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Why ?

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    Why ?

    Why do you suppose we choose to drink? I mean besides normal triggers. I did 30 days AF in May and feel off the wagon little by little. I joined AA about 2 months ago and have gone about 3 weeks AF. Sat I over drank, Monday and last night. Sat we were out with friends so I understand my slip. Monday and last night ????? My therapist has me use HALT......Never be to Hungry...Angry....Lonely....or Tired. I don't think I was any of those, I just felt like a drink. Problem is it's never A drink. Any advise for those situations ? Thanks

    Why ?

    I think if any of us knew the answer we wouldnt be here...
    Kat my dear are not alone!


      Why ?

      Kat, My husband always just want to know "Why". I never could explain it! I still can't. I just know that there is no such thing as one drink or a few for me. It was all or nothing. So... I choose nothing. It's just the best thing I can do for me and those I love. If you find the answer, please let me know.

      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        Why ?

        After a 4 day binge, the only question i keep asking myself is why? When i find the answer ill be on my way to recovery.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Why ?

          Thanks guys, Its comforting to know I'm not alone.


            Why ?

            I am with Best.

            It doesn't matter what the reason or why.

            Hubby reminded me today of stuff I did 30 years ago.

            Okay. I have kidded myself that I was a hardcore alcoholic after my gastric bypass. Yes, that is true. However, I was an alcoholic before that. I was the "one" everyone sent the drinks to on the table.

            I was the "one" everyone relied on to get "sh@t faced" drunk.

            I am the one everyone relied on to get the stuff done, too.

            Damn. I am the drunk who can do it all. SHIT!!!

            I hate that.

            I am the one who can do stuff no one else can do. Ummmm.


            They try but they can't.

            I am TIRED of being the "go to girl." TIRED OF IT.

            I am just a person like everyone else here. I work hard, I do what I must for my client, ( okay more than what I must ) and I sleep.

            That is me.
            AF April 9, 2016

