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AF Army 5th October 2008

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    AF Army 5th October 2008

    Morning All!

    No idea why i am awake at this ungodly hour AGAIN, but thought I would just say good morning and then maybe try and get some more shut eye.

    One 2 said some lovely things to me yesterday that really made me think. It is amazing how I see myself so differently from the way others do or so it seems. I need to remember that I shouldnt be so down on myself so much of the time. Maybe that is one of the reasons that I drank? That is the beauty of having a family such as this that keeps us afloat and helps us along the inevitable sticky aspects of day to day life. So a big thank you to a caring Leprechaun who helped me more than she will ever know.

    One 2 How is your wrist this morning :H

    Have a lovely sober contented Sunday all.

    Catch you later
    Love Startingover xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    AF Army 5th October 2008

    just stop in to say happy sunday to all .. enjoy your day live it
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      AF Army 5th October 2008

      Hi everyone
      Bright as the proverbial button this morning... this AF thing is pretty good, lol.
      Still got my tempermental internet connection, which went off ALL yesterday afternoon and night, but seems to work fine on the mornings!
      Ive managed to 'spring clean' both my living room and dining room..scrubbed carpets and all yesterday and today Im doing the kitchen and taking my two Flufters out for a nice long walk.
      Going to catch up on yesterday's posts, Take Care everyone
      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


        AF Army 5th October 2008

        Hi AFers!

        Glad you are all doing well!

        I will catch up on some posts now too- I hope you managed to get your head back down Start!


          AF Army 5th October 2008

          Awe I see the lickle leprechaun has been spreading more rainbows of joy and happiness, even with a sore wrist!!.

          Starting glad to see some of that magic dust is rubbing off on you. Only recently myself have I started to look at my self and my actions in a new light, especially how others have perceived myself and my drinking. Good for you hun.

          Chelle seen as all you seem to do is clean if you want to come down here to Liverpool anytime and give this house the once over I'll e-mail you my address!!lol Hope you're feeling less flue like today and that tooth's not causing you too much jip still. Here's a photo just for YOU.

          ME?! A SEXIST PIG?!!!!LOL

          Hey T good of you to drop in and say hello this morning or whatever time it is there with you! Have a good day too mate.

          Marbs great to still see you posting occaisionally here. By the way do you still own and run a bar there in Spain? Was reading yesterday about how you saw yourself as being able to have that rapore with the customers if you drank. Must be difficult working in that trade and people having expectations of you all the time to be some brilliant hostess! Have a friend here in the UK who is with AA and is 5 years sober and still manages bars and nightclubs. Couldn't do it myself, even though at one point it seemed like my ideal job. I nearly stayed out in Zante many years ago when I was offered a really good job in a bar but I was still working in the recording studio at the time and I loved that job too much to give it up overnight!!.

          Anyway I have a quite day to myself today after spending the best day I've had in ages with Jasmine my daughter. She was a complete angel yesterday and was so well behaved. We had so much fun even though the weather kept us indoors. It's days like that that make me feel good to be alive. don't know what I would do without her to be honest. She IS my world.

          Right before I get even more sentimental I shall take myself off to get something to eat I think.

          Today folks beware of cherrubs! They're on the prowl looking for YOU!

          Catch you all later

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            AF Army 5th October 2008

            Morning troops! Slept till 9.45 this morning. Yay!! Horrible day, wet, windy and generaly yuk.
            Had real pains in my lower back again last night. Woke up a couple of times in the night feeling it. Going to make an appointmet with the doc tmr, while i get some more campral.
            Starting.. I think its very important to start liking yourself again, and its something ive talked about with my counciller. If i keep beating myself up over things ive done in the past i cant move forward, and im slowly beginning to like myself again. Its def a reason for drinking. Be proud of the changes your making in life, for others, and for YOURSELF.
            Chellle...good to see your still buzzing! Cleaning gives you a real sense of achievement doesnt it? Its nice to be sitting in a clean house admiring your work. Good point yesterday too!
            Hows it going Marbs? Would be interested to hear about the medication.
            Have a great day Mr T.
            Everyone who is about to join...dont happy!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              AF Army 5th October 2008

              Morning Hipps. I know exactly where your coming from with your daughter. Its a reason to be the person you are striving to be. When i want to pick up the bottle i think of the good times spent with erin, and also that night where i could of lost the most important relationship in my life. Theres only one choice...choose life. Have a good one bro!
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                AF Army 5th October 2008

                Morning Cym. Is campral the same as acamprasate by any chance? Was just wondering as they did f.all for me when I took em. Only thing that stopped me in the beginning was Antabuse!! Are the pains internal or muscular? I still get twinges in me kidneys from time to time and this cold weather is a nightmare if I get cold in em! I end up laid up for days. Not nice at all. Hope you had a good night with the g/f. What did you think of Nil by Mouth then? Ray Winstone's best performance in my eyes.
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  AF Army 5th October 2008

                  Morning one. Tried to watch Caddyshack last night downstairs on the cable. As soon as I plumped up that cushion and lay down to watch it I was away within 20 minutes!! Woke up and Brideshead Revisited was on so took myslef to bed about 1 am this morning freezing my knackers off!!

                  How are you and the familly doing today?
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    AF Army 5th October 2008

                    Thought the film was really good. Very true to life, and winston and burke were awsome. My G/F couldnt believe little mo from eastenders was in it! And i recognised the daughter, but couldnt remember what from? Good film.
                    The pain is internal and comes and goes, but last night was pretty bad.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      AF Army 5th October 2008

                      Morning O2M. Whats this about your wrist? I missed that last night!
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        AF Army 5th October 2008

                        hippie37;431869 wrote:

                        Marbs great to still see you posting occaisionally here. By the way do you still own and run a bar there in Spain? Was reading yesterday about how you saw yourself as being able to have that rapore with the customers if you drank. Must be difficult working in that trade and people having expectations of you all the time to be some brilliant hostess! Have a friend here in the UK who is with AA and is 5 years sober and still manages bars and nightclubs. Couldn't do it myself, even though at one point it seemed like my ideal job. I nearly stayed out in Zante many years ago when I was offered a really good job in a bar but I was still working in the recording studio at the time and I loved that job too much to give it up overnight!!.

                        Anyway I have a quite day to myself today after spending the best day I've had in ages with Jasmine my daughter. She was a complete angel yesterday and was so well behaved. We had so much fun even though the weather kept us indoors. It's days like that that make me feel good to be alive. don't know what I would do without her to be honest. She IS my world.
                        Hippie, I thought the bar trade was probably the reason I drank so much and for that reason was desperate to leave it. I have no other training or experience but luckily when the Internet thingy was invented (LOL- I know thats not really how it happened) I found I had a bit of a flair for websites and selling stuff, and I was able to leave the bars. Although I guess it did help a bit, it certainly wasn't enough to stop by very ingrained daily drinking.

                        A friend of ine who had only been dry for one year took the bar over from me- she still has it and is still dry
                        Amazing I could not do it. Occasionally she has asked me to cover if someone is sick or something- as soon as I walk in there I have to drink.

                        Glad you had such a brilliant day with Jasmine- there will be bucketloads more!!!


                          AF Army 5th October 2008

                          cymru;431871 wrote: Morning troops! Slept till 9.45 this morning. Yay!! Horrible day, wet, windy and generaly yuk.
                          Had real pains in my lower back again last night. Woke up a couple of times in the night feeling it. Going to make an appointmet with the doc tmr, while i get some more campral.
                          Starting.. I think its very important to start liking yourself again, and its something ive talked about with my counciller. If i keep beating myself up over things ive done in the past i cant move forward, and im slowly beginning to like myself again. Its def a reason for drinking. Be proud of the changes your making in life, for others, and for YOURSELF.
                          Chellle...good to see your still buzzing! Cleaning gives you a real sense of achievement doesnt it? Its nice to be sitting in a clean house admiring your work. Good point yesterday too!
                          Hows it going Marbs? Would be interested to hear about the medication.
                          Have a great day Mr T.
                          Everyone who is about to join...dont happy!
                          Sorry to hear you are in pain Cy.

                          At least tomorrow you can get to the doc- we have ordered a TDP lamp for my BF's back pain- they are supposed to work wonders.

                          I have began a thread in the drug section regarding my meds- it's a bit long in some places but it will be interesting I hope to others who come looking for info for treatment with naltrexone and the Sinclair method.

                          Have a lovely day all, I must run- got to visit someone who is dying in hospital today- he has cirrhosis of the liver. :sigh:

                          Till later
                          marbs XX


                            AF Army 5th October 2008

                            Hope everything is o.k for you Marbs. will be thinking of you. Will have a read of the thread now. Thanks.
                            O2M..I think i understand now!
                            Im off out for some lunch with the G/F.
                            Speak to you all later.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              AF Army 5th October 2008

                              Em..the wrist wrist has recovered...em yeah...hmmmm ok.

                              Have you been trying to cheer your depressed thingy up!lol
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009

