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    I've finally decided to stop sitting on my arse and do something about my life. I've been reading a lot tonight and listening to a lot of podcasts and I'm finally beginning to see sense and embrace my spirituality head on. I've talked a lot about shamanism but this passage spoke volumes to me tonight and I felt compelled to share it.

    by Paul Levy

    The shamanic archetype is one of the major processes that is becoming animated in the collective psyche of our species. We?d have to be truly ?disturbed? if our emotions aren?t disturbed by what is playing out currently in our world. And yet, the darkness is a ?disturber of the peace? in order to (potentially) create a higher-order integration of the psyche and its contents. Just as dreams are the unconscious? way of balancing a one-sidedness in an individual?s psyche, the shamanic archetype is the dynamically evolving pattern of healing that is being constellated in the collective unconscious as a compensatory response to the trauma that is playing itself out on the world stage.
    We are truly a species in trauma. Traumatized, we traumatize each other as we re-traumatize ourselves, collaboratively re-enacting the repetition compulsion of the traumatized soul on the world stage. Seized by something greater than ourselves, we are possessed by our compulsion to re-create our trauma, as we perform a holy liturgy en masse, structuring and ritualizing our experience as a way of potentially transforming it. And just like trauma, where the re-solution is hidden in encoded form in the very pathology, we are collectively re-creating our trauma in the world theater as if we are participating in a sacred mass in the holiest of temples, so as to potentially awaken ourselves. The madness of trauma is its own revelation, and how it manifests depends upon whether or not we recognize what is being revealed to us through what we are compulsively and unconsciously acting out as history.
    Having the shamanic archetype activated in the collective unconscious means that we can re-contextualize our problems, our trauma, and our own madness. It?s been very helpful for me as I continually deepen my own healing to remember that my experience of trauma in myself is simultaneously a microcosmic, personalized fractal reflecting the greater trauma resonating throughout the collective field. This realization allows me to not personalize the moment of feeling the trauma, or concretize myself as being traumatized, but allows me to give myself over to and embrace my experience.
    We all have a part of us that is mad to the extent that we are not fully, totally awake, and who among us can truly claim this degree of enlightenment? Thinking that we are not mad is an expression of our madness. How can we not have a mad part of us, as we are not separate from the world, which has clearly gone mad? The world?s madness is a reflection of our own; we have all collaboratively dreamed up the world?s madness. Instead of pathologizing ourselves because of our madness, which is a mad thing to do, we can embrace and own it but not identify with it nor judge it. In a truly radical act, we can interpret our madness in a way that is sane.
    Recognizing that we are picking up the madness that is in the field which resonates with, is an expression of, and constellates the madness within ourselves, is to step out of personalizing our experience, and step into the point of view of identifying ourselves as would-be shamans. We then can envision ourselves from this more expansive point of view to have, like a shaman, the intention to take into ourselves the madness in the field, which ultimately is our own madness, so as to creatively assimilate it into our wholeness in our own unique manner as a way to help serve the field. Recognizing the part of us that is a natural-born shaman is the very act that calls forth and manifests, as if by magic, the part of us that truly IS a shaman.
    Recognizing that the madness within us is both ours while simultaneously being an expression of the field is to snap out of our self-limiting and self-alienating identity of being separate from the universe. Instead, we can recognize our deep intimacy with the universe, which is to say ourselves. This very recognition allows us to embrace our mad part as an aspect of our vast wholeness, our monstrous totality, thereby snapping us out of the infinite regression and self-generating feedback loop of acting out our madness as an unconscious reaction against looking at our madness. Crazy as it seems, embracing our madness is the very act which helps to actualize and make real our basic sanity. Compassion spontaneously arises as both a cause and effect of this realization.
    We are being invited by the universe to step into our shamanic ?garments? and consciously participate in our own evolution. Instead of our ritual implements being drums and rattles, however, as ?modern-day shamans? our accessories might be something like the keyboard of a computer or the tools of multi-media, as we work to inspire change in the underlying consciousness of the field by a simple keystroke or the creative use of a video camera or website.
    The formless bodhisattvic archetype of shaman/healer is thirsting for instruments to express and actualize itself in embodied form. Recognizing, and assenting, saying ?Yes,? to the deeper shamanic calling that is pulsating through our veins inspires us to breathe life into and incarnate the living figure of the shaman within us. Following our calling with religious devotion, we sacrifice ourselves as we offer ourselves in service to a power greater than ourselves. Co-operating with our deeper shamanic calling constellates the universe to support us in our endeavor, as the universe itself is the sponsor of our calling. Like shamans in training, we are each being called to connect with the spirit which animates our being, a process that can only take place within the psyche, mediated by the human heart and fueled by the power of love.
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


    that was great, Hippie, something to print out. From lurking, I understand you are in some definate 'stuff' and legal issues, as I am too...I really have had many miracles in my life, and this stuff is true, I know that.
    I forget sometimes. I have been needing something like this to read.



      thank you buddy very interesting
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



        GOOD BOOK....BUTTTT what are you really saying HIPPS?????Both of us(Will & I) read this post and who like to understand your question (in a nutshell please).In our modern world their are very few people who we would really call SHAMAN.Shaman practitioner or archetypal shaman describes most in a truer term.How many among us can trace our ancestors back 100s of years to living on the ground that we live on.True SHAMANS live in harmony with the land of their ancestors and have grown up using skills that have been passed down thru the generations.They have deep understanding of their environment,the plants, animals, minerals etc. and put them to use to heal themselves and others.
        I agree that the changing consciousness of our planet is awakening an inner desire in many to get back in touch with the Earth.Those who are open to the coming changes and are willing and able to adjust their life styles accordingly, are those Shaman archetypes that will lead us into the future.A future of getting back to the basics of again becoming the HUMAN BEING and no longer the HUMAN DOING, that our society has made us become...Make sense???
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



          do you think that is going to happen, Evielou? I think our society has been on this course since the industrial rev. Do you know hunter and gatherers lay around a lot? THat farming is thought to have been one of the worst choices humans made. But I like my nice things, you know...



            do i sound crazy or what?



              I not only think that it is gonna happen. I see that it already is....don't worry my sweet Lila, it's a GOOD THING...I miss you.How's the new house???
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                oh, it is lovely, with boxes all over the floor, no curtains on the windows, dryer isn't working, kids are very happy, added a guinea pig to the family!!! very nice neighbors - cargo train goes by about once a day, I love it!



                  Sounds like you found the IDEAL home....If you add an Attic full of BATS, I'm moving in with ya...HA HA
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

