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Drinking and posting

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    Drinking and posting

    Mackeral;440106 wrote: It all goes back to the you cant hear someones tone of voice..or see the expression on their face....The same sentence said in different tones makes a world of difference..
    Call me nieve but i dont beleive there are genually nasty people here...Maybe people who are hurting...Maybe people who are untrusting..Proberly people who have got the weight of the world on their shoulders...And have done for a number of years...That doesnt make them nasty..That makes them vulnerable..And anyone backed into a corner is gonna snap at one point or another...Never mind people like us...Even members with long term af must still be under pressure 24-7 because i dont beleive this will ever go away fully..

    I might be talking through my arse...i dont know..But i do know i have been here a while and seen this lots...Sometimes when you say things in the real world they are forgotten and dismissed instantly...In MWO'sVille...They last forever..
    Couldn't agree more Mack! finally someone tells it like it is rather than pussy footing around the issue.

    Cheers mate
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Drinking and posting


