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AF ARMY September 22 2008

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    AF ARMY September 22 2008

    well it sounds right up your street , and you know your food so you can quality control whats coming out of the kitchen . I dont suppose theres any harm in giving them a ring , it shows your keen and they might be still working out who to decide on. Good luck!


      AF ARMY September 22 2008

      Morning All,

      Marb's I was thinking about you and your shop this morning - you must be so excited!!

      O2m, please give yourself some TLC today. Sending you hugs.

      Limers, good on you for realising that mod is not an option for you. It's a tough realisation to come to but the right choice. Sending positive AF thoughts your way.

      Evening Zep - the time difference always throws me off... it's now 10:30 am here.

      Chef, I am holding thumbs for you with the job - are you going to give them a call if you don't hear from them today?

      Where is everyone today?

      Have a happy Monday:-)
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        AF ARMY September 22 2008

        Hi Deebee , happy monday to you too!
        Im back to bed for a while as im tired out , catch you all later.


          AF ARMY September 22 2008

          morning dee. going to give them a call today.
          Think hipps is having a lie in this morning. had a hard day yesterday.
          o2m is sounding pretty ill so weve instructed the boss to chill for the day and shes also got the kids who are ill. Sending helpfull vibes her way!
          Hope to here from chelle today, cause i think shes had a hrd weekend and id like to know shes o.k
          Havent heard from vlad much last night or today. Wheres the daily scetch vladster? Hope your okey dokey.
          couple of others who must be having a monday lie in.
          have a great day all!
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            AF ARMY September 22 2008

            Catch yer later limers. Keep looking at that avatar and smile!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              AF ARMY September 22 2008

              Morning Cy

              I think it is a great idea to call the people about the job, but I also think rather than saying you have another offer, just say you 'really want their job, and are very much looking forward to returning to work, therefore are impatient to know of their decision' or something like that- I spent about 5 years working for a company- Catering and Bars etc, where I had to employ people, mostly seasonal workers, they weren't really career minded people, but anyway, I diagress- so I do have an idea of what employers want to hear- I think that would impress employers more than if they thought you want a decision because you have to let someone else know, sort of thing?


                AF ARMY September 22 2008

                Cheers marbs.x
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF ARMY September 22 2008

                  hi everyone congrats on there accomplishmets,sorry to here your sick one,but as looking as good as the leprocan,i dont no,hahahah,limers good luck to you, you will succceed,time and a lot of patience take care all,off to work soon gyco


                    AF ARMY September 22 2008

                    Have a good day in work gyco...if thats possible!
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      AF ARMY September 22 2008

                      Yeah Cy - the film is not too bad - worth a look anyway
                      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                        AF ARMY September 22 2008

                        Cheers zep. Im downloading it at the mo, so will let you know what i think
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          AF ARMY September 22 2008

                          It's pretty rough - apparently it's quite realistic to north island maori life.
                          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                            AF ARMY September 22 2008

                            Ive got a weeks work which is a start. An agency i gave my c.v too have given me a weeks work as head chef in....wait for it......sainsburys!! Still, its 8-2 and ?10 an hour so ill do it for a week till something else comes up. Phoned the other agency and they said that they have 2 c.v's too look over now, mine being one so hopefully hear from them soon.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              AF ARMY September 22 2008

                              Morning! Day 22 for me. Keeping it brief today. Hope everyone is well or if not, that you will feel better pretty quick!

                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                                AF ARMY September 22 2008

                                Congrats Cy- I'm sure you will like getting back into it again
                                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.

