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A question for mother's of 2 or more children

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    A question for mother's of 2 or more children

    Children are alot tougher than we give them credit for. My son who is now 12 new I was pregnant before I even told him " is the baby making you sick again Mum" You see I lost his older brother at 5 months of age and then I had him, then I lost his sister as she was still born. I have had about 12 miscarriages I think but it truly hasnt affected him at all. He's just really happy to have the sibblings he has now. Your little one will be fine should anything happen as long as she knows she is loved.


      A question for mother's of 2 or more children

      Hi Hippie, what's done is done so I guess there's not much point making a scene about it.
      But can I just say you seem like a really nice guy to be concerned for your ex - whatever does happen in Jasmine's life it sounds like she has a great role model in you - you're concern shows you're bigger than what's happened in the past and that's a wonderful thing in a Dad.
      Angel xo


        A question for mother's of 2 or more children

        My sister is pregnant with her second child, and her son is almost 3. I asked her what they have told him, if anything, so I wil let you know. The son was born with a heart defect and spent his 1st 6 or 8 weeks in the NICU, so I would not be surprised if they are being cautious. But my sis can't keep a secret from anyone, so I doubt they will not say anything to him. Esp. since she will probably employ the "mommy is crabby and pregnant" excuse. LOL My own son just turned 2, and I mentioned that he will have a new little cousin, but he really has no idea about all that yet.

        As others have said, the decision has been made for you, so you can be there when Jasmine has questions. She can look forward to being a big sister. I know it is early for your ex, but if no complications are expected, then it can be a happy time for her.

        Best of luck


          A question for mother's of 2 or more children

          sorry about my post yesterday , it was way too harsh! Please God everything goes ok , 4 is a little young for a child to deal with grief and loss , however you will be there if she needs things clarified and she will be ok ,im sure. Its very exciting for her too , she will be a big sister!


            A question for mother's of 2 or more children

            hi hippie,not tht i want it to happen,how does she xplain,if the worse happens,or would she,i guess if i were a lady,the xcitement to tell everyone would be there gyco


              A question for mother's of 2 or more children


              I have 3 children and I think it's a matter of preference. I do think it's "water under the bridge"'s already been said. So, let's hope your sweet daughter has a very healthy brother or sister.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                A question for mother's of 2 or more children

                Hi Hippie,
                I don't think I am exactly qualified to answer except from experience... I really think you should let Jasmine be as much as this childs life as you can...she will will get a great experience from it as will you - not ideal circumstances but these are the cards that life have dealt you so you just deal with it as best you can
                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

