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Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

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    Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

    Sigh.. If only articles like this could actually make us stop drinking..

    Anyway, here is some food for thought:

    Does drinking alcohol shrink your brain? -
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

    Yeah. Hard to tell if this type of finding reflects cause or effect, however. Also, it appears that the smaller brain volume is not accompanied by consistent findings in the way of cognitive deficits... It's an interesting field of study, quickly growing, no firm conclusions yet to be had. Here's an excerpt from a Science Daily article about a recent article in the neuroscience journal "Neuron." The findings for cocaine addiction are similar if not identical to findings with alcohol addiction.

    Dr. Breiter and colleagues found that brain regions involved with regulation of attention and reward, specifically the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and insular cortices, were significantly thinner in cocaine addicts when compared with matched controls. Behavioral tests revealed that the thinner cortex was associated with restrictions in preference-based judgment and decision-making, and with less accurate effortful attention. A general reduction in the level of preference and in the range of decisions reflecting these preferences can be considered an example of a fundamental feature of addiction—the loss of interest in many things outside of drug use.

    Some cortical thickness differences were associated with years of drug use, but the researchers also observed differences in the symmetry of DLPFC thickness between control subjects and cocaine addicts that suggested predisposition to drug abuse. "In human and animal studies, differences in the structure of the right and left sides of the brain are important for many behaviors, and when these normal differences in brain structure are altered, there may be a genetic basis for the change. We found an altered right/left relationship in a part of the frontal cortex that was also associated with altered judgment and decision-making in addicts. We further found that the overall brain thickness in the cocaine addicts was more uniform across the brain, which is quite different from what is observed in non-drug users. These differences did not correlate with any drug use measure. Together, this set of findings point to predisposing factors being a potential contributing factor to the addiction," explains Dr. Breiter.

    In total, these observations provide evidence that cortical thickness abnormalities associated with cocaine addiction may be a reflection of both drug use and a preexisting inclination to drug abuse. "A fundamental component of addiction may involve adaptations and/or developmental predispositions involving brain regions necessary for judgment and decision-making regarding complex rewards and attention towards goal-objects. Addiction thus may represent a complex phenotype with multiple effects necessary for compulsive drug use, and the resulting restriction in the range of behaviors they show," concludes Dr. Breiter.
    Often I think it is so amazing that most of us are functioning so damn well! And at the same time I SURE don't want to push my "luck"!



      Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

      thank you for sharing that info very interesting AA
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

        Interesting topic, AA.

        WIP, if the brains of those studied were only studied once they had become established drug can we know to what extent their addiction was caused by a predisposition in itself?

        Star x
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

          Exactly, Star. We don't know! Although it seems somewhat unlikely that a "predisposition" could be measurable in terms of cortical thickness or overall brain volume. It is more likely that these findings are caused by long-term drug/alcohol abuse... small, but long-term (possibly permanent) changes in brain structure (and function). Which makes sense, given what we know very well is the enormous difficulty of returning from drug dependence to "normal" drug-related thinking, behavior, and emotional functioning. Clearly, there are significant and persistent brain changes.




            Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

            Have been thinking some more about this, WIP.

            Like, how so many of us jokingly say that we`ve lost countless brain cells to alcohol abuse........perhaps we`re not so wrong in that assumption after all.........

            I think the truth is.........many of us do wonder about the cumulative effects on the brain of long-term alcohol abuse and whether or not the damage incurred by that abuse is reversible. I also think we`re perhaps afraid to dwell on this`s alarming to think that even if we manage to become sober.........we may not be able to undo the brain damage already sustained.

            I recall RJ posting several months ago on this subject..........(sorry, not being very pc savvy, I can`t do links :H), but perhaps someone else would care to post a link to RJ`s post......perhaps??? far as I can recall, it was posted either on the Holistic or Research board. RJ`s post made interesting reading.........about the damage alcohol inflicts on the brain and a specific supplement (I think????) that has been proven to aide the brain in recovery or perhaps even as a preventative of damage.

            Star x
            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


              Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....


              Am now sitting here wondering about how the use of the word "thick" came about when referring to those not too bright!!!! :H
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                Why Star, someone call you that? In America that mean....grand! (sure it does)


                  Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                  Star, I remember RJ's comments about the brain thing as well. I just don't have time to track it down right now! Hopefully someone will. The field of neuroscience is so interesting -- there is so much we don't know about the brain.


                    Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                    Well, again, most of these studies that we are reading about are very preliminary in nature, generally they include only a few subjects, and the results have usually not been confirmed by other researchers. This is true across the board in the field of the neuroscience of addiction, dementia, and most if not all disorders that are considered "brain-based." If there were any "supplements" that had strong research support showing they prevented or healed brain damage, there would be a huge industry cranking that stuff out and selling it. But again, small studies generate findings that lead scientists to do further research in intriguing directions. This field is incredibly complex and it always turns out that any substance (especially chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters, e.g., serotonin, dopamine) that has an impact on any area of human functioning is strongly interrelated with other substances in various forms of self-regulating feedback loops.... it is never as simple as, for example, trying to boost serotonin to improve mood, the same way we boost insulin to improve the metabolism of blood sugar. It just doesn't work that way (contrary to what the pharmaceutical companies tell us!). The human brain is a lot more complex than that.

                    But remember that the brain CAN change both in structure and function. If we work at changing the way we think about things, the way we pay attention, the way we label our experiences, we can create new pathways and change our brains, which changes our lives. It doesn't involve taking pills. It involves changing our thinking, our behavior, and the way we deal with our emotions. See Sharon Begley's fantastic book: [ame=]Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain[/ame].


                      Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                      Honestly hart!!!! As if anyone would have the audacity to call me "thick" :bonkers: :H

                      WIP, I will check out the book, only I personally have grave misgivings..........I mean, this particular mere mortal is strongly resistant to change!!! (read as old fogey stuck in the mud :H)

                      Star x
                      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                        Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                        Starlight Impress Forever;441217 wrote:

                        I think the truth is.........many of us do wonder about the cumulative effects on the brain of long-term alcohol abuse and whether or not the damage incurred by that abuse is reversible. I also think we`re perhaps afraid to dwell on this`s alarming to think that even if we manage to become sober.........we may not be able to undo the brain damage already sustained.

                        Star x
                        Star, it is precisely that type of thinking that stops many people from even trying to quit drinking. They figure, "why bother, I've already screwed up my body and mind so why stop now..."

                        We have to remember that the brain can respond in amazing (as well as painful) ways. I've know people who have stopped drinking and still developed 'wet brain,' while others continue to drink with no ill effects. My point is that although everyone's body responds differently we tend to generalize and assume that the worst is going to happen to us - and if that isn't an excuse to drink then I don't know what is.
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                          I agree wholeheartedly with you, AA, and can understand the "what`s the point" attitude of so many. Well, I guess the real point is that yes, we may well have done irrevocable damage to our brains through our addiction, but carrying on drinking can only worsen that damage, even if quitting drinking can`t reverse it.

                          In fact, this whole subject matter disturbs me somewhat. There is so little known about the brain. For instance, I will always wonder about the surgical procedure of deep brain stimulation, and why it is that some people (or perhaps it`s dependent upon locale!!!) are considered suitable candidates for such surgery and others are heartlessly "written off". Surely if so little is known about the brain.........the possibilities may well be endless.

                          Star x
                          Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                            Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                            Hi AA,

                            Thanks for sharing this with us, i do think everyones body responds differently, There is a man at my group counselling session he has brain damage that been course by AL but his liver is ok. He had a scan done and the different from one year to the next showed how bad his brain had been damage...they would not let us see the X-ray because it was that bad. the doctors said if he carry on drinking he would die or end up like a vegetable, his been 9months Af now but he comes every week to remind us what damage AL can do.
                            You would think by now i would get it , sh*t i do feel like im the thick one..:upset:

                            Take care

                            family is everything to me


                              Yet Another Reason To Not Drink....

                              i couldnt help my self AA ,i dont no if you all have been in treatment as of late,but beleive it or not what you say is true,this is one of the methods they teach,the brain and the effect from AL and drug addiction,and over the counter meds,the easy way out is treat it with meds,not so,once you put any forun substance in the body it will crave,but for the addict or addictive person it is worse,as ive said in the past we did not ask for this,it was givin to us,handed down thro generations of life, just tht it affects the addict more,it will never go away like cancer,but it is the most treatable,now wouldnt any person have cognitive behaviour problems if they got the GENE,i lerned tht in 30 days,not cause im rich i have a health coverage that allowed me to find out the truth,what we lern on the outside world is minimal,anyone or creature with a normal brain,knows whats wrong or rite, ty AA gyco

