One2 , this seems to be lasting a while or are you getting something else? Its a night mare been sick and looking after sick kids. Hopefully it will pass soon.Well im back on day 1 again and this time im really hoping I can crack it . Im jst so very sick and tired of it and myself right now! Im not even going to try and moderate as know its just not poss for me to do for any lenght of time. Anyways I have all you lot to help me through.


              AF ARMY September 22 2008

              How are you getting on Zeppie without the booze , I see your a month off , good for you girlie.


                AF ARMY September 22 2008

                Morning/evening all.
                Zep...thats the film. Going to download it now. Is it good. Great spelling again by mr Cym!!
                o2m...Aww your having it bad at the moment hon. Have a nice hot bath and rest. We'll miss you but understand.x
                limers...were all here for you limers, so glad your ready to tackle the booze head on. Been thinking of ya!
                marbs...morning. Glad your feeling positive....your positive post has rubbed off on me!
                I really hope i hear from this job tdy. Been thinking of phoning the agency and asking if there has been any news cause ive been offered another job(which i havent) and i really want the one they have for me but need some kind of response. Good idea??
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF ARMY September 22 2008

                  What kind of a job is it?


                    AF ARMY September 22 2008

                    Its a male gigilo....
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      AF ARMY September 22 2008

                      Hi Limers

                      Good luck for today- I do so hate that morning after feeling and the depression that goes with it and back to bloody day 1 again. But the days do pass quickly I'm already back on day 5 again

                      However much I hate myself after drinking in all honesty if I were to make a graph of what I was drinking daily in Aug and Sep 2007 to Aug and Sep 2008 the improvements are nothing short of miraculous, so I am trying to be positive and concentrate on that than on the times I have failed.

                      Well I really am off out of the door now- rain is forecast here so I would like to get the dogs out and back home before it starts


                        AF ARMY September 22 2008

                        Whaaa? You little devil you!


                          AF ARMY September 22 2008

                          Thanks Marbella , enjoy your walk


                            AF ARMY September 22 2008

                            sorry, its a job running an upmarket coffee shop with a small restaurant. Its the managers job so its not kitchen based, but thats cool cause i havent been in the kitchen for a while. The best things are there is no booze around to tempt me(its why i left my old job. If i was to get clean i had to get away from it) and most importantly, its day work. No night shifts, or split shifts. No 70 hrs a week. The money is good to which helps!
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              AF ARMY September 22 2008

                              Have a nice walk marbs. see you later
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

