That it keeps me from feeling angry, that if I stop drinking I'll have all this anger to deal with. Oh and of course, I'll stop drinking Monday.
No announcement yet.
whats the biggest lie youve ever told yourself...
whats the biggest lie youve ever told yourself...
That it keeps me from feeling angry, that if I stop drinking I'll have all this anger to deal with. Oh and of course, I'll stop drinking Monday.The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.
whats the biggest lie youve ever told yourself...
hi limes ,it medicateded me,or it did,just like depressents,but i never had a problem with anything but,AL. BUT THIS IS A GOOD TOPIC GYCOtake 50 mils of meds,stop the meds and take 50mils of AL,basically it does the same,or has the same affect,unless you take too much
whats the biggest lie youve ever told yourself...
My biggest lie?
That I don't have a problem.......period.
I love telling myself that one, over and over again.....Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.