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AF Army 12th October 2008

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    AF Army 12th October 2008

    Good morning all,

    First time for a quick lecture )

    KP, dont allow your thoughts to become a conversation about "will I wont I". Today might be tougher because you are on your own, but you probably dont have to be right? You have your IPod and you have our numbers. We are here for you. You are on day 6 and that is a real achievement. Things will get better for you, they just will OK? I know these things ) Thanks for the advice about the Iphone, i hope i dont screw anything up with it....

    One 2, it is cathartic to spill, I think its the worst keeping things inside, thats when they turn bad when they dont get an airing. I know none of us like to complain or be down but we are human and this place allows for that so we can get some support and move forward. You are doing great hun.

    WIP, you are one of the strongest women I know, I am really trying to take on board your attitude of changing thoughts and not allowing myself to sink. Your mum must be testing you to the limit. My prayers are with you.

    Krigs, I always felt i didnt live up to anyones expectations too. Horrible isnt it? But I think you have come such a long way recently.....

    Teardrop? Please post or get in touch somehow. Dont struggle on alone....

    Well, that said, I am not feeling too bad today. Tiredness is the thing that sends me spirralling downhill fast and its hard to get enough rest when there is alot going on but I know I must look after myself as I dont want to be where I was a few months ago.

    So have a lovely day all of you whatever you are doing.
    It is a real support to me to know we are in this together....

    Love to all
    Startingover xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    AF Army 12th October 2008

    oh no.....hubby has man flu (((((
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      AF Army 12th October 2008

      Man flu LOL!!!!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        AF Army 12th October 2008

        Morning Starting and Deebee

        Sorry about the man flu- sorry for you, that is- not him.

        You are so right about how out thoughts take us places we don't want to go- WIP posted something a few days ago and it really struck a cord with me. Now whenever I find myself thinking something negative, or getting irritated, or wanting to drink or even when I am actually drinking- I say to myself 'This isn't just about you, you know' and I really think about that. And that the person who has annoyed me may be having a difficult time- maybe has even lost a relative or something? I think about how my drinking affects others, even people who don't really know me, how it can effect my dogs if I get drunk. I don't know if it is the reason, but I think it is certainly helping me moderate- my aim is to be AF, but I am doing much better than before- drinking 2 and then going home now seems OK- before I would buy some to take home, 'in case I needed it' later.

        So Cy- I agree with Starts- watch those pesky thoughts! I hope you have something good planned for the day.

        Well I am off now to walk the dogs, then off to France. I doubt I will be back here today, so here's wishing you all a peaceful sober Sunday.


          AF Army 12th October 2008

          I need to vent sorry......
          I have just spoken to mum the hospital once again are f*****g up royally. They did not give her her anti coagulant yesterday because a nurse who was not well with bronchitis signed to say that she had done it!!! They tried to ring said nurse but couldnt get hold of her so mum has had to go without her medication. They will give it to her today at 6pm!!!! I am so furious. This is the hospital that misdiagnosed her condition in the first place. They said she didnt have cancer when she did.....they have since apologised.....and now they are screwing up again. My blood pressure is currently through the effin roof!!!! Sorry for swearing just needed to say.....

          Sorry Marbs, Deebers, Hi to you both. Marbs you sound like you are making real progress now. So pleased for you hun....
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            AF Army 12th October 2008

            Starting that is awful. I must say all the bad things you hear about the NHS in Britain appear to be true.

            My dad was sent away from the doctors surgery constantly for nearly 2 years (when he went complaining he couldn't swallow) with indigestion tablets- he had feckin' throat cancer!!!!!

            I would kick up a right royal stink about this if I were you- I am SO SO SORRY you are having to go through this- I will be thinking of you today, and checking the thread on my phone- do let us know how your mum is.


              AF Army 12th October 2008

              Thank you Marby. I really appreciate this.
              Your dads story is horrific but sadly i am not surprised....

              I am frightened of kicking up a stink at the moment. I got cross last night but while mum is in there I dont want them to take it out on her.
              My brother is coming this afternoon and I have to stay calm for him, he is liable to fly and I really dont want that at the moment.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                AF Army 12th October 2008

                Hello everyone, just checking in, hope everyone is okay.

                Starting that is terrible to hear about the hospital, give them stink, the squeaky wheel always gets oiled.
                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                  AF Army 12th October 2008

                  Hi One -
                  how are you going? it's been a couple of days since i've read through any threads, been to busy with the dishies - and then too tired.
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    AF Army 12th October 2008

                    hi all,glad to see nothing has changed,your all doing WELL,starting im sorry to here of your mothers bad stay in the hosp.but what you said the diagnosis was wrong that is good yess,our hospitals are the same,short staffed over worked,monies are alicated else where in society as a hole,instead of putting it into Health care,old are miss treated,young are again miss diagnoised and somtimes its not the staffs fault,when i was in the hospital they treated just addictions,thts it,we had a guy come in who was cocaine addict,good lookin gent,but he just wasnt alll there,he finally got go to the other hospital and was diagnosed with Brain cancer,i do hope things go better for your mom,and the stress becomes less for you gyco


                      AF Army 12th October 2008

                      a dog One,5 kids and a hubby your crazy hahha,i got Jinx my dog hes 13,he is my second best freind,he iss so loving but he is getting old and he wont be here for ever,he was my daughters 1st but she didnt realise he would grow to 85 pounds from the small puppy he was,you hav a lot on your plate,enjoy your family,by some puppy faces or when ever you get angry at them put them out for a pea hahhaa,my dear a dog is work


                        AF Army 12th October 2008

                        Oh One - I haven't been without a dog for the last 15 years - hubby obviously doesn't like dogs.
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          AF Army 12th October 2008

                          Just tell hubby that it will be an outside dog - then sneak him in when hubs is at work (worked for me when I was a kid)
                          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                            AF Army 12th October 2008

                            What about a staffordshire bull terrier - they are great around kids and are quite small.
                            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                              AF Army 12th October 2008

                              here's my friends staffy, he's a nice wee dog Attached files [img]/converted_files/661179=4173-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.

