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Me again

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    Me again

    Hi guys,

    I am really embarassed about my last post. I don't know very many of you, but I care what you think. I am not some little drug doing slut. (just to clarify)

    I am going through a rough time, made worse by my drinking. I know that, and I need to fix it.


    Me again

    Oh, CK, I didn't think that at all - I didn't respond because honestly...I tend to stay at home and drink. I am glad you are here and welcome! I very much doubt anyone here thougth that! I am hanging around the Mod Squad thread lately for encouragement, if you want to join...we are all here for you!



      Me again

      I usually stay at home too, and I guess we know why!

      I cannot moderate. I have to abstain. It's too much


        Me again


        First of all, I love your avatar! But more importantly, I am sorry for your pain. I most definately understand making stupid and embarrassing decision after cocktails. I should say drunk but I don't like that word.

        Anyway, I am sure we can all relate in one way or another. The future is a blank slate. Live a good life with good decisions to write a great futrue. Don't look back. Just make the future the best you can.


          Me again

          thanks! I actually look like that now! Lounging in bed, but with french fries and my laptop.

          Youre right about not looking back. I have to move on. This really has scared the shit out of me.

          Thanks for being here for me


            Me again

            ok, french fries are bad enough! Make sure to keep the alcohol away!


              Me again

              We are just worried about you CKE and glad that last night did not turn out more serious. Lord knows I have done my share of dangerous things when drinking and thinking it was "all in good fun", for which I am grateful to be alive.

              You take care of yourself.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Me again

                I will, I really didn't want to be the charity case of the evening, although I appreciate your words of encouragement. I need to hear the dangers of this shit.

                French fries are awesome, I would rather be 200lbs than be drunk ever again!


                  Me again

                  cke, just catching up on your posts, how scary for you! But please don't think of yourself as a "charity case", as it helps all of us in our recovery to be able to reach out a helping hand. It warms my heart to read the supportive posts from everyone here and I feel so grateful to be part of this awesome community.
                  I hope you do take the advise given here and most importantly do not put yourself in this type of situation again. Learn from it and grow.:l
                  You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                    Me again

                    I think that came out wrong...I didnt mean charity case....I I didnt want anyone to feel sorry for me..if that makes sense


                      Me again

                      i posted on your other thread
                      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                        Me again

                        oh, no worries, I know you didn't mean it that way... Just want you to know that we all just want to help, holler whenever needed
                        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                          Me again

                          Hi there...

                          I somewhat know what you feel, though not the exact experience, but I am sure we all have had an experience that has scared the piss out of us, and we thought to ourselves......OH SHIT! I had an experience like that this week and I haven't dank since. I have thought of it, but I thought about what I felt from that thanks.

                          Even tonight, I had an extremely family stressful stiuation, I didn't think about drinking until I saw empties.....and then went to go run and errand, and my husband said, no stopping at the beer store....he knows me...turn to beer during stress.....

                          When your body tells you you want that drink, don't take it.....think about how you felt today, think about how you feel in the morning after a night of being shitfaced and feel like barfing at every smell........remember those feelings and that will help you through.....

                          We don't need are strong and we can do this!
                          AF July 6 2014

