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Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

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    Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

    Finally the day has arrived. Dad arrives tonight. Spent the last 2 weeks prucing up the house so it looks good. Everything is blooming in the garden. The Jacaranda trees are alive with purple and a mass of red, yellow, auburn flowers also all in bloom. The Sunbirds are hovering outside my office window and the yellow weavers are churping away whilst making nests. All signs of a new beginning. Its kind of weird thinking of Dad back in Africa, a lot of life has gone under the bridge since his last trip shortly after my step mother died when I was 21. Its almost the 1st anniversary since by birth mother died of cancer here and in a way it feels good that Dad is coming and will, I'm sure bring a lot of joy with him. It is also quite nervey. It'll be the first time Dad see's how I live for a verrryyyyy looooooong time!

    For the time being my other half and I have burried our differences and joined together to ensure Dad and his wife have a good time. In a way its a blessing in more ways than one. It will give me the time to think things over in a peaceful atmosphere and enjoy a much needed holiday on safari with him and his wife, whos a great lass. I just hope my other half doesn't show me up (which is the norm!).

    Today marks a week of AF, haven't managed to stay off the cigs but I have to take things one step at a time. I am changing my way of thinking, and slowly changing my approach to life, which I have finally realised must happen if my path to AF succeeds and my life changes for the positive. So much to figure out but each day I feel better and think more straight. With God and my guardian angels help I will see the light.

    I'll be a nervous wreak tonight at the airport! Wish me luck.:h
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

    you sound very positive and I hope it all goes well...good luck Elizabeth!


      Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

      Hi Elizabeth
      The description of your garden left me wanting more!
      It sounds just beautiful - I do love jacaranda trees.
      Well its a big thing your dad arriving soon I can feel
      your excitement and also your wish to have everything
      just so. I'm sure that He will be very proud of you and
      the life that you have made. Enjoy yourself showing Him
      around you may just get something that you need as you
      spend sometime together.
      Wishing you happiness


        Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years


        I am so excited for you. This sounds like a wonderful time in your life!! You will have some calm and peace, some time with your father and time to reflect about what you want to do with the rest of your life.

        I am sure God and your Guardian Angels will help you stay strong and give you the chance to just relax and enjoy this time.

        It does sound so beautiful. We have Jacaranda trees in Tampa, FL. Whenever I go there, I am always amazed at how beautiful they are.

        Yes, a new life and new beginnings.

        Enjoy and sending you wishes for an absolutely perfect visit with you father.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

          hi elizabeth,sounds like your getting stronger,and sound very positive,you will succeed my dear,i hope you have a enjoyable visit with your father and wife,hang tuff gyco


            Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

            Good luck and awesome job on the week of AF! Keep the faith!
            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

              heres a good saying ..
              if you come to see the house ..make an appointment ..
              if you come to see me ..come anytime..
              have a great time with your dad .. eliza
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years


                I hope your visit is magical!

                Love, Best
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Dad arrives today - his first trip to East Africa in 25 odd years

                  Elizabeth, I remember your first post .......... our struggling bush baby!!!

                  I am so proud of you ......... enjoy your time with your dad!!!

                  BB xx

