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Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

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    Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

    I find that I am extra sensitive. I used sarcasm for a LONG time to self defend. Now I drown myself in wine.

    In fact, the sarcasm and wine were combined until I finally came to grips with the truth that I am addicted.

    Anything can set me off.

    So I now find myself trying very hard to not set anyone else off. I know that even if they have "normal" defenses, they are wounded as well.

    In different ways. Because life is full of hardships.

    Therefore I drink to drown it out.

    And I know that it is wrong.

    And I know that I CAN stop.

    But I can't do it without support.

    I LOVE this site and all of you.

    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

    Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

    rACHEL, im guilty of the same thing, its easy to hide behind the booze , its hard to face life 'raw', just us the way we are. You will do it , you will get the support, try the af army, lots of support there and you will very quickly make some great friends there too.


      Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

      well i use to be the same way for a long time .. and now that i have been af for now 11 months plus days starting to see alot of things deferent .. and you say you want it.. grab it take ahold of it ..
      and do your best thats all you can do
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

        Rachael, there are physical reasons why AL use makes one moody and depressed, particularly after you've been drinking a number of days. These symptoms tend to clear if you can string together a few AF days. That's one reason that drove me to find this site in the first place. I figured out that for every 4 hours of good feeling I got from AL, I had to pay 8 hours of depression, anger, moodiness and that is just no fun.


          Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

          I too am extra sensitive- even if someone sounds their car horn at me for something I feel I haven't done- I can feel very hurt for hours.

          There are a few members here who I feel don't really like me- and that also hurts, though I shouldn't care- we can't all be liked by everybody, can we?

          Basically I tiptoe around trying not to be a pain in the ass to anyone (unless I get really incensed at cruelty or unfairness or something- then I let people know) but if I feel I have been a pain I really stew on it and can feel dreadful all day. I am sure most people don't go through their days like this.

          I guess it must come from trying not to be a nuisance as a child.

          When I drink I feel more like the person I wish I was- more outspoken, and able to stick up for myself much better, plus I don't suffer fools gladly. When sober I will listen to any Tom, Dick or Harry just so I don't hurt their feelings.

          Basically what I am trying to say is Yes, I think I am super-sensitive- I wish I wasn't, and I definitely think it is partly the reason I drink.


            Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

            This is an interesting thread. Another member has shared the same thoughts with me, about those of us with drinking problems are extra sensitive. I like to think I am tough, funny, strong (like you and the sarcasm, Rachelita) but perhaps I am the opposite of all of those things, and that is why I drink. I suppose if I were truly strong I would be able to beat this demon.

            Boss, I like your analogy of 4 hrs of "happy" = 8 hrs of miserable.

            I had some AF days over the summer, and I still felt pretty awful. I guess I am afraid that nothing will be different now. And I am being sensitive and burying my head in the sand.


              Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

              This thread makes me feel so sad. How can you all think like that about yourselves. You are all doing so well fighting the biggest fight of our lives and you to need to keep your chins up and think positive and try not to be too sensitive or hard on yourselves about stuff. Marbella how could you think people dont like you - that is so so so wrong. You are great - totally great. I am sending positive thoughts to you all. They should be arriving any minute!


                Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse


                Well, I was just trying to be honest about how I feel. I apologize if that made you uncomfortable.

                Perhaps you responded that way out of your own sensitivity?

                I hope I don't offend you for this observation. I just want to know if others feel this way?
                It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                  Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse


                  You spelled my name right!!!

                  I do realize it is physical as well as emotional. Perhaps as a female it is more "logical" to feel it is all about emotions?
                  It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                    Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse


                    Thanks so much for your response. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought this.
                    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                      Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

                      It sucks to have to feel so badly for no REAL reason. I mean, I have felt like shit all day if someone gives me a sideways glance! It's totally crazy, I know. But it does happen to me.
                      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                        Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

                        tlrgs;439097 wrote: well i use to be the same way for a long time .. and now that i have been af for now 11 months plus days starting to see alot of things deferent .. and you say you want it.. grab it take ahold of it ..
                        and do your best thats all you can do
                        WOW!! 11 months and going on a year?

                        It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                          Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

                          Actually, I think the way we view this may be more about our age (that is if getting educated about drinking goes along with it) than gender. I think has some years on you Rachelita. And when I was your age, I saw it all in emotional terms too.

                          It's just now starting to sink in for me that we are physically causing ourselves depression and over-sensitivity by drinking. It can be so hard to see that when you are focused on having emotional pain and want it to to away.

                          This helps a lot though. Instead of looking at a bottle as a cure, I think to myself: OK, this bottle is going to literally make your mental health worse. has written a lot of great posts about the effect of booze on the mood brain chemical serotonin that are pretty interesting.


                            Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse

                            limers;439093 wrote: rACHEL, im guilty of the same thing, its easy to hide behind the booze , its hard to face life 'raw', just us the way we are. You will do it , you will get the support, try the af army, lots of support there and you will very quickly make some great friends there too.
                            I'll think about the AF army, right now I don't feel I belong there. Please don't pressure me, I'll be there when I'm ready, I promise.

                            Thank you so much for the reply.
                            It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                              Sensitive=more prone to alcohol abuse


                              Perhaps you are right. I know that it can kill me. I know that it will kill me if I continue.

                              Unfortunately I am back to the point of withdrawl, so it is much easier for me to return the the bottle at this point.

                              And emotions are high now as I have alienated everyone who still loves me.

                              Sorry to be a downer.
                              It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

