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The Debate is on!

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    The Debate is on!

    I'm so glad they are going to debate tonite! I don't want to get real specific because on another forum I am on it's cut down the middle between Liberals and Conservatives and boy the Conservatives get real bitchy on that forum.

    I think it's important to see how the candidates handle themselves under these conditions.

    I say Bring it on!

    The Debate is on! McCain will be there? HMMMM...yes it will be interesting?


      The Debate is on!

      I would love to here what thy say about the economy...Please give us up date, OK???I heard that McCain backed out of the Letterman show saying that an Emergency in the economy needed his attention.Dave was very Pissed on last nights show..
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        The Debate is on!

        The rest of the world thinks its important too Hart!!!!! America is so important to all of us you guys have to elect some one who will bring about REAL change!!!! You have to admit the Bush presidency is a complete train wreck!!!!! I dont agree with the cynics who say american politics is all about the rich and powerfull I believe you have a real choice this time!!!!!!~ America for me has had great leaders on both sides Lincon, Truman, Hoover, Roosevelt, Kennedy and produced great civil rights leaders Malcom x Luther King America is what free nations are all about!!!!!!. However its not a perfect system far from it but as usuall Im excited by US politics if you guys vote Obama the rest of the world will breathe a collective sigh of relief. Thats My opinion only!!!!!! I know half your country thinks otherwise but we the rest of the world would love to see a non republican regime your religious right is out of controll as far as public policy is concerned. I better Sign off by saying I love the US and your politics thanks you are a great nation


          The Debate is on!

          Yes he backed out and Dave was livid. He even cut to LIVE footage of McCain getting makeup to go on the air with Katie Couric! And her studio is only a few blocks down from Dave's! Yikes!
          It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


            The Debate is on!

            I wouldn't want to mess with Letterman in a foul mood.....


              The Debate is on!

              It will definately be interesting! Will show what they are made of...
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                The Debate is on!

                I think even McCain's supporters are not happy with his antic of originally saying he would not attend the debate. It is just bad manners. And a President needs to be able to juggle a lot of things @ once. I am not a huge fan of Barry Obama either. I am eager for the debates.


                  The Debate is on!

                  I'm very happy we can see them side by side.

                  Since July this whole campaign has been a "beauty contest" with no press conferences from either side.

                  What we need is people under pressure from a real crisis, to see how they are going to lead, when one of the two is elected to be leader.

                  I hope Jim Lehrer asks tough questions, to further show us how these two people hold up under pressure or under "the awkard truth".


                    The Debate is on!

                    No, do tell.

                    That is terrible about your friend. I am afraid for our country too. I wonder how this is playing out overseas for us.


                      The Debate is on!

                      Man I'd be sick too! Those poor people.


                        The Debate is on!

                        My husband's cousin had her entire retirement in WAMU stock and now she is broke. I don't understand why she did not diversify but it is still so sad. I am sick about your friend More2.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          The Debate is on!

                          more2, so sorry to hear about your friend.

                          well, here's some good news: I'm predicting a meteor falls on the place wiping out both parties.

                          see....I always look for the silver lining.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            The Debate is on!

                            LOL Det......sounds A OK to me!
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              The Debate is on!

                              More 2, sorry about your friend, that's just awful. I know for a fact that China bought 12% of JP Morgan this summer. They may own much more but I did catch that one purchase in the news.
                              Enlightened by MWO

