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A new start

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    A new start

    Thanks for all the advice from the AFs. It was invaluable and got me thinking and planning. Its funny how the most obvious things, common sense dont come to mind sometimes, until people who have taken the journey spell it out! :thanks:

    I'm getting my paperwork ready for my medical insurance company today so that I can get my Knee keyhole surgery done. This has been left hanging for ages and I want to get back to my old acticities, that kept me fit, sober, Sooooooooooooo excelerated and happy; before I got hitched and got lost!

    I'm also going to go to the Women's AA meeting today at 5. Only 2 of us there!!!! BUT I want to read the book there, which is interesting and chat/question more the new friend I've met who has been AF for 7 years.

    Dad arrives in Tanzania next Thursday. Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! I love him to bits, he's magic; and I am excited. He was last in Kenya, East Africa 25 years ago and this is his first visit to Tanzania. We do clash at times though (he's a strong character and I'm even more independant). Anyway its going to be cool. At 76 years old he is climbing the Lomosho route of Kilimanjaro. He's fit and strong and so should make the summit. Everyone pray for him...I really want him to make it. I'll look after his wife whilst he does his 10 day climb, by going on short safaris and doing stuff round town. Then we all (my other half out of the picture now. We're just sharing the house till we can finantially go our separate ways) go on safari together and then the beach. The break SHOULD do me good AND because neither smoke, and rarely drink it'll be perfect for me. Time away from my boozey social scene, which I need to stay away from till I've settled into my non alcohol choice.

    Anyway enough of my boring chatter. Just keeping tuned in and positive. xxx
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    A new start

    THAT SOUNDS AMAZING , YOU DAD SOUNDS GREAT , i LOVE PEEPS LIKE HIM , i WANT TO BE LIKE THAT .Sorry , caps on! Sounds like youve alot to be positive about! Enjoy! Dont forget to come back on and share afterwords.


      A new start

      Yes, wishing you happy times Elizabeth.. your dad ROCKS!!
      Hope I can be so cool at his age.:goodjob:


        A new start

        Wow, this is all great to hear, Elizabeth! You are doing brilliantly! Keep us posted, OK?



          A new start


          It is good you are getting your knee fixed. I know very well how pain can affect your disposition. Getting exercise again will also be good for your mood.

          I hope your father achieves his climb and you enjoy some time with family.

          I am sorry you and your other half have split up but perhaps it is for the best?

          Here is wishing you much success on your new beginning!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            A new start

            I hope you have a wonderful time with your father. I always feel more "put together" when I'm around my dad. Some dads just have that precious ability to make everything seem ok. Best wishes to you!


              A new start


              Have fun with your pop and step mother. I'm glad you are getting your knee fixed and that you are deciding to go AF for a while. Take care and I'll be crossing my fingers all goes well with your dad's trip. :l


                A new start

                Elizabeth, have a great time and it is wonderful that you are focused on getting yourself healed mentally and physically.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  A new start

                  Dads are good things I think there is a special thing that happens between daughters and fathers. Not to de value the son father relationship that is also very special . But as a dad with a little girl I cant think of anything as wonderful, as to come home to my little girl as she jumps up and gives me the best hug saying she has missed me., I Know she is only six and this wont last but at the moment she makes me so happy


                    A new start

                    Great start and Good Luck!!!!!!!! Keep the Faith!
                    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale

