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An important lesson

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    An important lesson

    Hello all,
    Something terrible happened in my home town at the end of September and I thought I would tell you all about it because it serves as a reminder that drinking and driving can only lead to tragety. Someone I knew (albeit not well) and who was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous in my area died in a tragic accident. Apparently, her car was seen driving erratically at 2pm in the afternoon and when the police pursued her (after being tipped off by other motorists), she engaged in a bit of a high speed chase, trying to outrun them. The police then threw down spikes to try to stop her vehicle which punctured one of her tires. She still did not stop the vehicle, swerved out of control and ran headfirst into a dump truck. She was 52 years old, and had three children. She died of internal injuries from that accident.

    This tragety reminds me how short life is. It can be taken in an instance, and drinking excessively (and driving, particularly) can only have tragic consequences. By the way, this woman was very shy and reserved - she was not the type that I ever would have pictured trying to outrun the police. I can only imagine that in her intoxicated state, she panicked and/or just said f*** it and ran. It's so sad.

    Sorry to be such a downer. I just thought this was too important not to share. Here is to everyone having a safe weekend.

    Over 4 months AF :h

    An important lesson

    Such a sad thing to happen. So sad.


      An important lesson

      Innerstrength, thank you for sharing that sad and painful story as an important lesson to all.

      in some way I think we have all been in a high speed chase (as a metaphor) in this addiction. the poor lady must have been scared out of her mind. (Not to rationalize the action of course).
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        An important lesson

        You're very right Det. This is a high speed chase at times, isnt it? It is a painful lesson. I am still in shock over it.
        Over 4 months AF :h


          An important lesson

          Thanks for the reminder Innerstrength,

          Nothing good ever comes from being drunk. Just a week ago I attended the funeral for a 19-year old young man who went to high school with my daughter. He was away at college and somehow mistook a highway in New York for a street he could cross. Of course AL was involved and he died after being hit by 2 cars while attempting to cross the highway. It was the saddest funeral with many young people, teachers and friends of the grief stricken family. His mother has not even begun to touch her grief.

          I agree that we need to remind ourselves that this drug of ours - AL - can be lethal. It sure takes a lot of the romance out of it. Thanks so much for the reminder.



            An important lesson

            In my high school, we did graduation rehearsal on Thursday, June 8th. My graduating class had 309 students. We stood in our robes, and got in a line shortest to tallest, and memorized who was in front and behind for the grand march.

            On Sunday, June 11th, 1978, 304 students in my class received their diplomas. Unable to reconfigure, and as a memorial, we left the five places open in the line, and five seats empty in the audience. There was an awkward moment as the name was read, and the next student didn't come up, and the principle would look down at his list, and push the diploma to the side. In just three days, five High School graduates died before they could accept their diplomas, all in single-car AL related accidents.

            That was back when drinking age was 18. It has since been raised, which helps a lot with the "graduation day" problem.

            But it still is a searing memory for me that five students who took tests, went to classes, and finished high school just like I did, lost their lives in a single weekend.


              An important lesson

              The thing that struck me about that sad, sad story is when you said she did not look like she would be the type to run from police. It goes to show when you pass people on the street or sit in the cubicle next to them you just never know what is really going on with people. I will say a prayer for her family and especially her children. What a tragedy.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                An important lesson

                A reminder about the possible tragedy of drinking and driving is always a good thing. So tragic for her family and the community.


                  An important lesson

                  Pray for the children and for peace to the soul of their mother. No one has condemned her or said that what she did was wrong. Nor the students who did not make their graduation. They were not killed by cars but by a chemical.

                  Let's not draw a lesson about driving from this - lets draw a lesson about the chemical.


                    An important lesson

                    Hi Allen,
                    The lesson about driving would be, Don't Drink and Drive.
                    The lesson about the chemicical would be ??????

                    I'm sorry, I missed your point.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      An important lesson

                      chemical being....alcohol I assume???
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

