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Thinking WAY more about alcohol

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    Thinking WAY more about alcohol

    I don't know about anyone else but since I started here, I've been thinking way more about alcohol....almost obsessed with it every waking moment whereas, it wasn't that way before. Almost like now that I've admitted it, everyone around me somehow knows!!

    Are you really paranoid if they really are out to get you?? Maybe all the Topa and supps are getting to me:upset:

    Thinking WAY more about alcohol

    Well, I definitely think about it a lot more. Before I knew I was going to drink at 5pm, so I didn't really give it a second thought throughout the day. Now I think about it a lot, I guess to make sure I am armed and ready for the witching hour....
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


      Thinking WAY more about alcohol

      I think about it a lot more too. But it's a good thing for me. I think a lot more about it and it's given me more AF days in a row. I used to drink every other night. I've slowed down to every 3 or 4 days now, and to me that's moving forward. Now it's way harder for me to convince myself to drink, and I know it's not as fun as it was.


        Thinking WAY more about alcohol

        Thanks....I've gotta give this time.I'm still overwhelmed at all this. Trying to get on the supp schedule..Topa schedule..only 4 days in and no relief yet...I know, patience. I shouldn't believe everything I the author's experience that immediately , she felt better. I didn't get this way over certainly won't fix itself overnight!! Being more aware IS A GOOD THING!!

        Thanks river


          Thinking WAY more about alcohol

          The question really is even though you are thinking more about alcohol than before, has the way that you are thinking about it changed???What really helped me was that I saw it thru different eyes.The eyes of 100s of others who were suffering just like me.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Thinking WAY more about alcohol

            Hey Montana Mommy,

            God I love Montana!!!

            What part are you from? Spent some great weeks on a Harley years ago out there..before alcohol.

            I haven't stopped yet, but have slowed down alot the past few days..and yes, thinking about it has caused that. Hopefully, tomorrow will be an even slower minute at a time......


              Thinking WAY more about alcohol

              HI EvieLou....

              I'm thinking more about it and what it will eventually do to me...and yes, I'm scared. The first day, I was FIRED UP and strong..mainly because I read the book and thought this was going to be the "magic pill"....then when I snapped into reality, got really scared when I realized just how hard I'm going to have to work...but hey, nothing worth having comes easy right?


                Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                Oh EvieLou, congrats on AF since MAY!!! Awesome!!


                  Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                  Dear Slowly, I reread the MWO book time and time again...There is no magic pill but the journey from where we were to were we want to be can be MAGIC..
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                    Thanks EvieLou...It's on my night stand for tonight...I haven't gotten my cds yes but I downloaded another hypnosis cd for tonight. I'm gonna read the book again, snuggle with my little boy-he's 10, listen to my tapes and begin again tomorrow. It's funny, just a few encouraging words from someone make all the difference. I'm doing this on my own....I'm divorced, don't have any family to speak of..a few very close friends( who happen to be alcoholics who don't want help yet) just a few kind words help so much! I only hope I can be in a position to do the same for someone else someday...thank you


                      Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                      You are part of this family now and you never have to fight the beast alone, again!!!
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                        Evie is right, we are one big family here. I am sure you little one will appreciate you not drinking. My 11 year old noticed right away and tells me Thank you all the time. The supps and the Topa will kick in and make is easier and when it is hard, just remember you have to be healthy for yourself and that child. Keep posting and read other post whenever you feel weak.
                        25 days AF


                          Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                          When you are in the beginning of "Beating The Beast", you think about drinking constantly......and you better be.

                          You are going through physical and emotional damn well better be focusing on whatever it takes to get you through the day......that's all you have to do....just get through today. Then you get up and do it again.....and again.

                          Once you get through the first 7-10 days it will get alot better. You're in the storm right now.....just keep flying....I promise you will break out into the sunshine. The last damn thing you want to do is turn around in the storm and head back. You only want to do this one time....

                          Stay strong and committed to seeing this through.....

                          Just keep flying....



                            Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                            You all are all all GREAT!!!!!!! THANK son hasn't reall said anything but I've noticed him looking at whatever glass I have in my hands. At one point, I started putting my wine in coffee mugs to try and trick him, but I'm guessing he's smarter than that...

                            Hey Don, you have a lot of references to flying...are by chance a pilot?

                            Anyway, it's nice to have a new family...I don't have an immediate one, so my new one feels great!!


                              Thinking WAY more about alcohol

                              Yep, think about it WAY more than I used to. Or maybe I used to just react to it all the time and just drink and not think about it? That is probably more the truth!

                              SS, it does start getting easier. I promise. You have WAY too much going for you and that kidlet to lose it to the wine. We have new worlds to conquer out there without wine goggles! =)

                              We'll make this. I'm only a few steps ahead of you, but I swear I'll throw ya a rope anytime you need one.

