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    Am at end of my f***ing tether here...........what good are smoking cessation groups??..........I wish they`d just lock me up in a smoking rehab on the NHS.........THAT is what I need to quit this stuff that`s killing me. But of course, the NHS don`t have such rehabs here.........well, they would have the necessary funding if they stopped throwing good money after bad.........the free scripts docs write for NRT here are costing millions as are those smoking cessation groups and NRT and those groups have little success here if we consider the number of people who try and fail to quit smoking by those means.

    I need smoking rehab..........f*** all else is going to work...........I may well have managed to quit drinking, but..........I am a far cry from being in control of my life.........nicotine calls the shots here and I dance to its tune........every time. :upset:

    So, this afternoon, I have here one irate teenager, as I have broken yet another "solemn promise" to quit TODAY. Add to that the fact that I have just had an emergency appointment with my GP..........turns out I have phlebitis in a vein in my leg, and it`s painful, `cos it`s infected........lovely!!!!! Doc gave me antibiotics and said if the leg isn`t on the mend in 3 days........I`ll have to have antibiotics administered intravenously.......lovelier!!!!

    So, am currently on the receiving end of the wrath of one very disgruntled teen and as if that`s not enough..........I have one "gommy" leg, yet still I sit here puffing away like Fag Ash Lil.

    What is it going to take to make me see sense???!!!! I am well aware of all the stats that prove that smoking kills, but that knowledge isn`t power in this instance. Nicotine is my Master and I am his lowly slave.

    I really do wish they`d just throw me in a smoking rehab. I can`t win the smoking battle, `cos where nicotine is concerned...........I have zero willpower to even fight the battle, let alone win it. Am sad.........where fags are concerned.........I am all talk and no action. :upset: :upset: :upset:

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


    Hi Star,

    I feel for ya! It's hard for someone that has never smoked to understand nicotine addiction--but it truly sucks!! I started quitting in February and I hate to say it out loud, but I think I'm finally on the downhill side. (As long as I stay away from the beer and ciggie smoking friends.) I wasn't a full-time smoker. Started out as a social smoker, but it progressed to the point where I was drinking almost every night, just so I could smoke!!
    I watched my mom's health deteriorate largely due to smoking. (You know, it wasn't bad for you back in the 40's and 50's) She had a stroke, emphysema so she had to drag an O2 tank around everywhere she went, and finally cancer in her lungs and brain. They didn't know I smoked--what a hypocrite! But I continued the stinking habit for 3 1/2 years after my parents passed away! (Yeah, dad was a smoker too, died from prostate cancer)
    Anyway, my point is, it's not the horror stories or all the reasons why we should quit that helped me. If you haven't--read Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking." It's not a cold turkey method and it really helped me. I also joined "Quitnet" a site similar to MWO. I used some hypnotherapy/positive affirmation/subliminal cds also. I had to stay away from smokers. I still crave when I'm around others drinking/smoking. Best to avoid them still.
    So, there is hope. It is frustrating as hell, especially when our loved ones can't figure out why we would be so dependent on a stinking rotten cancer stick!
    Keep trying! Allen Carr doesn't believe in NRT--nicotine is nicotine--we need to get it out of our system! And take care of that leg!!:l
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



      I smoke too. I quit for 2 months awhile ago, using quitnet..(That's sooo funny LVT mentioned it.) I don't have any advice, just wanted to let you know you're not alone.



        Star - I'm right there. Last night I was so disgusted with cigs I wanted to scream. I haven't tried quitting yet though. I know there are a few on here who may be ready to give it a go. Do you think a group quit here could help at all? The thought terrifies me, but it has to be done.

        And p.s. every mom I know with a teenager is feeling VERY, um, CHALLENGED right now. Good luck with that :H ! I'm amazed my own mom survived my 13-17 years. NOT PRETTY. If not the cigs, could well have been something else, no? Deep breaths girl!

        As for the leg - just plain ARGH.

        These clouds WILL pass....... sooner rather than later I hope.
        We KNOW you're already on to better days

        love ww xox




          I've never smoked, that's the sole bad habit I never acquired But many people I luv/luved have smoked, my mother and uncle died of cancer, my best friend cousin has tried repeatedly to stop smoking, to no avail, it's a devil!

          If I could I'd lock u in a room, feed u, let you go to the bathroom (see aren't I nice) for a week until it was all out of your system, I would.

          I too was a teenager from hell, so I do have sympathy, there. And nothing worse than a teenager with a cause!

          I don't really have any answers, hon. But I'm on your side.:l



            Hi Star,

            I'm not a smoker, but my sister smokes like a chain smoker and try and try to give up, but no luck.
            I hope your leg does get better soon. I think if you put a warm or heat pad on the leg should easy the pain.

            Take care of yourself.:l

            family is everything to me


              I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

              It's just the hardest thing to give up!
              Don't be hard on yourself this too will take time
              I tried numerous times and finally gave up using
              the nicotine inhaler, though, I used that for longer
              than you are supposed to as well. So I gave up for
              3 years and now I've started to have the odd sneaky
              one....not good. I'm glad you posted this..a good reminder
              for me! It can be done Star but it may take time or you
              may have to try different methods. Hang in there..just
              like the Al problem it may take awhile to find a way
              through this. :lPan


                I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!


                You have had such huge success with quitting drinking. Is there anything about that process you can apply to quitting smoking? Have you tried the patches or the nicotine gum? I smoked but never got hooked (wish that happened with wine!) but I do feel your pain.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                  Hi Star

                  Quitting smoking is very hard to do so congrats for continuing to work at it.

                  Have you thought about group hypnotherapy for smoking? I heard it's sometimes succesful.


                    I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                    My heart just aches for you, Star......I know you have been trying to quit smoking for a long time....

                    I wish I could come to Scotland and spend a week with the end of the week, either you would be Nicotine Free, or I would be

                    All I can do is tell you what worked for me. I decided to quit smoking, start exercising (running), and change the way I was eating....all on the same day. I smoked my last cigarette the night before, then threw out all cigarettes, lighters, ash trays, etc....

                    The next morning I got up and went for a 30 min walk/run.....( I couldn't run more than 5 minutes back then)....then I started eating good things....fresh fruit, veggies, cut way down on the caffeine....

                    I just tried to do things different the first few days.....kinda change the routine. When I had a craving I would go for a walk....or take a shower....anything to occupy the time until the craving eased up. You could do the same thing.......

                    I think you have to attack it the same way as when we quit have to be stubborn ( I'm pretty sure you can do that...:l) have to make it the most important thing in your life for a few days......

                    I know you, and I know that once you get past the first 3-5 days, you won't ever want to go back there....and it only takes 3-4 days to get the nicotine out of your system....

                    I'll help you......I'll spend all day and night in chat with you to keep you busy.....

                    You can do it, just have to get your head wrapped around it.....

                    Don :h


                      I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                      Oh good luck guys. Thankfully I don't have that demon. I think Chief has a good idea. Keep busy, try the exercise thing if you can. Also, I heard if you put an entire contents of an ashtray in a plastic baggie and carry it with you and every time you get an urge SMELL the bag. It becomes a pewtrid smell after a while and pretty soon, you will hate the smell. Just a suggestion.

                      Hang in there, on a positive note, AWESOME JOB ON AF!!!!!! That's a tough one for most of us here! You are a winner and you can do this. Just some things takes more time than others.

                      Best of luck to you Star.

                      :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                      AF since 10/11/2008


                        I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                        I think Don should keep his whistle and clipboard out and coach us through a quit
                        You helped us both kick AL to the curb Don.
                        Think you can handle it ?

                        ww xox


                          I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                          I'll certainly give it my best shot!!!


                            I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                            Hi Star. I know from experience how hard it can be to quit smoking. Have you read Allen Carr's book? It worked for me, although I had to read it at least 6 times before the light dawned! I really do think it is all in the mind, as Carr says and you have to believe that you never actually enjoyed ciggies (the pleasure is just an illusion)! I smoked 30 or more a day for 33 years and have now stopped for 2 years and 7 months! I never thought I could stop. Now need to apply same thing to AL! All the very best to you.


                              I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                              Leolady, thanks for the inspirational post.

