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good morning,not so scared.

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    good morning,not so scared.

    Hi,yesterday went very well! At first I felt very scared about taking the Antibus! But later in the day I had no Chose to drink or not to drink! The little man wispering in my ear Just shut the f up!! Haha I also was givin librium. I slept like a little girl with her dollies. Or in my case my 5 tiny dogs. I really did not want to take antibus but in my case I think it is working. Thankyou all for being here with me for this crazy ride! Take good care... Raineyjane

    good morning,not so scared.

    Good for you, RJ!


      good morning,not so scared.


      Good job on following thru! You can do this! :goodjob:


        good morning,not so scared.

        Good job, Rainey!......keep going....take it one day at a time.....



          good morning,not so scared.

          I'm so happy to hear you sounding up and positive. You go girl!:yougo:
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            good morning,not so scared.

            Hiya Jane,

            I start the librium and antibuse in the next week or so...I will be keeping a keen intrest in your progress...I don't mean stalking...You know what i

            Keep up the good work and the strong attitude..
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              good morning,not so scared.

              mack...yeah let's do it may help others that can't find a other way. I really did not want to walk this path. But who knows maybe you and I and others may start running it!!! Place feel free to "stalk" I feel I'm not alone.I'll stalk u too. Haha love raineyjane


                good morning,not so scared.

                RJ! I'm so glad to hear you sounding so strong and up. Thanks for sharing with us and continue to post and check in. How long will you be on the medication? Are there any side effects? Just curious, not trying to be nosey.

                :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                AF since 10/11/2008


                  good morning,not so scared.

                  I just started yesterday. Lastnight I had no choice but not to drink. I would have been sleeping with my head in the toilet!!! Now that is no choice. At the rehab center they watch you take it. Again no choice
                  To drink. I drink 2 bottles of wine a day for the past 6 8 years. I have Had pancreatitis 3 times. I don't like all the needles and that lovely I.v. I hope this is the n end of this loooog and nasty ride!!! I go to the rehab everyday now for 5 days to detox. They watch me take the medecin I feel like someone has taken the drivers seat. I don't drink and drive. LOL. Raineyjane


                    good morning,not so scared.

                    What happens after 5 days? Do they give you the meds to take at home? Do you have to do any type of therapy or AA with it? Again, not being nosey just very curious. Good luck to you and I wish you continued success. I too am needle phobic so that right there would help detour me.

                    :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                    AF since 10/11/2008


                      good morning,not so scared.

                      Best wishes on your new life ahead!! Kriger
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        good morning,not so scared.

                        Definatly up for that...Running partners always work well here...
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          good morning,not so scared.


                          The librium is a 12 day coarse ,the antibuse from 6 -12 months...The librium helps with cravings while the antibuse will make you violently sick if you do drink...Been told possible fatality from my GP...In the worst case...Takes the option to drink away...In a big way..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            good morning,not so scared.

                            mich I will be taking the antibus and going to the rehab center 3x a week for 24 weeks. Then I'll go to other meetings and I have my way out!!!!!! Thank you all soooo much. Much love going your way.
                            We can do this. It's done every day. Am I right. Or what?


                              good morning,not so scared.

                              thats awesome .. do what ever it take to get where you want to be in life ..
                              stay strong and think positive
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

