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    I bought the Allen Carr book and intended to read it but have not done so; I'm going to pick it up tnt and start. I am on Day 3/no cigs (I guess I can't really say NF because I have a patch attached). I'm out of patches after tdy so maybe I won't buy more and just go fully NF? I DO feel they help so maybe not such a good idea? Thoughts anyone?
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu




      You and everyone else here who is trying to quit have my admiration! I am a 20 a day gal and just the thought of quitting has me double clutching my twaks.

      Hang in there!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



        It`s comforting to read all your words of support and I am inspired to read of members who have given up smoking after many, many years. I am a 20-a-day girl and have been these past 25, going on 26 yrs.......shocking, but true. I began smoking at 18........thought it looked ever so cool you see.........I mean........I was never going to become hooked.........

        I never gave any thought to quitting smoking until after I became sober.......I always knew that smoking was just yet another way of pressing the self-destruct button, but like millions of other smokers all over the world........I was in denial and stupidly, yet conveniently chose not to think about the perils of smoking. I think I`m still smoking because I feel somehow that I "have" volition required.......WTF???!!!

        I`ve posted before about my efforts and semi-commitments to quitting and indeed, I`ve even buddied up with other members in the past, hoping that having mutual support would be the key to success, only........a support group here didn`t work for me, simply because I have only ever made a SEMI commitment, in that I felt I truly wanted to quit, yet the thought of being without fags fills me with terror. I know I`ll never become a non-smoker until such times as I can appreciate that I am gaining by not smoking, whereas I always think of it as being a form of deprivation.........f***ed up thinking, for sure.

        Another aspect of quitting to which I have given much though is.........I think for me personally, it would perhaps have been better had I quit the booze and fags simultaneously........perhaps the sufferings of withdrawal wouldn`t have been quite so intense as it would have been almost impossible to differentiate between the withdrawal symptoms of fags and drink.........I really can`t know for sure, but I do now wish I`d tackled both at the same time. I often joke with others in chat about becoming a "nil by mouth"`s much like taking all the instantaneous pleasures away from myself.........first I quit drinking, then I embarked on a low fat, low sugar healthy eating plan.........last but not least to go must be the fags, but silly as it may sound..........I wonder how on earth I`ll ever get that instantaneous pleasure ever again........the pleasure of sticking anything in my mouth that is naughty but nice. NO JOKES PLEASE!!!! :H
        Smoking really is such a huge part of my life..........absolutely ridiculous, but my truth nonetheless.

        Anyway, to date I have tried Alan Carr`s book........didn`t work for me, and I sent the book on to another member here.......doesn`t seem to have worked for them either. I have great respect for Alan Carr........I know he`s helped millions, but not me. I found him condescending.........believe me.........there are more than enough men in my past who had the nerve to speak to me as if I were a 5 yr. old !!! :H (No worries older and wiser now!!!)

        Have also tried some NRT products which I didn`t feel lessened the cravings any, although I haven`t yet tried the gum which I have here, far as I`ve read.......almost 40% of smokers who quit thanks to the gum become hooked on the bloody stuff, so no........I`ve decided that NRT is not for me.......when(???) I`s cold turkey for me, I think. My main concern about the gum is that I very much need to recover the money I`m wasting on fags.........I can get free scripts for the gum for 12 wks. here on NHS, but after that, if hooked on the gum........I`d have to buy my own "supply" (lol) and so would not have gained financially from quitting.

        So, the bottom line is........I`m happy to note that my thread has inspired the camaraderie in some of you to pull ranks to form a quit group, and thanks to those also who offer support to such a group.........much similar to alcoholics.......smokers really do need all the support they can get to quit.

        So, how many are joining this group and what we gonna call it ?........I was going to suggest "STAR`S STUB-IT -OUT CAMPAIGN", only..........that would be a tad presumptious!!!! :H Seriously, I don`t care what we call it just as long as we succeed..........we must........we are going to die of smoke-related illnesses point kidding ourselves.........let`s eradicate this poison from our lives!!!

        Me? sitting here wondering about my`s no better yet.......have to report back to doc tomorrow before the surgery closes for the weekend, sitting waiting to see if they`re going to admit me tomorrow for stronger IV upset........I don`t do hospitals, save for visiting others. :upset: We`d all better get used to the idea of being hospitalized though, `cos if we don`t quit smoking........we`ll sure to be spending a lot of time in them in the future, possibly even our final hours........hooked up to oxygen.......minus a limb or two............

        Time to get our act together.........FOR REAL.

        So, c`mon.........join the group........commit to your own chosen quit date and let us know which method you plan to employ.

        Love and strength to all,

        Star xxx
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.



          Date chosen! Feb the first!

          I know it sounds like such a long time away but I have only recently had "thoughts" about giving up, so I want to get my head around it and be 100% commited to the idea.

          I also know that the festive season will be trying so I'd rather quit in the new year and NO I won't make it a typical New Years Resolution and quit on the first of Jan only to start on the 15th!!

          My hubby will be keen to join me as he has quit a couple of times before but always started again when we have a bender or because I am still smoking. So now that I have addressed the AL issue and there hasn't been a bender since May, he'll be delighted to join me.

          So Feb the first for me.... I'm in!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



            Star, sorry to hear about your leg still playing up .... hospitals do suck!!
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

              Thanks, DeeBee and I think your Feb. 1st is a great idea........shows how much you want success.

              As for the rest of you!!!! :H C`mon.........commit to a quit date right here and now!!!! :H

              Star x

              Notice that I ain`t posted my own proposed date yet??
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                Hi Star, I am sorry you are struggling with your leg and your smoking habit. I am right with you on the nicotine. I have managed to stop smoking but I now have a 20 a day gum habit to replace it :-) You are so right, I have swapped one addiction for another. I have been chewing the gum for about 15-20 years now with the odd period of abstinence and the odd lapse back into smoking ((( still, I do feel a lot better for not smoking though....
                You seem to have every reason to quit now, so with any luck that will pull you through. Good luck Star and all those who are joining.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                  Hi there Star..
                  Actually this is a great thread because I think that getting sober is about choosing life and choosing happiness. I cannot see how putting toxins into your body is a part of this choice.. so while it seems hard (from what you write) this seems to be part of a new decision of how you want your life to be.

                  that is exciting isnt it? Choosing life and choosing happiness. Only way to go, i reckon. I guess you have to work out your strategy as to how you are going to quit, just like you did with the drink and get to it.

                  Brigid (not much help, I fear, but good luck)


                    I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                    Everyone who is diagnosed with lung cancer quits. If they can do it , you can do it. My mother did it, 18 months before she died.
                    "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
                    will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
                    This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
                    love and heal this part of self."


                      I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

            're doing OK and that's good enough some days, know what I mean? Smoking will eventually kill you, just like drinking will, and its all tied up in our addictive personalities (Yeah! Let's hear it!! Yeah! Thanks Mom and Dad!!), but it won't change overnight and if you keep beating yourself over the head because you slipped back ... well that's just one more excuse. Nice things about lungs is that they do heal themselves so you don't actually have to go cold turkey tomorrow. February is just fine and if you slip a bit that's cool but you keep working at it and gradually it gets better. Wish livers were as forgiving as lungs were! LOL!!

                      So with your friends...take a hit every once in a while if that's what you need...know what I mean? Be cool...........................................

                      The Harlequin -- Good for a Laugh!


                        I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                        Chrysa, I am sorry about your mother. I thank you for your post. It`s only relatively recently that I`ve acknowledged just how dangerous smoking is........I know I must quit and I shall.

                        Star x
                        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                          I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                          Ok. I quit smoking 18 years ago. Have done really well with that. Funny, I used self hypnosis. Tried many things and had several attempts before I found the thing that worked. So, keep trying. YOu will find the thing(s) that work. I keep thinking that with alcohol


                            I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                            Please please do darlin'. I know you will. Please don't wait for a medical crisis. Try everything. My hub did it with smokenders. Long time ago. here msyt be new ways. It is a true chemical addiction. What do the very rich, the hollywood stars, the powerful do? There you will find the technical. medical answer
                            "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
                            will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
                            This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
                            love and heal this part of self."


                              I WISH THEY WOULD F***ING LOCK ME UP!!!

                              Star you are a sweet person.. always.. Glad you started this .. about smoking!!! I only smoked when i drank 'before' and now its a FULL-TIME habit. Do not feel alone about it .. as you can see many of us still smoke.

                              Love Ripps. :l

