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AF Army September 27th 08

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    AF Army September 27th 08

    I wont hassle you tho , whatever you do . I luv you girl.


      AF Army September 27th 08

      My parents are 82 and 83 and I miss living near them terribly. Our family is so spread out right seems SO wrong. My grandchild is 2000 miles away...that kills me!
      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


        AF Army September 27th 08

        Are you really upset right now?
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          AF Army September 27th 08

          one2many;424469 wrote: I wish I could move home too, to my little single bed in my old room...just for a week....
          Had huge row with hubby today, told him I wanted out, it was over...which I really meant, I want him to leave and go and stay in his mothers...he will not go and just keeps trying to paper over the cracks by hugging me and telling me he loves me.......He keeps telling me to think of the kids and how they will feel if we split up.....
          Aaaw shit- sorry to hear you are having all this going on when you do not feel well.

          Can't you and hubby have a bit of 'us time?' I know you probably don't want to but it is easy to drift apart when you have busy lives that don't really involve on another- and off course he is right about the kids.


            AF Army September 27th 08

            I do sympathise- it took me 2 years to leave my last BF (10 years together) because I just did not love him- well, I did but not in THAT way. It was awful- we had 10 animals between us, and I too had nowhere to go.

            Well eventually I did go, but it took me 2 years to get over feeling guilty about it- that was also when my drinking got alot worse.

            Well, not much any of us can say I guess, but just know that we are here for you, to listen and please vent and moan as much as you wish.


              AF Army September 27th 08

              I could not head off to work without responding to your post. I was in exactly the same situation in my marriage. I stayed with my Ex-husband two years beyond the end of the marriage. I did as you said you are planning; I stayed very busy outside of the house. After two years, it got to be too much, and I moved out. I had to leave my kids, which was absolutely Horrible. I drank like a fish for a year. My kids were teenagers at the time. I really feel for you woman. I am here for you anytime you want to talk, need to vent, etc...It is a very difficult situation. Good on you for not turning to the Demon AL.
              Kriger- You crack me up.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                AF Army September 27th 08

                Sorry you're having a hard day O2M - don't know really what to say.

                Plans for my barbecue have been foiled, can't find anywhere that sells fire lighters, wrong season now you see - shops have all the halloween (boo! hiss!) stuff in now!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  AF Army September 27th 08

                  I feel for your pain in a loveless marriage is the pits! Can you start planning your life outside the home? You need a social life that allows you to interact with adults; (I don't mean to discount all of us here) you need to make adult friends face to face. It is important. Do you need to wait until Mia is in school? You can do planning and get ready for that time to come. Just some just sound a little hopeless today and you need to bring hope into your life! I love you, hun and you know we all want you to be happy and fulfilled. Krigs
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    AF Army September 27th 08

                    Do you have any girlfriends that you could coffee with occasionally and exchange stories?
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      AF Army September 27th 08

                      Arrrgh! And just nearly cremated the omelette I decided to do instead.


                      It wasn't too bad though. I have eaten it.
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        AF Army September 27th 08

                        one2many;424503 wrote: Thanks Krigs........I guess my life is pretty empty...I walk to the shops most days and thats it...I have not been out at night since feb....I need to get it sorted.
                        Yes, you do need to do something.

                        I don't go out at night hardly, because there is nothing to do here except drink, but now and again BF and I will go to the movies, and I do make a point of getting out a bit in the day- going somewhere in nature-or just sitting on the beach always gives me a lift.

                        I often wish there were social groups here that weren't focused around drinking, but there is nothing- but probably in your town there are such things where you could mix with like minded people. It would be a start even if you just got out once a week.


                          AF Army September 27th 08

                          Yes- I do lots of things on my own- not because I have to all the time, but I actually enjoy it


                            AF Army September 27th 08

                            O2M - Does a local church have a meet for mothers and young children?
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              AF Army September 27th 08

                              one2many;424469 wrote: I wish I could move home too, to my little single bed in my old room...just for a week....
                              Had huge row with hubby today, told him I wanted out, it was over...which I really meant, I want him to leave and go and stay in his mothers...he will not go and just keeps trying to paper over the cracks by hugging me and telling me he loves me.......He keeps telling me to think of the kids and how they will feel if we split up.....
                              Oh, OneTwo, I know you are SO damn unhappy in that situation. And I don't know, of course nobody knows, if there is any way it could ever get better for you, or for the two of you. I don't usually suggest marital or couples counseling... usually it really amounts to "divorce counseling" but, sometimes, "divorce (or "splitting up") counseling" is really what is needed. You might give it some thought. Having someone to talk through the issues of how it might work, for each of you and for the kids, if you did split up, might be really helpful.

                              And, of course, we know that you are always "thinking of the kids." I think that most people agree that kids are a lot happier NOT living in a household in which the parents are not happy with each other. Splitting up is not a happy thing for children, but if the parents refrain from turning it into a war and trying to poison the kids against the other parent, it can in the long run be better than the alternative.

                              So sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. Sometimes getting free of alcohol brings up stuff that we had been refusing to face, while we were drinking...




                                AF Army September 27th 08

                                one2many;424534 wrote:
                                how did you burn the Omlettem did you do on the bbQ?
                                NO! I was finishing it off under the grill and forgot about it cos I was on here!
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

