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The Debate is on!

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    The Debate is on!

    --In 1999, when Phil Gramm created the legislation that started deregulation, John McCain voted FOR the bill.

    ---(from The claim that Obama proposes to "restore the inheritance tax" is also false, as are the claims that McCain would impose zero tax and that Bush "repealed" it. McCain and Obama both would retain a reduced version of the estate tax, as it is correctly called, though McCain would reduce it by more.

    --- I don't think anyone who wants to be president of the United States would exactly be considered "humble" and certainly neither of these candidates is a just a humble everyman
    ---I am an Obama supporter but I am almost 100 percent sure that I have never been on welfare.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      The Debate is on!

      Well...I was not calling one particular person racist or stupid. This is just my personal opinion in trying to distill the logic of how anyone coudl not vote for him in today's world.

      I already admitted I am "over the top" in my support.

      So..personal opinions are personal opinions. Se live'. I don't much care if anyone agrees with me here, at all. I am just voicing my opinion just like everyone else does.

      Sounds like everyone at MWO has already made up their mind. So be it. I don't care. If anyone has not yet made up their mind, let me know & I will give you very solid information from both sides.

      I am not here to convince people, just inform.

      "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
      will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
      This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
      love and heal this part of self."


        The Debate is on!

        Montana Momma --- we all have some racisim in us

        Mr. ChangemyLife...could you please tell me why Obama is not qualified?. And why you think McCain is humble?
        "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
        will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
        This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
        love and heal this part of self."


          The Debate is on!


          Actually, Obama will increase the inheritance tax, he says perhaps not up to the previous 28%, more like 20%.

          He is not sure, though.


          (Don't you love this? I think our debates are great when there is no animosity or name calling. It leaves us all better educated.)
          AF April 9, 2016


            The Debate is on!

            and Obama will let the Bush tax cuts lapse which have helped so many middle income folks like myself.
            if you think commodities are expensive now just wait for the Obamanation.

            incidentally my finances sucked under Clinton. Thanks to the Bush years I'm now in a new house and have a shiny new pollution producing SUV.

            I'm not guilty in the slightest...that's just the thing. I will not be herded with the rest of the sheeple.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              The Debate is on!

              Barack's website, "Economy" home page.

              Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | Economy

              Lots of things I disagree with on there. Very worrisome. Hmm. Should have been looking there all along!!

              McCain's is a paper, note this is a link to a pdf.


              Hmmm. Trying to read it now. Eye is giving me trouble. Will have to print it out. At first glance, it looks like the health care strategy is a little optimistic. sigh.

              AF April 9, 2016


                The Debate is on!

                Home Sales:
                The claim that Obama would impose a 28 percent tax on the profit from "all home sales" is false. Both Obama and McCain would continue to exempt the first $250,000 of gain from the sale of a primary residence ($500,000 for a married couple filing jointly) which results in zero tax on all but a very few home sales.

                Capital Gains Rate:
                It's untrue that Obama is proposing a 28 percent capital gains tax rate. He said in an interview on CNBC that he favors raising the top rate on capital gains from its present 15 percent to 20 percent or more, but no higher than 28 percent. And as for a 28 percent rate, he added, "my guess would be it would be significantly lower than that."

                Furthermore, he has said only couples making $250,000 or more (or singles making more than $200,000) would pay the higher capital gains rate. That means the large majority of persons who pay capital gains taxes would see no increase at all.

                So for all of you out there in the greater than $250K tax bracket and have made tons of money from the deregulation of the stock market over the past 8 years, I think y ou shoudl vote for McCain/.
                "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
                will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
                This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
                love and heal this part of self."


                  The Debate is on!


                  You might find this interesting. Very interesting.

                  Clinton, Republicans agree to deregulation of US financial system

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    The Debate is on!

                    Sadly Det, many people have new homes and new cars that should not (not saying you, but there are many in foreclosure) thanks to this administration. This administration has allowed these greedy bastards (banks) to continue to loan money to people who were too stupid/naive/greedy, whatever you want to call it, to say, "thanks but no thanks, I cannot afford that." That is why we are in this awful financial crisis we are in. Yes, it has been easy to borrow money under this adminstration but it sure is hell to pay back if your life circumstances change and you overextended yourself. There should have been tighter regulations in place and we would not be where we are right now.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      The Debate is on!

                      im glad i live in canada but maybe between our prime minister and your president theyll figure a way to change us to americans and we can become your 53rd state then youll inherit all are debt hahha jusy kiddin gyco


                        The Debate is on!

                        Yep Cinders..the Glass-Seagall bill was the cause of the whole collapse. It's true. So I guess that makes it right???

                        So are still not telling me why you dislike Obama.

                        Hey..if the two of you are very wealthy I totally understand..why change anything...

                        I am not wealthy & I am getting older & therefore my earnings potential is going down. My healthcare has skyrocketed. My property taxes have skyrocketed. My kids school loan interest rates have increased. Mty prescriptions have skyrocketed & even though I am in hihg-tech, most of my jobs are shipped to India so the major corporate officers can continue to skim off the excess profits.

                        Unless we invest in energy & new tech & new infrastructure I will be out of a job again soon. But I will still have a mortgage to pay. And a car loan whihc was of course very easy to get in these easy loan times. And with the value of my house decreasing daily and the probable inablilty to get another mortgage can see...

                        But for those of you who are very comfortable now & in the future & have no financial worries -- mopre power to you....Good thing we saved the market for you
                        "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
                        will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
                        This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
                        love and heal this part of self."


                          The Debate is on!

                          I just don't think we can afford four more years of Bush. McCain is that. Det, where you get your ideas about Obama? Luv you Det, always will, but gosh.


                            The Debate is on!

                            Where do you live? Is it cold? Honestly I may have to move there. Retirement is no longer in the picture for me here in US.
                            "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
                            will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
                            This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
                            love and heal this part of self."


                              The Debate is on!

                              Chrysa, to simplify (and this is based on the hard cold facts of his voting record) I don't want to vote a Marxist as our next president. Nobody in history has a more pro gov expansionalist record than he does. It's beyond insulting that my government knows best how to spend my money. no thanks.
                              I still have a choice in the vote this time around. we'll see what the future holds.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                The Debate is on!

                                Hart, they are not my ideas. just observing.
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

