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we must fight to win

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    we must fight to win

    You know? I think all Det was trying to say was that this fight is a fight for our lives.

    All this other crap is for another forum.

    This fight. The one I am in, is a fight for my life. I have used this verbage many times. This is a fight for OUR LIVES, people. Period.

    Det got that right.

    All the other stuff is fluff for another forum. Period.

    I am upset and it takes alot for me to get upset. There was no reason to take this to another level. I agree, the PC stuff just gets in the way of REAL communication.

    Sorry. I know. I am not supposed to post and take a stand and keep things going but..

    Det was just trying to say in a very poingant way -- albeit from a 1300-1400 era that -- THIS IS A FIGHT FOR OUR LIFE.

    Please do not let this thread devolve into something else.

    AF April 9, 2016


      we must fight to win

      Thanks Det, great thread, very inspiring to me. Love fables & mythology

      Mack - well said you've got a point. Got me thinking tho... surely we're all as powerful as the way in which we USE the power we have, not what society tells us

      WIP - so glad you gave us your analysis, you're so sharp! I needed to hear this, it's what i've been avoiding, the uncomfortable bits...

      A Work in Progress;442347 wrote: ..... Learning to tolerate discomfort is one of the most difficult and valuable lessons of sobriety, and it is a mark of emotional maturity.

      thanks all for being here & keeping it real, Luvya



        we must fight to win

        If thats what you want WIP...I thought this would turn into a good.. friendly..((None rowing i might add )) conversation...

        You said what you think... and so did i...We will leave it..I hope we're still ok..
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          we must fight to win

          Absolutely OK, Mack! You're a great guy, and we're coming from different perspectives, which is no big deal at all. Probably if we sat down together and talked it over, we'd end up agreeing. But as Cindi pointed out, this is not the place for that... there would be no end of misunderstanding, I'm afraid!


            we must fight to win

            You and cinders are right...Its not the right place...I gotta lighten up..
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              we must fight to win

              This always has to be the right place, the right thread, that's the point i hope???
              If a thread pushes some people's buttons & they speak out then so be it
              Ok, maybe it's disappointing if a thread starts one way & goes another but...can we use our acceptance & understanding & just trust in it?
              I think this is one of the most valuable attributes here, that we all have a voice, are heard
              OK, if someone's response was completely inappropriate or out of order then i'm sure a natural self-correcting mechanism would gently jick-in
              But please, let's be allowed to express what the threads mean to US
              in safety
              & let's learn to enjoy the debate - i love a feisty exchange!
              Just keep it respectful & all should be well
              Thanks all for this - think i needed to vent, i have issues around anger & being afraid of upsetting other people (always the "pleaser") This site is a real education for me


                we must fight to win

                Just want to say thanks Det for jogging all of us about the seriousness of what our recovery means. I think IAD said it all with his visual. We do joke a lot about how ridiculous we all were as drunks - our "secret" hiding places, our disguised water bottles. I'm sure we all thought we were the life of the party on a never-ending party circuit. The truth is that we were pathetic drunks who let a liquid poison do its damage. Thanks for taking the time to post this.



                  we must fight to win

                  Hi Det
                  Great post
                  Cinders you are right on with this and having this attitude .This is the only way I have been able to be successful this time.In the past I didn't give it the importance required. Yes it is life or death.I am in this fight as if someone is trying to kill me.My mind and heart will not give up or give in.
                  We do have our fun here but when the day is done did you drink.Did you let your guard down and allow the killer to win and take you prisoner

                  Stay Strong and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08


                    we must fight to win

                    Yes, it is indeed the fight of our lives. Before I quit drinking almost 6 months ago, I told my husband that I had to get it right this time because if I didn't I would die. A sobering thought.
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!

