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Out in the wilderness.

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    Out in the wilderness.

    You too sweet heart


      Out in the wilderness.

      Hay Hippi..

      Just seen this now..I had trouble sleeping last time i was off the ale...It's shit..

      Your a good man...Let us know how your doing today..
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        Out in the wilderness.

        Silver Linings soon i hope

        Hi there Hips
        Hope you rested well. Sorry to hear you?re feeling like you do. Well done starting this thread to have a good vent. Hope you keep it up as you work through this thing. Sounds like you were depressed before & now can recognise the signs, hopefully early enough to nail it. (By the way thanks for your help on the music thread, especially the other night when I got myself to a very strange place - it was quickly deleted)

        For what it?s worth these are some of the tactics I use when a passing dark cloud looks like it may become a storm?

        All the obvious - diet, exercise - really do help with mood

        For me the biggest is to do anything I can to minimise TIME spent on worries, even though the worries may feel real. I get up as soon as I wake up (yuk, I luuuuv dozing). Otherwise I would just lay there, begging for sleep & listening to those worries going round & round & round? & they just love the attention, greedy gits

        I make a cuppa then back to bed. Here I have 2 choices
        Spend ? an hour or so writing down my worries. Completely uncensored, free flow kind of thing. Just let my thoughts go where they need to go. Then I stop, don?t re-read it. I ask myself if there?s just one thing I could do today to help, what would it be? Make a dreaded phone call, pay a bill, go see the doctor? I aim to do it if I can. Then i burn what i've written, give it to God or the Universe... Then I get up, do my best. Through the day, if a worry pops I ask it to wait till tomorrow morning & distract myself with something else

        Spend ? hr encouraging easier thoughts by occupying my mind on something else - radio on, book, magazine. Used to spend hours on sudokus! Sometime later in the day when all those sleepy chemicals are out of my brain, I do number 1 above

        This is my way of limiting the worry time & getting out of that vicious circle. It?s my way of working through the worries (acknowledging them) but keeping them at bay. You might just get up, take a shower & go for a walk

        Other things that help me

        I think Bella?s right about the computer. Gets me too buzzed up late at night & I can?t sleep. Sitting still for too long doesn?t help either

        Singing, whistling, walking, swimming, funky music, gardening, surfing the net, cleaning the house. Most of these are free as well! I really like cloud-spotting, keeps me looking up when i'm feeling down (hence the dark clouds/storm metaphor) check it out here
        The Cloud Appreciation Society

        You can tell from the length of this post I have a lot of time on my hands so I often check out this site to become more skilful in the art of idling & for a good laugh (might not be your cup of tea?)
        The Idler ? Links

        It sounds from your post as if your worried about going to the Doc & getting meds for this? I got some in January but didn?t want to take them. Going to the Doc was one of my worries, so that was out of the way! And I knew I had the meds if I needed them. I sorted out a few other things, one day at a time, & the depression slowly lifted. Meds are around here somewhere? unopened!

        Good luck Hipps, hope you glimpse your silver lining soon.
        And we?ve got blue skies today, makes a change huh?



          Out in the wilderness.

          I think your inner wisdom was speaking when you titled your post OUT IN THE WILDERNESS...Nature is a powerful HEALER...Aline your back to a big tree.The energy flow thru the tree automatically aligns the chakras.Cloud's amazing what you will see there.Pay attention to the animals(even bugs) they are teachers of how to live in balance and harmony...Earth is our Mother and she is always waiting to hold us and nourish us if we will just take the time to connect...You know i love ya and hope this mood passes soon...Blessings on you...
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Out in the wilderness.

            Evie, just reading what you wrote helped me to relax just then. Thank you
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Out in the wilderness.

              For GG, EvieLou, and Hipps, two of my favorite recent cloud photos (I find looking at the sky to be a wonderful and fast-acting anti-anxiety and anti-depressant "medication"):


                Out in the wilderness.

                Wow WIP - stunning!


                  Out in the wilderness.

                  hippie37;434500 wrote: I've been feeling a bit lost lately. Don't quite know where or who I am anymore. I'm sat here at my computer at 2.40am and unable to sleep, yet unable to post anymore. I feel completely drained of all feeling. My head is telling me I have so much going for me; my daughter. Yet if it wasn't for her I hate to think were I would be right now. I'm just all over the place at the moment. I'm as high as a kite one minute and full of good intentions then the next day I'm feeling so low and down on myself. I know I've always had bouts of melancholy and I've rode those waves and got through. But this feels totally different. I feel in real danger of becoming depressed again. I know what I probably need to do but that option seems so hard right now.

                  Anyway I just needed to vent. I'm gonna try and get some sleep and hope tomorrow I wake up with a brighter outlook.

                  Love you ALL my friends
                  Hi hippie,

                  I hope you have woken up with a brighter outlook on life today.
                  You say you hate to think where you would be right now! Just think of today and let tomorrow come by it self.
                  I think you are over thinking or working yourself to much. unable to post anymore, that one rings a bell for me i have felt like that before. I think you should slow down in what you are doing to much of. Thinkng to much can make us all over the place. There are times when i could just shut myself in my bedroom and just sleep all day. There are times when i fight against my own body and mind where i feel like my head is not between my shoulders. But for some reason i make myself get up and try and motivate myself.
                  I hope you get to ride that wave today hippie you can do it. This shall pass.

                  Thinkg of you and keep strong.

                  Take care

                  family is everything to me


                    Out in the wilderness.

                    Oh boy!!!! I feel like shit, hip..........I`d been so wrapped up in my own trials these past couple of days that I`d made a cry for help and then kind of retreated and come over all insular........I needed to be alone with my thoughts, so........regrettably, I hadn`t seen much of what was going on on the boards.........I am sorry that I wasn`t there for you.

                    If you`d read my update on my "silver lining" thread, you`ll have seen that I am feeling positive once more, having considered and accepted that the fulfilling and happy life I want is there for the taking, only..........I have a lot of hard work ahead of me to reach that full and happy life.

                    This is tough, hip.........extremely so, but..........there are no Fairy Godmothers or Knights in Shining Armour coming to rescue us..........THAT is what I used to dream of..........I kid you not..........I was very deluded. Now I understand how things truly are in this life, whatever our problems may be, and this is how it is for sure..........if there`s any rescuing going to be done..........we have to do the rescuing for ourselves.........just as it should be, because only by rescuing our selves are we ever going to be truly whole again..........EVERYTHING WORTH GETTING IS WORTH THE WAIT. And it is that which we do for ourselves, that makes us feel proud and worthy of a place on this earth.

                    Listen to me please............"YOU" are going to make it, "I" am going to make it, "We" are all going to make it. I am holding my hand out to you, just as if I were sitting right beside you, just as I would hold my hand out to anyone here in distress..........just as long as we keep reaching out to each other and lifting each others spirits, not only will we survive, but we will thrive and realise true happiness.

                    It`s a rollercoaster ride for sure..........I was in the pits of despair only the other night, so I turned to MWO and sought and found the comfort and clarity I needed. There will be a helluva lot of lows along the way on this journey, but I do believe that the high to excel all highs awaits us in the form of true happiness when we reach our destination. :l

                    Star x
                    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                      Out in the wilderness.

                      I just want to send you a warm hug hippie in hopes that it will cheer you up even for just 1 second
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Out in the wilderness.

                        Hippie (son) I've been AWOL for a while so I dont know what has caused this ................

                        Be strong love, take a deep breath and face the new day head on ......

                        You will get through this ........... I promise ........

                        Love & Hugs, BB xx

