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AF Army September 27th 08

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    AF Army September 27th 08

    Good morning troops!
    Hope everyone is well and enjoying there weekend. Whats everyones plan for tnt. Im going to find the place advertising the job that i want cause the agency are useless, and then i think its either a chinese or cooking depending on how tired i am. Going to have a look for a more sensible car tdy too. Like the look of the new fiesta.
    Hope everyone who is starting there day has a good one, and those finishing have had a good one. Day 29 and feeling great! Thanks troops x:l
    To Infinity And Beyond!!

    AF Army September 27th 08

    Hi KP, nice to see you up and about ;o) Today is big family celebrations for me. We are all getting together in a pub to celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversarys. I feel good too I am so glad you do as well. Day 29? That is amazing!! Good luck on the car front and job front. You are doing great hun!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      AF Army September 27th 08

      Morning start. What time were you up this morning?! You feeling good about tnt, worried? My first day alc free was the 30th aug, so i think thats 29! Though i thought i was going to die on the 30th so dont know if that counts. Didnt really have much choice in the matter!
      Hope you have a great time tnt. Have fun and think how great it is not to be waking up sunday wondering what you did the night before!
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        AF Army September 27th 08

        No, do you know I am NOT worried today. Thursday was a BIG test for me with my friends and I PASSED!!
        Yep, my last binge left me ill for a whole week. I thought I had damaged my liver or something. I have never been so ill in all my life. I never want that again.
        So today, I can rest in the knowledge that I am not going to offend anyone or embarrass myself!
        I had a lie in today. 7.30 )
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          AF Army September 27th 08

          Hi All

          Private Marbs is back with her tail between her legs. If there is something good to come out of my 'slip' it is I am really determined this time not to let it happen again. I don't know why on earth I kid myself I can drink one or two beers- I know I can't.

          I had a dreadful hangover all day yesterday and hardly slept all night.

          I hope everyone else is doing well, I am just going to catch up on yesterday's posts.

          Till later, have a great day (or night).


            AF Army September 27th 08

            should bring a smile to your face!
            [ame=]YouTube - Transformers 2 Trailer (2009)[/ame]
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              AF Army September 27th 08

              Morning Everyone,
              My partner's car was broken into last night for the THIRD time.. so that scuppers our plans of an afternoon in the countryside cos the police are coming round at 2pm to take details
              With this being my first AF weekend, I was hoping to do something that didnt involve being around pubs, you know? Thought a nice drive out in the country with the dogs and a flask of tea would be perfect!
              Ah, sod's law.. least I can get me ironing finished. Hell, the amount of posts I write here about me and my ironing...!
              Anyhoo.... hope everyone enjoys their saturday.. and Marbs, look at my sig "Today IS the first day of the rest of your life"... forget about the slip and concentrate on having a great day
              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                AF Army September 27th 08

                Morning Marbs. Silly, isnt it. I would go on a massive binge, feel like shit for days, make an arse of myself, almost lose my girlfriend etc. Would say im never doing it again, and then wheta do i do a week later. Madness!
                Hope you have a good day marbs. Were all here for youx
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF Army September 27th 08

                  Morning Chelle. Sorry to hear about that. Hope they didnt get anything important. Police wont do feck all. I suggest buying a bb gun, staying up and if they come again give em a few pellets in there behind. That'll make em think about fecking with your motor again!
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    AF Army September 27th 08

                    Lol, Cym..! Think Id still get a visit from the police, but it would be over a different matter! I bet they'd be more prompt too heh heh.
                    Actually, I could always dress in my black gothy stuff, put black wig on and mask and hide in the next door neighbours bush (oo-er!) and wait for them and then jump out shrieking with a carving knife.. reckon that will scare em off?
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                      AF Army September 27th 08

                      Good Morning Everyone. It's 2:30am here and I thought I'd just pop on for a few minutes. I almost slipped last night. Was feeling SOO good about going 11 days, but then got in a huge fight with my husband and desperately wanted to go drink!
                      When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


                        AF Army September 27th 08

                        Hi MM! Sooo glad you didnt, Well Done You
                        Now, get to bed! lol
                        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                          AF Army September 27th 08

                          Morning Mom. Almost is o.k! I almost about twice a week! Arguments are a huge trigger. Drinking will just make it worse though. Your alc brain will use any excuse to have a drink, and arguments are one of its favourites. Think, what is having a drink going to achieve? Will it make the argument go away? Will it make your husband think, oh moms pissed, that makes me feel like such a tit for arguing with her, it must be me!? Plus you would wake in the morning feeling 10 times worse, cause you would not have DEALT with the problems tnt, you would have stuck it in the cupboard, which is full of all the other problems and drunk to forget them. Well, in the morning, the cupboard opens and everything falls out and you feel 10 times worse. Be strong mom. Were all here for you
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            AF Army September 27th 08

                            I love you guys! I wish you were all up when this whole thing went down. But reading your posts now is bringing a smile to my face. TOTALLY agree with you CYM that it wouldn't of made the argument go away. But WOW! I couldn't believe how strong the cravings were. SOOOO glad I didn't do it. I'd be in a haze right now.
                            When life is more than you can stand...kneel.


                              AF Army September 27th 08

                              They can be very over powering at times. Do you have anything to combat them? I take campral, and L Glut also seems like a real help when your cravings hit bad.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

