I like to think I mostly have a positive outlook in life.......am always laughing and joking as I repeatedly trill off the old cliche that "every cloud has a silver lining", `cos.........that is what I believe, or did believe anyway........am now wondering if I was actually talking crap all the times I`ve said that.
Some of you may think I`m ungrateful for saying what`s coming next, but........say it I must, as this is just how I feel tonight. Back in my drink-filled days.........I truly believed that sobriety was everything..........if only I could become sober.........life would be wonderful, right?? Well..........LMAO........NOT!!!!
The absolute truth is that sobriety in itself isn`t much of anything at all, and it certainly isn`t wonderful in itself.
So.........I`ve said what I felt compelled to say this night. I know how many of you would give your eye teeth for sobriety and so I must ask myself........"Am I ungrateful, then?" Undoubtedly, I am ungrateful for feeling as I do this night........sorry, but at least I`m honest.
Am just f***ing fed up of it all, bored and stuck in a rut, I suppose............I want some fun and lightness of heart!!!! Is that really too much to ask???!!!!
Darling x