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Introducing ME to ME again

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    Introducing ME to ME again

    I?ve become so habituated into focusing my thoughts on the ?drunken? me, that I?ve almost forgotten the me I used to be. And wish so dearly to be again (yeah I know, the real me is sat right here beside me, has been here all along!)

    So, I?d like to introduce me to myself again
    (the healthy, happy me)

    I?m basically a good, down to earth, optimistic & loving lady. If it was allowed, I?d happily spend the rest of my life sipping a cappuccino whilst having a great conversation. But alas? :upset:

    I?m generous, caring, clever, mystical, creative, strong, sensitive, amusing, curious, open-minded, thankful, sexy, practical, curious, clumsy, friendly, hopeful, erratic, loyal, compassionate, honest, vulnerable, inventive, sentimental?

    Hmm that?s quite a good start! :goodjob:

    My sense of humour is quite self-deprecating & also sarcastic. I like black comedy - ?Fargo? is a favourite film. ?Steve Zissou & the life Aquatic? is another. Enjoy making fun of other people & myself. Finding the humour amidst this roller-coaster of life. Like playing on words. Like words in general. Love the art of communication - it?s how we connect, right? Or a major part of it

    Enjoy good company, food, sunshine, cloud-spotting, conversation, laughter, learning, animals, reading, chilling out, sleep

    Interested in my family, people in general, nature, natural healing, green issues, music, psychology, did I mention cloud-spotting yet?

    Gold xxx

    Introducing ME to ME again

    Fargo... is the best. welcome back GAG, nice to meet you again.


      Introducing ME to ME again

      O2M - just look over your shoulder girl
      W - good 2 be back!


        Introducing ME to ME again

        OK, you mentioned "cloud spotting," you gave me a great excuse to post another one of my recent pics! I had some great clouds to shoot when I was down in Florida last week...

        One of my zen teachers once told me to "make friends with the sky." I didn't have any idea what he meant, until I began trying it out.

        Anyhow, very nice post, GG, and good for you. That kind of thinking is something we all need to do, otherwise what's the point of not drinking? There's got to be something positive for us to be striving toward... or what's the point of living?

        I want to do a lot more work in photography, more writing...


          Introducing ME to ME again

          Great post GAG. I was talking to my G/F about this tdy actually. Im not a bad person...until i drink. And then im not violent, angry or shouty. I lock myself away from everyone and drink myself to blackout for a couple of days. Gotts focus on the positive things that we have in our bodies and souls
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Introducing ME to ME again

            WOW, you sound so much better...I really look forward to know you...Stay close to this site.We are all in this together..
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Introducing ME to ME again

              That is an AWSOME pic WIP. One of your best i would say!
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Introducing ME to ME again

                Hey I like to be called "W" makes me feel like one of those cannot-possibly-have-that-body-girl of a James Bond movie,


                  Introducing ME to ME again

                  ok i like everything you just wrote so when can we meet .. just kidding this is the real me trying to be funny .. isnt it nice to finally realize who the real one is .. the one that doesnt need al to live anymore and can feel everything and think with a clear head .. stay strong and think positive you are doing a great job ..
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Introducing ME to ME again

                    Nice to meet you, Gold! I think it would do most of us good to get back to self.

                    Great picture, WIP!


                      Introducing ME to ME again

                      Thanks for your company on this journey guys!
                      I' usually be feeling like a bit of a smarty pants 4 starting this thread (I L o o o v e approval)
                      But this feels different. I'm so thankful. My thinking is changing so much since finding MWO. Here's hoping my actions soon follow...

                      CY - great to hear from you. Really enjoy your posts & the whole AF army vibe
                      O2M - she was there wasn't she? Grand. Reminds of that lovely 'Footsteps' prayer
                      WIP - luscious picture. Maybe you should be our official cloud-spotting consultant! I kind of get the zen thing... they're always in motion. Never the same. Every moment has movement & it's own quality. Change is there whether we perceive it or not
                      Evie - thanks. I do feel much better when sober!
                      W - Ha ha! Oi, James, she's over here!

                      Gold xxx


                        Introducing ME to ME again

                        O2M - you're a scream! maybe u need some photography lessons from WIP!


                          Introducing ME to ME again

                          Hey Gold -
                          You've read some of my humor (so you know I'm with you on that), but I must say that any time you want to get down on yourself, re-read what you wrote about yourself and remember ALL of those positive qualities you just told everyone about YOU! THat's the real you, and you're still there. We ALL get down, and bogged with our life's struggles.
                          You've got so much going...just keep going, and stay strong!


                            Introducing ME to ME again

                            I could do with doing that tonight....Try and list all the points i like about myself rather than constantly look at the bad ones...

                            Its hard sometimes and you need reminding...

                            Thx Gold..
                            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                              Introducing ME to ME again

                              Hi Gold,

                              Your beautiful post is like a gratitude journal - a reminder of all we have to be thankful for. I'm thankful for having lost 11 pounds of wine and vodka off my hips, but looking at One2's avatar reminds me that I also lost what little chest I had. The ying and yang of it all.

                              WIP - you are the official MWO photographer. I think Cymru is the chef, and I seem to recall (?) Ripple being the recreation director. Any other positions to fill? Thanks for the positive thought Gold - hope you ride that wave all throughout the weekend.


