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The Pill Parade is Back in Town

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    The Pill Parade is Back in Town

    Alright it is time to get serious again. It is true, I lhave et my guard down. Hell the guard is out back playing cards and smoking. I am surprised they have not been captured. My military stinks. I have spent the last few days trying to rally the troops, but they are a bunch of lazy losers. Big L?s tattooed on their foreheads. Well this morning I threw them all in the brig. Every last one of them; strung up! My new guys are in place and this morning we ran the Pill Parade through town, Topo of course, but I had not seen the Kudzu in a long while and the L-Glut and SAME, it all came out. Those little hot dog shaped pills marched across the counter top and I choked each one down reluctantly drinking my big glass of water followed by another. Choke, choke, eyes watering.

    Yes, this morning is the morning. I have finally come to that magic moment. My mean-it voice spoke last night ? it was slurring, but it was loud. It went something like this (keep in mind it is drunk), ?Fuckin shit, Croft, when ish this shit gonna shtop, I mean shhit, you arhe not getting shkinnier drinking this shit. Fuckh. And arhen?t you getting sick of wakhing up feelhing like shit? And yoush have not run a fuckhing mile in 2sh weeks. And yoursh job hash only gotten more demandshing and this is not fucking helping. Thish has got to fucking SHTOP.?

    So, my mean-it voice has spoken once again and I will frickin listen. The Pill Parade has run through. I am fully choked full with pharmaceuticals and supplements. The next step is to go find that CD player and my hypno CDs and dust it off. Time to ride that very pleasant escalator that I would not mind riding.

    My newly installed military is ready and raring to fight!!!!! CHARGE!!!!!

    The Pill Parade is Back in Town

    YOU CAN DO IT...I KNOW YOU CAN !!!!!!!
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      The Pill Parade is Back in Town

      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        The Pill Parade is Back in Town

        Go Crofty you are the military dont let ya self down wage war on that sucker AL but just a tad bit of advice as much as others find the CDs helpfull go for a bike ride down an esssssssssculator its more fun ( although shopping center security hate it) and the door at the end doesnt have a sign saying go deeeeeeeeeper just crash through it go down the stairs then down the lift then embrace Johnny Depp and wake up!!!!!!!! let off a rip snorting fart and line those pills up. All the Best you can do it again


          The Pill Parade is Back in Town

          Alright Croft, I'm on the sidelines cheering for you! :yougo:


            The Pill Parade is Back in Town

            Hey Croft, glad to hear you are listening to your mean it voice. You made mine speak up as well. I had wandered away from the pill parade some time agao and my guards became slackers as well. I went through a few REALLY bad spells. Got back on track (sorta) for a bit and started downwarwd again. Finally my mean it voice came back. Well I was on day two with the strong intent of at least 7 AF days. After being SOOOOO happy about the universe closing the road to the liquor store, I had more errands and ended up caving and buying some wine. I was gonna save it (well try) but on my way to the register, THAT BITCH SAID " would you like to taste some wine?":egad: Are you fing kidding? The store I do go to is offering a tasting? Figures. I almost said no, should have but didn't. Considered buying the $20 bottle and treating myself but opted for the larger $7 bottle figuring it would last longer. (usually doesn't) Anyway, I did end up coming home and promptly having a glass, then one more later. But that was it. (sorry everyone.) Point is I read and loved your post and it reminded me to keep listening to my Mean it voice and I went down and took my Topa and supps. Started choking them down when I realized that when I topped off my water glass to take everything, it was actually half full os seltzer. :yuk:
            Thanks for the reminder and good luck to you!!!
            One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


              The Pill Parade is Back in Town

              way to go crofty .. im always here cheering you on girl you can do this ..and like i said before..
              i love reading your posts .. you make them so interesting to read and kinda funny ..
              keep marching 1,2,3,4 to the left and then to the right and look strail ahead and dont look back ..
              you go girl
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                hang tuff croft it does take time,at least your starting to listen to your inner voice hope things go better gyco


                  The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                  Way to go, Croft!!! Behind you all the way! U 2 twinsmommy! Think of how great you'll feel, and good you'll look!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                    :boxer::boxer::boxer:Yay! Street-fightin' Croft is back in the ring!!!
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                      Good for you Croft, Hang tough!! You are welcome to join us in the AF Army if you like. There is lots of strength, love, and laughter there. You too TM. We can beat this Beast together.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                        Hey Croft,
                        So glad that you are now back in charge, but also sad that you went astray. I believed when you left that you had found a system that worked for you. You almost made it AF in April! Stay with us here and we will help each other - you have great enthusiasm for life, and I would love to share that perspective. I post daily on the Peace Corps thread, and also under moderation if there are new posts.
                        AKA Juliana
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                          Croft;423311 wrote: Time to ride that very pleasant escalator that I would not mind riding.
                          Good for you!!!!! I need to get on that escalator !
                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                            Thanks everyone!!!

                            Twinsmommy! Let's kick some AL ARSE!!!

                            Juliana - you share a name with my mountain bike. I know it is a weird to name your moutain bike. I would not have but she has an attitude so I had to. Bad girl keeps keeps throwing me.

                            Smiley Toes - "Ham-Hock" HAHAhahahahahha!!!

                            Look out AL, cause as travolta cat says, "Street-fightin Croft IS BACK"


                              The Pill Parade is Back in Town

                              Croft, so glad you are back! missed you on chat.

                              Ninakupenda Rafiki!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

