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AF Army 9th October 2008

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    AF Army 9th October 2008

    Hi all!

    It seems like many of us are having struggles just now?
    Remember, we are all in this together, help and support really do help and support. Never be afraid to ask.

    Oney, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We are here for you.

    Have a lovely day all.

    Love Startingover xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    AF Army 9th October 2008

    Hi Starting ,its thursday woo! hoo! You know fridays are my favourite day of the week. Oney, I will light a candle for you mum soon and pray it all goes well.

    See you all later!


      AF Army 9th October 2008

      Hi all. Sorry didn't manage to get back yesterday. One, whats happening with your mum?


        AF Army 9th October 2008

        Hi all - just got back from the track - 2 third placings today - Yahoo!
        Think the dishies race much better with a sober trainer.

        As I mentioned it was my first road trip in nearly a year - and I loved it - might do it all over again next thursday.
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          AF Army 9th October 2008

          Morning All!

          Windy blustery day here on the Costa Brava- hope you all have a great day or night, I will be back this evening.

          Thinking of you and your mum today 02M :l
          Hi Minty- One's mum has to have an operation for a growth on her ovaries.


            AF Army 9th October 2008

            One hope ya mum is ok . If a oversized ( not over sexed) bunny can do a dance and hop around like a eejit and bring a smile Im ready . Just make the call
            hope everthing turns out good
            Love cap


              AF Army 9th October 2008

              Good morning troops. Hope everyone has a better day tdy. Will be thinking of you all tdy. Especially o2m and her mum. Hope it runs smoothly for you.
              I am finding it very difficult not to post on here as much as i have. I havent really talked about it in detail since my slip, but my girlfriend is really anti MWO for some reason. I havent wanted to mention it because i know she reads my posts, but i really want to let you all know, cause im missing being here and talking to eveyone. You have all been such a huge support, and i realize that my G/F is finding that she is second best to you all. I spoke to all of you before i spoke to her the other night when i drank for 2 days, and i think that upset her that she wasnt the first person id call. She found out i was o.k by reading this forum.
              Thing is ive always been like that, and i think the alcoholic is like that. You block off everyone you love through spite, yet i found it easier to speak to people on here.
              Im sorry to moan about my minor problems, but im finding it difficult not speaking to you all and not having a fecking p.c!
              Have a great day all. Day 3 for me and feeling alot better tdy.
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                AF Army 9th October 2008

                Good to hear o2m. Got erin all day tdy, cause shes been off sick from school. Though she doesnt seem very sick!! Gotta go to job centre and look for jobs and ask about signing on. Really dont want to, but guess after all my years hard work i deserve something.
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  AF Army 9th October 2008

                  I know. She has karatee on a wed and im sure thats the reason she gets ill. She doesnt like going.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    AF Army 9th October 2008

                    Talking of sick...Gordon rang in sick for the rest of the week and made a miracleous recovery about half an hour later! Joking and smoking and drinking last night...still shouldnt complain, handy to have him around and LOADS better than seeing him sitting with a duvet around him feeling so sorry for himself!


                      AF Army 9th October 2008

                      cymru;435985 wrote: Good morning troops. Hope everyone has a better day tdy. Will be thinking of you all tdy. Especially o2m and her mum. Hope it runs smoothly for you.
                      I am finding it very difficult not to post on here as much as i have. I havent really talked about it in detail since my slip, but my girlfriend is really anti MWO for some reason. I havent wanted to mention it because i know she reads my posts, but i really want to let you all know, cause im missing being here and talking to eveyone. You have all been such a huge support, and i realize that my G/F is finding that she is second best to you all. I spoke to all of you before i spoke to her the other night when i drank for 2 days, and i think that upset her that she wasnt the first person id call. She found out i was o.k by reading this forum.
                      Thing is ive always been like that, and i think the alcoholic is like that. You block off everyone you love through spite, yet i found it easier to speak to people on here.
                      Im sorry to moan about my minor problems, but im finding it difficult not speaking to you all and not having a fecking p.c!
                      Have a great day all. Day 3 for me and feeling alot better tdy.
                      I can totally relate to all that you say there.
                      Glad you are feeling better KP
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        AF Army 9th October 2008

                        one2many;435994 wrote: Nice to see ya Cy.....I think it is easier to talk to someone who has been there and can offer some advice from experience sometimes.....especially when it relates to alcohol.
                        I don't think it is any reflection on your girlfriend but I do know if i were feeling like that, MWO would be the first place that I came to....simply for the understanding and experience.
                        I spoke to Rob last night about the amount of time I spend on here, he has no prob with me being on here but I think he was just concerned at HOW much time I was here.I explained to him that I NEED this place and whether or not he likes it, it is making me a better person and keeping me sober.I think he understood.As long as i give him the odd bit of lovin, he is ok with
                        I have been very productive today so far....cleaned out all the bedrooms, put on 2 washes, washed floors, been to the shops,cleaned out fridge...thats what happens when you get up at 6.30....feeling good today!
                        Oney that is great to hear !!!
                        I am glad you talked to him
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          AF Army 9th October 2008

                          limers;436005 wrote: Talking of sick...Gordon rang in sick for the rest of the week and made a miracleous recovery about half an hour later! Joking and smoking and drinking last night...still shouldnt complain, handy to have him around and LOADS better than seeing him sitting with a duvet around him feeling so sorry for himself!
                          Ah Limey, thats men for ya
                          Present company excepted KP
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            AF Army 9th October 2008

                            Just wanted to poke my nosey big beak into the thread.... O2m I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! I'm thinking of you!

                            Chef, it's wierd but I was thinking about you this morning.
                            I was thinking about your gf and how she feels. To play devils advocate.... I was thinking that if it were my hubby that was going through what I am would I be happy that he's not sharing with me as he would be here on MWO and I think I would be hurt and also feel a bit helpless. We all want what's best for our loved ones and if we cant help when there is a problem, I think it's confusing. And yes, I would be a bit green with envy that I was not the one that hubby seeked support from but rather new friends he had made in cyberspace.
                            Sorry that was just my two bob's worth!

                            I hope everyone else is just fine and dandy - you are such a wonderful group of peeps, I miss hanging here!
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              AF Army 9th October 2008

                              Hi Deebers, did you have a lovely holiday?

                              I totallly agree with what you said, I would feel the same if it were my hubby. But I still am doing the opposite as its me.
                              I dont know the answer to it, I just know it is effin difficult for all concerned.
                              Having said that, I am happier now than I have been for years.....
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

