Hi Starting! Man, that hospital is a feckin mess! Sorry you have to deal with that. Did you get your iphone?
No announcement yet.
AF Army 12th October 2008
AF Army 12th October 2008
Mr and Mrs IPhone........yuk scuse me while I throw up)))
We need to get different cases so that no one knows they are the same...
He has a manly black leather one and I am going to get some tacky shocking pink one or somethingLiving now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
AF Army 12th October 2008
hi all. Back to the I pod. Had a lovely day at the park. Feeling good. You can get really cool covers for your screens too starts. I have a black moulded case and a mirrored screen. Vic has a nice girly one! Amazon is your best bet for price.To Infinity And Beyond!!
AF Army 12th October 2008
Hi Everyone!
Start, Good luck today at the hosp; I hope it is not a repeat of yesterdays blunders!
O2M, Have you given any thought to a kitty? I hated cats until 10 years ago when we took in our little stray kiki; now she is part of our family. Cats do not provide as much "unconditional love" that a dog provides but they are totally self-sufficient, don't need walks, as much day to day care, etc. I would LOVE a dog too but hesitate because of the work involved. If you do decide a dog is your answer, the shelter is the answer. Think of all the love you can give to that poor abandoned little creature. You can change it's life in an instant!
Marbs, You haven't told us lately about your store??? wassup?
DeeBee, Evie and LTG, , What's on your plate tdy?
Teardrop, Sorry about your friend...can you talk to us a little more about how you are feeling and what happened.
Evie, Sorry to hear your brother is in such a bad way. Did he get sober and stay that way? Is his ex-g/f still staying with him?
Zep, I think I missed you until your 2morrow morning. Dishies seem to be bringing in checks-that good!
Cy, Sorry your g/f is still giving you sh*t about this site. I wish we could all come there are make her understand how important this part of the MWO program really is to your sobriety.
Limers, What's shakin with you tdy? Still salt and peppa?
We just had our first snowfall; the yard is blanketed in this beautiful, clean white snow as are the trees!
Our streets are clear since they are still quite warm. All in all, this will be a good day to stay in front of the fireplace, drinking a pot of coffee until I shake. I'll be with you most of the day, I expect. Love, Krigs"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu