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What a day

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    What a day

    Day three! And I thought that I was going to die. It seems as though everywhere I go is drink, advertising or pubs. I was so tempted to say "just one", but I know myself. I will never recover if I start again. Didn't think that it was going to be this hard.

    What a day

    Yup, it's hard, AND it gets easier. Good that you came here to say something about it. Keep doing that! It helps with the rough spots!



      What a day

      MJ, It is everywhere....Billboards, movies, Magazines...Mini bars right in hotel rooms ETC. ETC. When I see or think BOOZE, I have a MANTRA that really helps me...I DON'T DRINK !!! I DON'T DRINK !!! I DON'T DRINK...and I say it over and over, in my head, until I finally believe it...Try it, it works for me..
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        What a day

        Yep, it's hard, but sooooo worth it!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          What a day


          The effort is worth the wait...I know...And i know that everywhere you look it's virtually shoved in your face..DO NOT BE TEMPTED...I know exactly what you mean...Save yourself years of anguish now by putting your foot RIGHT down and saying....NO...F*$k OFF...Im my boss...I control ME...

          GET STRONG.....Get your head straight on your shoulders....Give yourself a talking to...

          It is easy to yes..It is so much harder to say no...SAY NO...and say i am bigger than that...and do what you have to do..
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            What a day

            Just hang in there.
            Years ago when I first moved out of a halfway house,I asked the owner if I could move in that night...he said yes but he hasn't removed all the booze out yet.Well I start moving my stuff in and yes there was a wine cabinet,with wine.About 10 that night I check the fridge for water...this was a shock.Single bud cans 2 high front to back,I love Bud..I had to decide weather I was going to drink or not right then.I choose not to and my life just keeps getting better.


              What a day

              I can totally relate MJ. I used to feel like the billboards were calling out to
              AL is everywhere in my state: The grocery stores, drug stores, gas stations, etc...Everywhere!!!
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                What a day

                We own a cabin in the mountains, it happens to be located in a dry county. My husband says he likes it up there because he feels safe. no AL temptation around him. I know it is not about where you are, but for a few days we have a certain imposed peace.

