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Same old story

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    Same old story

    I had a bad night last night. I went out with a friend to our local. I was going to come home at 10pm but didnt. My one beer turned into 5 pints and then several vodka shots. I have a nasty big srape on my stomach, no idea how i got that but my husband said he had to carry me as I couldnt walk. He said he'd never seen me this bad. Threw up by the bed then passed out. My drinking has got worse. I have spent the whole day vomiting. Thankfully my kids are at school and nursery. I wont go on any further, too depressed. Needless to say, I have to work harder at becoming the person I want to be. Thanks for listening. Bella XXXXX

    Same old story

    Sweet Bella just admit to yourself you cant drink...... you just cant such thing as moderating for you seriously you have to stop your description of pints and vodka seems to be leading to one thing you trust!!!! Alcohol erases you!!!!!! but you wake up so sick and go though the guilt and trauma and self disgust of a black out!!!!! wipe your self out again!!!! Bella you cant moderate you are an alcoholic admit this and move forward. Ok lots of things to deal with emotionally a stay at home mum feeling boredom and the "is this all my life has come to" dont feel ashamed its a common thought are not alone!!!!!! . Its not hard to bring young kids up but it is hard if you are constanly hung over or thinking of getting pissed all the time. Bella you need to take stock YOU CANNOT DRINK A DROP realise this for you and only you dont be fooled by the booze sober is great it really is so much better
    Love ya Bells e mail any time you are a good soul


      Same old story

      Bella, this may be it. This may be your wake-up call. I know you have a hard time with your two children, spend sometime this weekend enjoying them and yourself.


        Same old story

        Bella, Use my Mantra....I DON'T DRINK...I DON'T DRINK....I DON'T DRINK...Helps me..
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Same old story

          If i drink, i drink to black out. There is no other way for me. I cant mod, never have, never will. I was bad on mon, but have got back on track. Good luck to you
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Same old story

            My sweet friend Bella. You and I have been talking for years. I think it is time to realize that you cannot go to bars and cannot drink even one drink again. You know have to do this for yourself and for your children.

            It can be bad for a while. Giving up alcohol is a bit like giving up your best lover. I know that. I went through the grieving for my long lost lover. But at some point you know you have to do what you need to do.

            I don't want to sound brutal here. But you need to do what you have to do. I only say things with great love and friendship for you.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Same old story

              This isnt your first wake up call though is it? How many do you need? Im sorry for sounding hard but alcohol turns you into a lunatic and you drink for all the wrong reasons! Captin and all are right , you cant drink , your an alcoholic ...What are you waiting for , something so mad to happen that you actually do loose your family , then what? You need to do something right now , right now! Is there any possibility of a morning job to get you back out there meeting peeps? Think of positive changes and very good luck to you.


                Same old story

                Hi lovely Bella
                You've been given some great advice.
                Have a really good think about all of this.
                I know I sure need to! Find some self
                supporting ways to alleviate your stress
                and anxiety. I hate to see you doing this
                to yourself as you deserve better.:lPan


                  Same old story

                  Thankyou all of you.....I had a good talk with my husband this morning.....he is a good man and doesnt hate me...just my loathsome bahaviour. You are right many wake-up calls do I need! Even my good friend is annoyed with me (she was there with me) ......big sigh.....I'm going to not drink today......I cant say I will never drink again..thats too scarey but I am very scared of myself at the moment...I have good intentions, then the devil seems to get inside me and I loose the plot.

                  Thankyou for your advice. I am so grateful to have this place to come to. Bella XXXXXX


                    Same old story

                    bella you are rite,you can never say never,but you can work on it a day at a time,listen to what the people say,some people just cant drink,you mite or are one of them good luck to you gyco


                      Same old story

                      Bella, my thoughts are with you and your family. You sound like a wonderful person. :l:l
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

