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AF Army 3rd October

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    AF Army 3rd October

    Aww chelle..sorry your feeling bad. It prob is your body missing something it doesnt need anymore. It will recover to be so much better. Teeth still bad? Quick footie question. what happened to Cisse? He scored on his debut, but havent heard anything about him since.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      AF Army 3rd October

      Hi all , sorry your feeling bad Chelle . Cy ...good luck , I truely hope you get it! Tonight will be difficult for me but im thinking of listing all my bad behaviours to remind me why I shouldnt drink. I have not been as bad for about 18months but I still drink way over the recommended limits ,about 55-60 units a week.Before that I was very bad drinking about 100 units a week and my whole life revolved around drink , if the kids were in a scholl play I want be "shit, I will have to go easy tonight"(which never happened) and I been dieing for the play to finish so I could go home to booze . The more I read this book(drinking a love story) , the more I realise I am an alcoholic. I will be 39 soon and I ll be damned if im going into my 40s still drinking and thinking like that. Sorry , I hope this makes sence!


        AF Army 3rd October

        Thanks one2 , kidsat home today so I wont be able to be on as much ...going to let Zak stay in his friends tonight so I can be on here when I need it the most....


          AF Army 3rd October

          one 2 , pleeese , later on I cant do it now , but will you teach me how to get a new avator , not from this website, I want a halloween one as well! Love your avator!


            AF Army 3rd October

            Oh! yes , a deal one2 , thanks, your great! Watching Jeremy Kyle....the peeps on it are a mess!


              AF Army 3rd October

              Whats on J.K this morning then?
              'Grow up young man and start being a father to your 6 children'
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                AF Army 3rd October

                come on now o2m. You really shouldnt be dissapointed that you missed J.K!!!
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF Army 3rd October

                  We have it on here at work!

                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    AF Army 3rd October

                    cym - as far as i know he's in the starting line up against arsenal tomorrow... dont fancy our chances much tho, lol
                    I think the "big news" around here is all to do with Keano's digs at the mouthy minority of fans who were having a go at him for the northampton game.

                    O2M - yup, flu sucks big time. Got so much work to do but can barely lift my head of the settee... (ahem, apart from coming on here to
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                      AF Army 3rd October

                      A 7 year old and a 4 year old are upstairs in their bedroom.

                      'You know what?' says the 7 year old, 'I think it's about time we started swearing.'

                      The 4 year old nods his head in approval,so the 7 year old says, 'When we go downstairs for breakfast I'm gonna swear first, then youswear after me, ok?'

                      'Ok' the 4 year old, agrees with enthusiasm.

                      The mother walks into the kitchen and asks the 7 year old what he wants for breakfast.

                      'Oh, sh*t mum,I don't know, I suppose I'll have some Coco Pops'

                      WHACK!! He flew out of his chair, tumbled across the kitchen floor, got up, and ran upstairs crying his eyes out.

                      She looked at the 4 year old and asked with a stern voice,' And what do YOU want for breakfast, young man?'

                      'I don't know,' he blubbers, 'but it won't be f*cking Coco Pops'

                      Morning troops!! Well I had a really good conversation with a friend last night that took me on a trip down memory lane. So c'mon who else used to fly down steep hills on skateboards, go-karts and other make shift things with wheels?!!! As long as it had wheels on it we were at that bleed'n hill with it trying it out! Thankfully there was no traffic at the bottom of the hill as the hill lead onto the promenade along the River Mersey. But still, very dangerous as the railings where quite high if you were lying on something bombing it down that hill. Lost many a make-shift board having to jump off and letting the thing go flying into the sea. Even though I nearly always came home battered and bruised I was still exhilerated and back out the next day to build a new contraption with me best mate and childhood friend. Ah them were the days!!!lol

                      Anyway..........Vlad, Marbs good to see you 2 still checking in and saying hello. Wishing you both every success with your new goals.

                      Starting You're up early AGAIN! lie in till 6.30??!!. I'm usually just about getting to sleep then!. My sleep patterns have been a bit erratic to say the least of late but I think last night I finally had my first dececnt nights sleep in ages. I'm no 'trainee' at this so I know it's the booze that's done it and having 8 days off it is starting to make me feel a whole lot better.

                      Zeppie Sorry for missing your birthday too but time differences make it difficult to converse. I was nearly born out on the South Island in New Zealand as my parents where all set to emigrate. Mum backed out at the last minute and my dad lost a whole heap of money on deposits he had put down on plots of land!. That's love for you though I guess!!

                      Ruby How's the egg this morning?!! Hope nothing hatched out in the night or you did the same thing and 'threw' yourself out of bed again!!lol I know I shouldn't laugh but yesterday reading your first post did bring a smirk to my face! Sorry!!

                      Chelle sorry to hear your coming down with something more than you'd expected? My toe's no better after trying to peel some of the nail back with wire-cutters and a long nosed pair of pliers. (I shit you not!). The nails are far too tough to even contemplate a normal pair of scissors or even proper toe-nail clippers. They're like little tomb stones on me toes!

                      One. How's you're vagina doing this morning? Still depressed? lol I think you're doing the right thing with the Anti'd's and 'finally' taking them after stocking up a large pharmacuetical companies stock room with the damn things. Stick with it hun and you'll be smiling thigh to thigh very soon!!lol

                      Pat best of luck during that witching hour. It's difficult I know but if you show some resolve I'm sure you'll get through it and most of all ENJOY yourself!

                      Limers Day 5 and going strong I presume YES? Keep it up hun. I'm only on day 9 myself but feeling shed loads better and I'm starting to catch up with some zzzzzz's again finally.:l Big hugs for my Irish friend!!

                      Cym did you sort out that 66stage yet? Hope you had a good day yesterday with the g/f. Sounds like the counseling is going well too and you're making some good progress. Don't forget to let us all know how you got on with the job. I'm just about to start putting myself out there again after spending some time on the Condition Management Program. Buggered if I know where to start with my CV though! will no doubt go to one of the many help centres and get some advise! My last one was chalked out on slate!

                      Right Sorry if I've missed anyone but gotta go and do some 'manly' things!

                      [ame=]YouTube - The Cure - Friday I am in love[/ame]

                      Love and Happiness to ALL

                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        AF Army 3rd October

                        Im getting there hipps. My girlfriend understood it better than me, so she said she will sot it out tnt.
                        Why wont they just phone and put me out of my misery!!!
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          AF Army 3rd October

                          Man, are you hanging over the phone waiting for THE call today?lol
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            AF Army 3rd October

                            Hipps, i have the phone taped to my head so that i dont miss it!
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              AF Army 3rd October

                              Hello All- thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a great day - first birthday I have had sober in a long time. Worked at the pub tonight so shouted my friends some birthday drinks instead, while I snacked on gummie worms and pizza.
                              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                                AF Army 3rd October

                                Glad you had a good day Zep.
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

