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anyone with me?

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    anyone with me?

    Hello dear people,

    I had a terrible set back last night. went to the gym, didn't eat much, bang. i think it was boredom, too. anyone out there understanding?
    i'd like to go alcohol-free for a while. anyone daring together with me?

    very kind greetings from a german mountain,

    anyone with me?

    Hi, Sch! I certainly no what you mean! Happened to me last weekend! I'll look for you on the boards, as I'm AF again. Check in and post on the AF army thread, or peace corp. You'll find lots of people who are working on the same thing. Lot's of people aren't here this weekend, boards are very quiet. Keep looking here till you find some people who will encourage and support your goals. Good luck. Rubes
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      anyone with me?


      I had a similar night this past Wednesday and have been AF for two days now. I read in the posts that seven days may be a more achievable goal as thirty days can be sometimes overwhelming. So that's my goal - seven days - Let's go.



        anyone with me?

        I'm here with ya.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          anyone with me?


          I've already put three days in, but I'm willing to try to go alot longer



            anyone with me?

            count me in..
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              anyone with me?

              Gutentag Schwert. I'm with you. Lets do this together.


                anyone with me?

                One day at a time. I'm with you.


                  anyone with me?

                  I'm totally with you on this one.Theres strength in numbers.:l
                  A BushBaby with Attitude


                    anyone with me?

                    Finished Day 4 --Woo Hoo!!. Anyone else want to report??


                      anyone with me?

                      Hi Schwert,

                      Know that this happens to all of us. We fight, and sometimes we lose. Sometimes we see it coming, and other times it just happens. The important thing is to keep at it. I liken it to trying to lose weight. If we abandon the diet every time we stray, we'll never make it to our goal. But if we keep working at it, eventually we'll be right where we want to be. We're just human, afterall. Good to hear from you. Wish I knew some German!



                        anyone with me?

                        HELLO ALL!
                        I just checked in again and read all your answers! So, this has been a week as of today, hasn't it?
                        So many interesting people here on this site, behind all those "avatars", and codenames. I guess in here, we have a capricorn, someone from ireland, someone who was in the bush, a person who likes butterflies, a boss who can greet in German, a monkey who can handle kytes, and two persons with beautiful pets.
                        Good company.
                        All the best for the weekend!
                        Energy comes your way.


                          anyone with me?

                          to vera-b

                          hi vera-b!

                          yes. you're right. also, it's good to look at why we slip. and then incorporate that into our lifes....challenge.

                          have a beautiful weekend with strong colors, nice sounds, and soft smells.

                          vera-b;432532 wrote: Hi Schwert,

                          Know that this happens to all of us. We fight, and sometimes we lose. Sometimes we see it coming, and other times it just happens. The important thing is to keep at it. I liken it to trying to lose weight. If we abandon the diet every time we stray, we'll never make it to our goal. But if we keep working at it, eventually we'll be right where we want to be. We're just human, afterall. Good to hear from you. Wish I knew some German!



                            anyone with me?

                            GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL


                              anyone with me?

                              can I join in

                              I am 2 days AF. I can go for weeks, but then the bottle becomes my best friend in times of stress.
                              Wish me luck, I am joining in!:new:
                              Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                              And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                              • Yesterday is History
                                Today is a Mystery
                                Tomorrow is a GIFT

